Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How Much CASH Is The MORmON PRophet Of Fraud Thomas S. Monson & His Gang Of Thugs & Goons Raking In On Just Garments & Temple Clothing Sales Annually?

I was searching the web today and came across some ex-Mormons having a discussion about this post. They lamented the fact that I didn't include the links to Brigham Young admitting that he hadn't EVER paid his tithing and to future PRophet John Taylor(an ASSpostHOLE at that time) being on the non-tithe payer list.

Well, over the last 4 years, I've been pretty well known for always including the detailed links and proof to everything I post from MORmON history and doctrines and I dropped the ball on those 2 items...sorry about that guys...I must have been tired!!

When I wrote it, I knew it was true because I'd just read it in my research; but you guys don't know that and probably haven't read or heard about it and I have now provided the links above and below, so that everyone can easily verify it and know that both statements are indeed 100% true and factual.

Hopefully this will help fuel the conversation, as these are 2 pretty big and important pieces of information, which again proves how dramatically things have changed in MORmONISM(and with their "GOD") over the years. I encourage everyone reading this to spread it around to as many places as possible.

TBMs and MORmON apologists will of course vehemently deny that any of this ever happened and they'll call me a liar or worse...even though they mentioned and quoted the very book(directly from BYU's website)by E. Jay Bell(regarding something else I'll be exposing soon) that I quoted Brigham Young from, regarding not paying his tithing. I was researching something else and just happened to come upon that suprising statement...so THANK YOU BYU...LOL!!

Besides that, it was said in the MORmON's general conference in 1875...which I haven't found access to yet...but that makes it OFFICIAL!! I have access to records that go back to the 1880 General Conference until now...but not before 1880.

Thanks again guys for pointing this out and feel free to leave a comment or drop me an Email in the future, if I haven't included something in a post that I should have or if you have any questions.

I think the last time I bought a pair of secret & scared "MAGIC" Mormon garments/underwear, around 4-5 years ago; they were around $12 a pair, as the cost had just gone up. Maybe it was the cost of the type I bought, as I remember they had different prices for different types. I remember when they were around $7.00 a pair but of course that wasn't enough for the money hungry cult leaders/Jesus, who want every cent they can get their grubby hands on!!

If anyone has bought them lately and has a more accurate price range, or can access the LDS website that has all of the different prices; please share the info, so that I can be more accurate. It's too bad that Ebay won't let us sell them, as it would be a fun hobby and we could make a good living...selling Mormon magic underwear on Ebay...LOL!!

I'm guessing with the Salt Lake City, multi-billion dollar mall/downtown construction projects...the cost of garments will be going waaaay up, as someone has to pay for "Jesus'" shiny new malls(big and spacious buildings), right? I'm sure that "Jesus" will be having a very special meeting with Tommy Boy, in the Holy of Holies, regarding the much needed increase of the cost of Jesus' Magic underwear...LOL!!

In any case, if they are say $12 a pair and you have around 3 million active, temple going Saints(could be more or less), that buy say 10 pair a year...that would add up to 360 million dollars a year, minus their cost to make each pair which is what...50 cents or a dollar at most? They pay their workers minimum wage, so it could even be even less than that.

So, in my opinion, I would guess an accurate number would be somewhere between $200-400 million, based on the actual number of active temple goers, the actual cost per pair they buy & how many pair they buy per year. Could even be more than $400 million, which wouldn't surprise me at all...I just know it's in the hundreds of millions, even low-balling it in all of the categories that I just mentioned above.

That's why they want you to buy your garments from them exclusively and why you aren't allowed to make your own garments.(and make sure your cut out and burn the little Masonic marks in them when they wear out, so that you can use them to dust the furniture or wipe your car down, etc...LOL!) Amazing how much power those marks have eh...when there...garments are fully functional...when they're gone...garments are just rags and have lost all of their "MAGIC POWER"...LOL!!

God I was a brainwashed dumb ass to believe all of that bullshit and so is anyone else that does!!

Oh and let's not forget the "money changers" in the back of the temple(ching, ching) that are RENTING the temple clothes for a ridiculous price(what they call "a small cleaning fee"), considering what it actually costs them to wash all the clothes, at the end of the day, in one massive load, in Jesus' sacred and blessed washing machines. I'm sure the washer and dryer were included in the dedicatory prayer, right?("Protect ALL from any devastating influence, destruction, or defacement.")

Hey didn't "Jesus" kick the money changers out of the temple...oops!! THEY'RE BACK...time to return bad-ass "Jesus" and kick them out again...LOL!! I guess now he loves money changers...but we have to also add the daily rental money to the above mentioned profits. I'm sure they make tens of millions on the rental charges, mostly from Utah and all of the brainwashed cultists that reside there.

Even when I was a TBM, I was VERY uncomfortable(as were many of my family members and friends) with a cash register ringing up my temple clothes and costume rental costs and I often wondered how that made sense, knowing what "Jesus" thought of the money changers.

Funny how the cash register bothered me so much, but the death penalties and pantomiming my death(along with and beside my family and friends) by slitting my throat and chest and disemboweling myself, if I ever revealed "THE SECRETS" of the temple; was just fine...man, was I brainwashed!!

I was bothered and disturbed by the DEATH PENALTIES when I first did them(not knowing ANYTHING about them beforehand), but then moved quickly into acceptance, because after all...it was divine revelation while I was in "The Lord's House", that I should be murdered that way, directly from "Jesus" himself, through Joseph Smith and it was the "one and only true church."

In fact, I would deserve it(DEATH) I thought, if I did indeed reveal those SECRET/SACRED things to anyone else, which I promised I'd never do, with the fear and penalty of DEATH.

On top of the garments, let's also not forget the absurd cost of buying the temple ceremony clothes that you play dress up with and also the actual temple dresses and clothes that you wear under the dress-up clothes. It's Halloween baby, every day a MORmON temple is open.

I'd be surprised if the whole garment/temple clothing market of The Corporation Of The President didn't easily top a billion dollars annually! It's funny(in a pathetic way of course) that just that part of the corporation alone, could be its own successful, independent corporation in the real world.

In fact, in some of the poorest countries in the world, like in Africa; they don't even offer clothing rental and those poor people have to BUY their damn temple clothes. Couldn't they just let them use them FOR FUCKING FREE?!!


"They wouldn't appreciate it as much if they were able to use them for free and didn't have to work for it" is what they would say. Yeah, like the MORmON Hierarchy works for all of the money that rolls in, based on fears and threats of eternal separation from everyone they've ever loved?!!

First you have to pay your damn 10% just to get to "Jesus'" temple, then they nickle and dime you once you're worthy(garments) and then shamelessly once again when you get to the temple. It's a threefold hammer...WHAT A RACKET!!

When my Grandma died a few years ago, we went to the official church clothing store to buy her temple dress for her to be buried in(I was still a TBM at that time). They said they could have given her a discount if she was still alive, but since she was now dead...they'd have to charge us full price for the dress!!(It didn't even occur to the lady how offensive that statement was and just came out naturally, like most MORmON BS that they spew)

I believe the regular price was like $75 & they said that they could have sold us the dress for around $45 or something like that if she was still alive and that that was their official policy.

In other words...WE SHOULD HAVE FUCKING LIED!! Once again, the MORmON cult teaches you that lying is the best policy, just like they've done since 1820 until today.

I explained that she WAS DEAD and shouldn't have to pay more in her death, than when she was alive and that it was an absurd and unfair policy!! I asked "if we'd come in to buy the dress when she was on her death bed...would we have gotten the lower price" and her answer was "yes." I was even more furious at that point and I even told her I should have lied then", which she didn't appreciate!!

Then I told her that it was "outrageous that they were going to stick it to my Grandma like that when she was dead, just because of the fact that she was now dead!" I asked "why would you have such an obscene policy like that" and that "it didn't make any sense?" I then asked "is it because you now know you won't make any more money off of her?" I was PISSED!!

I was then, at the point, starting to seriously raise my voice and start to make the lady uncomfortable and cause somewhat of a scene in the otherwise "reverent" clothing store of the MORmON "Jesus."(again I was still TBM, but also very emotional and upset after losing my Grandma and I couldn't believe that "the one TRUE church" was doing this to my Grandma after her death and essentially punishing us for her death.) Where was the love and compassion?!!

It was more about the principle at this point, than the damn $30...kind of like when Bednar said "it was never about the earrings." The difference is that I'm telling THE TRUTH, Bednar was LYING!!

I said things like "I can't believe you're doing this to my Grandma", "are you kidding me", "you should be ashamed of yourself", "this is absurd", etc. She then told me to "please clam down" and relented and said that "even though she wasn't supposed to and could get in big trouble, that she'd go ahead and give it to me for the lower price." Of course she also asked me "to please not tell anybody." I was so FURIOUS and couldn't believe what I'd just experienced and I was having flash backs to the BS that I'd put up with on my mission.

Anyway, the bottom line is that this Mormon cult will admit to gladly PUNISHING and PENALIZING you and your family, EVEN AFTER YOUR DEAD, while trying to squeeze your loved ones for more cash and every last cent they can get. They are cold and heartless!! There is no depth that they will not sink to, in order to make a buck off of you(even after you're DEAD) and like the douche bag
Lynn G. Robbins said a few years ago in General Conference:

No bishop, no missionary should ever hesitate or lack the faith to teach the law of tithing TO THE POOR. The sentiment of “They can’t afford to” needs to be replaced with “THEY CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO.”

One of the FIRST THINGS a bishop must do to HELP THE NEEDY is ask them to PAY THEIR TITHING. Like the widow, IF A DESTITUTE FAMILY IS FACED WITH THE DECISION OF PAYING THEIR TITHING OR EATING, THEY SHOULD PAY THEIR TITHING. The bishop can help them with their food and other basic needs until they become self-reliant.
(Lynn G. Robbins, “Tithing—a Commandment Even for the Destitute,” Ensign, May 2005, 34)

Lynn G. Robbins, proudly and literally taking food out of children's mouths for "God."

I want EVERYONE to notice(and I'm pretty sure I'm the FIRST person to point this out) is that in the Ensign and on LDS.org, they've added "and other basic needs until they become self-reliant", after he said "the Bishop can help them with their food."

What's amazing to me, is that Lynn G. Robbins was already lying and then I guess Hinckley added another lie to that lie, by knowingly and falsely stating "and other basic needs until they become self-reliant." I guess they felt it was too harsh. But, you've heard the audio and read the "transcript" and you now know THE TRUTH!!

That statement alone by the asshole Lynn G. Robbins, should be enough for any decent human being to leave the church instantly and realize that it's a cult. Who would ask such a thing? When they are literally asking you to give your money to them(without ANY accountability whatsoever as to where it went) and to then literally STARVE your family, including babies, small children, etc...it's A DAMN CULT!!

What type of animal or beast would ask you to do this(it follows their teaching of always putting the church first and your family second)...as they then hypocritically use your money to build $500 million temples that are open "by appointment only", spend over $600 million dollars to bail out the "Jesus/MORmON" owned Beneficial Life, as they fly around the world in private jets, while eating the finest cuisine and being chauffeured around in luxury cars and building multi-billion dollar malls in Salt Lake and a $30 million luxury resort In Laie, Hawaii, etc, etc?!!


Oh, and the last part referring to the Bishop helping, is a complete CROCK OF SHIT too and just ANOTHER LIE, especially when 99% of the countries the cult is in, have NO WELFARE PROGRAM whatsoever. Hell, they don't even help someone here in the U.S.A. that has faithfully payed their tithing for their entire life "until they become self-reliant."

It's all just another lie, as I have a best friend who has faithfully paid his tithing his entire life, just lost his job and was recently REJECTED by his Bishop for financial assistance of any kind.

Even if you get lucky and the Bishop helps you; it isn't until your "self-sufficient", since I have another friend who was told the limit now is 3 months and they're done with you and kick you to the curb. He was told it was the church's new policy and that was before the economic collapse...it's now probably one week or not at all, like my other friend experienced.

The Bishop told him to "have faith" and of course "to continue paying his tithing(in the spirit of Hinckley and Lynn G. Robbins) and that the 'Lord' would bless him." What a fucking insult and slap in the face...ASSHOLES!!

I of course told him to do the RIGHT THING and to stop paying it immediately and take care of his family and that money wasn't going to fall out of the sky. He ended up pulling out money from his 401K(which he didn't want to do because of the penalties and because it was a temporary problem) and he still paid tithing on it(he was too afraid not to and he seriously considers it his fire insurance...FOR REAL) and after 2 months, things were never worse and he went through hell...so now he's actually questioning, thank the Mormon God!!

Let's say that you've payed tithing for 20 years and averaged $4,000/yr. That would be $80,000(not including fast offerings and every other fund you've foolishly donated to) you've faithfully paid to the MORmON cult, no questions asked(even going hungry on occasions as they tell you to do), with absolutely NO accountability in return as to where it went and then, when you desperately need help(BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE THAT EXTRA $80,000 THEY ROBBED FROM YOU)...THEY WANT A FULL ACCOUNTABILITY OF WHERE YOU'RE SPENDING EVERY CENT(EXCEPT WHAT YOU'VE GIVEN THEM OF COURSE) AND THEN THEY TELL YOU TO SHUT OFF YOUR CABLE, TAKE THE BUS AND TO GO FUCK YOURSELF!!

Did it ever occur to the bastard cult leaders that you're mainly in the situation you're in, because you've donated 10-15% or more of you income for you entire life, right into the black hole of MORmON Inc? OF COURSE NOT!! Imagine if you'd just saved half of that money or even 25% of that money...you'd have a nice savings account to help you out in a tough time.

What do you get for paying tithing? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but a pass to Joe's house of horrors, where you can dress up like a dumb ass, take orders from Satan and at least in the past(changed in 1990 and 2005)...agree to be killed by various gruesome death penalties and have your naked body fondled and touched right next to your genitals and for women, also on your breasts(which would have caused you to receive formal church punishment if you would've done to your girl/boyfriend, what they did to you in the name of "God" and Joseph Smith)

There really should be a class action lawsuit against the cult for the naked touching, which we didn't know about before it happened. Any Lawyers out there reading this interested?

For those who want to know more about the MORmON temple...please visit my good friends site, that has all of the audio and text of all the MORmON temple ceremonies, including a text comparison between the pre-1990 and post 1990 ceremonies. It shows how they actually GUTTED the temple ceremony and took out massive chunks and made gigantic changes and that it wasn't just "minor changes" as The First Presidency claimed and lied about.

Of course no one can talk about it, so everyone just accepted it and bowed their head and said yes, as trained to do in the temple. This is the same temple ceremony that is supposed to "NEVER CHANGE", EVER, without God punishing his cult. What a fraud eh?!!

Now, all of you non-Mormons out there, including Ex-Mormons, can easily learn all of the bullshit handshakes and what to say when you meet Joseph Smith at the Pearly gates and you'll be able to easily get into heaven, since the handshakes are the most important things to prove to Joseph Smith and the "MORmON GOD", that you're a MORmON...LOL...and you didn't even have to pay them 10% of your income to learn them and didn't have to dress up like a dumb ass!!

The ONLY reason MORmON temples even exist today and have been built at such a rapid pace the last few years...is for generating revenue. They are desperate once again for cash(running 90+ days behind on their bills for Jesus' billion dollar malls), just like the late 1800s, early 1900s and the early 1960s, as history is repeating itself once again, as they've gone on this massive building spree, like drunken lunatics. The world is wising up, more educated regarding MORmONISM and all religions(the Internet has a lot to do with that) and they've already saturated their markets.

In order to enter these "houses of horror", you have to be a full tithe payer, which wasn't even required until 1910.(the paragraph mentioning this, is right under the one I mentioned below) In the 1870s, even Brigham Young admitted that he NEVER paid his tithing and said "that neither himself nor anyone else....had ever paid their tithing as it was revealed." When they created a list in the early 1900s of all of the non-tithe payers, the future PRophet John Taylor was surprisingly on the list.(scroll down to the paragraph that has numbers 29 and 30)

The paragraph says:

In early 1900 President Snow asked the Presiding Bishop to prepare a list "of non-tithe payers and about 10,000 names were in the record."29 Snow told the apostles that non-payment of tithing "was worse than the non-observance of the Word of Wisdom" prohibitions against tobacco and alcohol. The time had long since passed when general authorities were exempt from the obligation to pay tithing, and one apostle was shocked to learn that Apostle John W. Taylor's "name is on the Non-Tithing List!"30

In April 1910 the church president announced it was necessary to comply with this greatly reduced law of tithing in order to have temple recommends.31(The Mormon Hierarchy-Extensions of Power-D. MICHAEL QUINN)

By the way, the entire chapter 6 from his book, entitled CHURCH FINANCES, is available for everyone to read for free there and I highly recommend that everyone read it and then go buy the awesome book!!

Michael Quinn is an amazing man and absolutely brilliant when it comes to MORmON history and all things MORmONISM and he has created an amazing work...a masterpiece in that book, which is full of indisputable and 100% verifiable evidence that helps expose THE UGLY TRUTH OF MORmONISM to the world. Quinn's book is the MORmON Hierarchy's biggest nightmare!!


Hmmm...I wonder why the perfect, unchanging "MORmON Jesus" didn't require tithing to enter the temple until 1910 and then changed it to something they "considered more important than the word of wisdom" and a MUST, in order to enter Joe's cult house of DEATH? If MORmONS didn't require tithing to enter the temple, they'd be no different right now than the reorganized church(The Community of Christ now), because they'd have no money and very few temples.

Notice that they have to use threats and the literal FEAR OF GOD and the literal and eternal separation from your family, friends and loved ones, in order to FORCE you to give them your hard-earned money and to sustain their fat asses, sitting on their thrones in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Like Lynn G. Robbins said in his conference talk, that I shared above, with Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson's proud approval:

"One of the FIRST THINGS a bishop must do to HELP THE NEEDY is ask them to PAY THEIR TITHING."

Why should faithful members have to be accountable for their money when they aren't accountable to them?!!

Aren't they supposed to be setting the example...YEAH RIGHT...DAMN HYPOCRITES...DAMN THIEVES!!

As a side note, as I just eluded to above; that statement by Lynn G. Robbins was never corrected(Hinckley was sitting right behind him and had no problem with anything he said and in fact, had pre-approved it beforehand), stands and is still on LDS.org(it was toned down though in the church news report of the talk to "Destitute families should pay their tithing first and then the bishop can provide food and other basic needs.)

It's truly sickening!!

Mormon Inc. is clearly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a CORPORATION and a CULT, not a church and I rest my case!!


Samuel the Utahnite

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Does Satan Really Exist?! This Is The Nightline Face-Off Regarding Whether Satan Really Exists? This Debate is between 2 believers & 2 Non-Believers!!

Does Satan Exist?

This audio is also available in iTunes, on my
Mormon Truth Interviews podcast.


It is divided into 10 segments and each part automatically plays after each segment ends, with a little commercial break. So, just click the link, sit back and enjoy the show!!

This is the complete ABC Nightline Face Off: Does Satan Exist? This is the debate from Seattle, that was held on March 26, 2009.

ABC Nightline Host:

Dan Harris

Free Thinker Crew:

Deepak Chopra & Bishop Carlton Pearson

Jesus Crew:

Annie Lobert & Pastor Mark Driscoll

For more Info...please visit Nightline or FaithMatters.

For those that want to read or join in on the conversation over on Nightline, just visit their comment section regarding this debate and have fun, as they're approaching 700 comments. I look forward to your comments here as well.

Also, I highly recommend the Nightline debate about God's existence, featuring Kirk Cameron and the Rational Response Squad, that I featured here on my blog back in July of 2007.

MORmONS and in reality all of Christianity and most other religions, are all obsessed with and in reality, based on the existence of “Satan”, not “God”.

“Satan” is their cornerstone and they literally embrace him as they talk and brag about him(Joseph Smith claimed Satan Attacked him right before the First Vision and almost killed him) and his incredible powers(allowed and green-lighted by their “God” of course) all the time and without "Satan/the Devil", their necessity for “God”, to help them defeat “Satan”...ceases to exist.

That is why they cling to and are obsessed with Satan. In reality, in most organized religions, they literally worship Satan, just as much as God, if not more and they'll tell you that one can't exist without the other. What a great and glorious plan of "God", eh?!!

Without Satan, they can’t even explain why God is even necessary, even though their loving “God” supposedly created “Satan”, who wants to murder them and destroy them, just so that their “God” has the purpose of trying to save them...if they obey and follow all of his rules...HUH?!!

The MORmON'S now dead Apostle James E.(give me your gold fillings) Faust once gave a talk dedicated entirely to Satan and used the word Satan or Devil over 60 times...proving my point.

This debate also proves my point, especially when Annie graphically describes what the “Demons” of "Satan" did to her(gang raping her)...once again with the permission of her “loving God”, that she prays to for comfort during and after the "Demon rape attack." Yeah...makes sense...if YOU'RE INSANE!!

If her "loving God" wouldn't comfort her before the attack, or hell, prevent it all together; why in the hell would he comfort her after the fact...since he("GOD") is the scumbag ASSHOLE that allowed it in the first place and He even knew it was going to happen and did nothing to prevent it?

Oh yeah, it must be the free agency of the Demons and Satan, right? This is the irrational, illogical, twisted and brainwashed mind of a true-believer.


I will be doing much more on this subject, since many accuse me now of working and punching a daily time clock for Satan...LOL, so please stay tuned and SANE!!

This debate, if the latest polls stated at the beginning are correct; proves that at least 70% of Americans are 100%, completely delusional, for believing in "Satan."

This was a great follow up debate to their "Does God Exist" debate, also listed in this podcast and on the Nightline website.

Time to grow up folks...put away your childish beliefs and absurd superstitions and use your BRAINS(if you have one that is) and THINK FOR YOURSELVES!!

Samuel the Utahnite...A.K.A. 666

Monday, May 25, 2009

On This Memorial Day I Have To Ask The Question Once Again...Why Does The MORmON Hierarchy REFUSE To Honor Their Fallen Missionaries With A Memorial?

It's Actually both mind-blowing and sickening, that the evil and vile MORmON Hierarchy absolutely REFUSE to honor their fallen missionaries in any way shape or form.(even right after they die, in may cases, unless there is a lot of news coverage and they're from Utah or a State nearby and especially if they're taking PR hits.)

Oh and why do they usually send lowly Seventies to the funeral?(unless of course the TV cameras are rolling...then an Apostle or even the PRophet might show up, like in Morgan Young's case)

In my opinion, EVERY SINGLE TIME a missionary dies, one of the ASSpostles or First Presidency has a DUTY to that missionary and their family, to show up and speak at the funeral. You're telling me that ALL of the top 15 are just sometimes too busy to go to a funeral of one of their fallen missionaries? What could they be doing that is more important than that?

They use private jets on loan from John Huntsman and others, so getting from one part of the world to another quickly, should be NO PROBLEM, that is if they gave a damn, which they don't, which I'll get into more later in this post. Even if they didn't have private jets, they could make it to ANY funeral, ANYWHERE in the world, if they wanted to, which they don't.

I bet most of the time, they're sitting on their sorry, holy asses right in Salt Lake City, working with the secretaries that labor over and write their conference talks time after time(like Hinckley admitted to...see audio below), getting prepared for the next General Conference.

I don't think he meant to be funny(and looked like he wondered why they were laughing), but all of the Morgbots/sheep laughed, thinking that he was just joking around Hinckley style...which of course he wasn't...LOL!!

Hinckley admitting that SECRETARIES actually write their talks

Hell, they could even do a video conference live at the funeral from anywhere in the world, if they couldn't physically be there, for some bizarre reason. They always brag about how amazing technology is these days and what a blessing it is to so easily beam around the world...SO USE IT!!

So you see, there is NO EXCUSE why one of the top 15 MORmON assholes can't be at EVERY FUNERAL OF A FALLEN MISSIONARY!!

Webster's defines MEMORIAL as "serving to preserve remembrance."

So, in short, the MORmON Hierarchy sadly DOES NOT want to "PRESERVE REMEMBRANCE" of these missionaries that died while serving them. They don't want to even mention them after they're dead and buried, because they don't want their cult members even thinking about how missionaries can die serving their "MORmON Jesus", while wearing the supposed "sacred" and "protective garments." It just proves that their "Jesus" isn't looking out for them at all or anyone else for that matter!!

Can you imagine if the U.S. Government REFUSED to put up memorials to their fallen soldiers in different wars that have been fought? Can you imagine the outrage? Would those families say it was fine and agree that the Government was doing the right thing and that the soldiers would agree that they shouldn't have a memorial of any kind?

I have family members that died in several of the wars that the U.S.A has fought in over the last 100 years and they posthumously received awards for their heroic efforts and in one case, for saving many men that would have died otherwise and I would be outraged if they weren't honored, as IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. We proudly keep those awards on the wall and their names are on the monuments to all of the men that died serving the United States.

Why would anyone FIGHT TO NOT HAVE THEM HONORED?!! That is basically what these families and friends are doing when they attack me, demand removal and then excuse their Hierarchy from any responsibility in honoring them. It's sad and bizarre!!

Even these MORmONS who excuse the MORmON Hierarchy from doing it for their fallen Sons and Daughters, would be the first ones attacking the U.S. government if they were doing the same thing for their military men and women, in not honoring them publicly and thanking them for their tremendous and priceless sacrifice with a memorial.

The MORmON Hierarchy proudly and often builds monuments to themselves, dedicate buildings to themselves, build monuments to past "PRophets"(who were vile criminals, thugs, adulterers and child rapists) like Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, etc. They spend billions on church buildings and temples and had multiple multi-million dollar birthday bashes, full of celebrities, for Gordon B. Hinckley and even built and dedicated a new visitor's center to him at BYU...but NOTHING for the deceased missionaries...WHY?!!

These bastards should keep in mind that they and their cult wouldn't even exist if it weren't for these missionaries, who pay for the privilege of going out and doing the dirty work of the MORmON Hierarchy by deceiving and coercing(with strong arm tactics), the people that they have to literally scare and threaten, in order to get them into the cult, using the doctrine of FEAR.(of course they are just following the lessons and methods as they've been taught to do by the MORmON Hierarchy)

Oh yeah, I forgot...they aren't allowed to ever criticize their hierarchy either because "it's wrong to criticize leaders of the church, even if the criticism is true"-Dallin H. Oaks-MORmON Asspostle and proud cult leader extraordinaire.

Dallin H. Oaks MP3-"It's wrong to criticize leaders of the church, even if the criticism is true"

The fact is that I'm one of the only people on the entire Internet, that has created a Mormon missionary Memoriam page and it is by far the most complete. The last time I checked, you can count on about 2 fingers others that have created some type of page like mine.

Why don't these assholes that are so furious with me, create their own Missionary Memoriam page and shut the fuck up?!! Too lazy? They don't care? I don't know why...but leave a message and let us know why you don't do this please.

It is by far the most popular page I have on my entire blog and I get blasted daily by MORmONS for even having it, since I'm such a vile, evil anti-MORmON.

Instead of thanking me, they say I disrespect these dead missionaries and they demand that I remove it at once, because I don't have the legal right to even post their names, which of course are names that have been printed somewhere publicly, like NEWSPAPERS. Of course I have the legal right to list their names, as does anyone else!!

I guess it's that "God in embryo" complex that most MORmONS have, thinking that they have the "one and only truth" and can tell me what to put on and remove from my blog and that I'll just immediately bow my head and say yes, like they do for Tommy Boy.

That's why Utah drivers are ranked the 7th worst in the USA and Idaho is #1. We've been hit and run 4 times in the last year...3 times in Utah and once in Idaho...but I'm sure they weren't MORmONS, because they'd NEVER do such a dirty deed, right?

They must think they're already Gods while driving their mini-vans around at 20 miles over the speed limit, tailgating and cutting people off, not using blinkers and flying the bird at anyone that gets in their way.

These assholes that blast me(brainwashed TBMs and MORmON apologists) for having the page, honoring their beloved, fallen missionaries; completely excuse and exonerate their vile Hierarchy for not even giving a damn or having any type of memorial for their dead missionaries.

The irony of an ex/anti-MORmON like me having to post a tribute to their dead missionaries(because their beloved Christ figures refuse to) is completely above and beyond their ability to comprehend, as I guess it would cause their heads to explode just trying to understand.

Oh and for those that say I have no right to even comment on dead missionaries...well, since I was almost killed on my mission, by a bunch of drunk, knife wielding goons/thugs...I'd have to disagree and say that I have EVERY RIGHT to comment on the safety and deaths of missionaries, since I was almost a statistic and a name that would have been on that list, that I have posted on my blog.

Of course I was almost killed for BAPTISM NUMBERS, as the Zone leaders had to squeeze in a few more baps right at the end of the month, so that the ASSistants and Pres would get off their asses!! On missions, you literally risk your life for the Goddamn numbers game and it's SICK!!

So yeah, I care more than the supposed "PRophets and As(s)postles", who claim they are the only ones on the entire earth(It's the ONE AND ONLY TRUE CHURCH/CULT) that has the authority to act on behalf of and speak for their "Jesus/God", that are running their damn cult. It's not just ironic, but tragically sad!!

Even worse is that the members are either too stupid or cold to even give a damn themselves, as they don't even believe in common decency. The cult comes even before their loved ones, which is tragic!!

You have millionaires and even billionaires that are MORmONS like Steve Young, John Huntsman Sr. and Jr., Willard J. Marriott, Mitt Romney and many others who do NOTHING and also don't give a damn about the dead and fallen Mormon missionaries. Why is this?

Well first of all, they just really don't care and are way too self-absorbed in their own fame and fortune, but they also don't want to offend or step on the toes of their beloved Christ figures that command them in all things, right down to what underwear they should wear and when they should wear it.

If their hierarchy "from God" doesn't want to honor the dead missionaries, why should they? It must be inspired by the "MORmON God" NOT to build any type of memorial to them, right? After all, it wouldn't be faith promoting to focus any effort on those who have died in vain, serving this pathetic cult, right?

So here we have these famous and rich cut-throat business men, who don't allow anyone outside of the cult to fuck with them or tell them what to do in life or in business...but when it comes to their cult...well, they chant and bow their heads and say yes in the MORmON temple and in their daily lives.

Hell, they even agreed(and have no problem with it and would do it again and again if they added it back into the temple ceremony) prior to the 1990 temple changes to slit their throats and chest and disembowel themselves if they ever revealed the SECRETS of the temple and as I mentioned above, they proudly wear the underwear(that they can only buy from the cult) they are told to wear...amazing, isn't it?(I estimate the cult probably rakes in about $500,000,000+ a year in temple clothes and garment sales...WOW...WHAT A SCAM!!)

So, what are the reasons that the MORmON cult Hierarchy(starting with Thomas S. Monson now and all the way back to the pervert/pedophile/child rapist/adulterer Joseph Smith), refuse to honor their fallen missionaries?

First of all, like I mentioned above...they really don't give a damn about them and it isn't faith promoting to the future of the cult and its missionaries. They don't want ANY negativity to make a young man, woman or their family to even remotely question whether they should go on missions or not. They want to create the illusion that they love, care for and protect the missionaries and they are completely safe(safer on a mission than at home Ballard will tell you), when in the reality it's the complete opposite and I know this personally for a fact.

I've posted this clip many times before and I'll keep posting it many times in the future.(it has been downloaded/listened to thousands of times now) Here is M. Russell Ballard(a direct descendant of Joseph Smith, which he proudly brags about), in his own words, stating that he doesn't care if missionaries are hurt or that get killed in the future(listen to the loving/caring and compassionate tone of his voice):

Ballard doesn't care if more missionaries die!!

Another reason the MORmON Hierarchy proudly doesn't give a damn about their missionaries, dead or alive, is because they constantly teach and their cult members often repeat...that it's not this life that matters, rather the next life.

Also, if Christ could bleed from every pore and be nailed to a cross...they have NOTHING to complain about, because he did it for them and they owe him big time. So getting shot, stabbed, drowning, having parasites, puking up black stuff for a week with a 104 fever, crushing your hand, getting hit by a train or car, etc, is nothing in the big MORmON cult picture...you see what I mean? Perspective people...LOL...HOW TWISTED!!

It's kind of like in Caddyshack when Bill Murray says you have to think like and be the gopher to understand the gophet...well, you have to think like and be a MORmON cultist, like I was for over 30 years...to understand where their brains are at and what they're thinking and why. It's a total mind-fuck!!

So, they have their members so brainwashed, that they really don't care, in a very twisted way, if their son or daughter is killed on their mission...because after all...it's the NEXT life that really matters, right?!!

Oh yeah and "they were needed more on the other side", "are now doing missionary work there in spirit prison", "died doing what they loved", "it was meant to be", etc, etc, etc...you all know the bullshit that is said, to make the death okay and actually a good, glorious and wonderful thing.

In reality, in most cases, their families are PROUD that they died for the cult and state that their "testimonies are EVEN STRONGER now than before", that they're "glad their son died with his boots on", etc...so thank the "MORmON God" that they died, right? What a SICK, TWISTED, DEMENTED CULT!!

We know it's not about the money, or they/Jesus wouldn't currently be spending BILLIONS on worldly(remember "be in the world, not of the world") things like shopping malls(full of worldly stores selling worldly objects, which they tell you to stay away from and restaurants that will be open on Sunday serving Booze 7 days a week), downtown reconstruction projects, more land in Hawaii(what will they use it for and how much was it?), housing projects(which they recently pulled the plug on, after promising the residents in Laie new houses, letting down thousands), office buildings, gaming preserves, advertising campaigns, etc...all more important in their eyes, than the missionaries who have died for their cult cause.

It's disgusting and revolting!!

The only reason that the missionary program even exists at all, is to generate more and more future revenue for the cult. They just look at missionaries as stupid/brainwashed dollar signs and that's it!!

I bet if we could stroll by the "Holy of Holies", in the Salt Lake Temple, during one of their weekly meetings...we could hear them loudly laughing and roaring from the hallway, while eating their doughnuts and fighting over who gets the white ones(they pick out their doughnuts in order of seniority) and how they can better deceive and trick the more educated people into believing their bullshit and lies.

It's the biggest and most candy-coated pyramid scheme I know of and they need to keep replacing the money they are losing, when people discover the truth and leave and quit paying tithing, like me and millions of others.

After all, if they don't keep finding new suckers to take the bait(and then they make the switch) and believe their bullshit and lies; eventually they will just be stuck with what they have coming in(which is dropping every single day) and that estimated $15-20 Billion + a year is just not enough for these greedy bastards/blood suckers!!

Oh and just for the record, the PRESIDING BISHOP H. David Burton of the cult is the one in charge of the entire downtown construction projects, including the BILLION DOLLAR MALLS!!

Isn't he supposed to be looking after the welfare of the church and all of its members...not working on some completely separate(as they claim they are), construction projects, including 2 multi-billion dollar malls? I guess that's why they actually call it "The Corporation Of The Presiding Bishop", right?

It looks to me that they are looking to future revenue streams independent of the cult and trying to make hay while the sun is still shining a little bit. Also, I find it funny that they picked now(obviously through the guidance of the "HOLY GHOST", to get into the mall business when the economy is so bad and the biggest mall owner in America just went bankrupt...oops...so much for the "spirit of perception", which appears to be more like the "spirit of deception."

If Jesus of the Bible or as he is defined by Joseph Smith(which is the Jesus Hinckley said they believe in), that MORmONS supposedly believe so strongly in, was here today and had billions of dollars just burning a big hole in his side corporation; he'd be redesigning and rebuilding downtowns and buying and building shopping malls and serving booze in them 7 days a week, right TBMs?

Fuck the poor, right TBMs? They actually brag about donating $200 million dollars to the poor in the last 25 or so years...but plunk down billions for malls? Yeah, I guess we can see where their priorities lie, can't we? It would be like me giving 1 penny to the poor and expecting praise from everyone as I bragged about and then spent billions on malls. I would be considered a big, arrogant asshole, just like I consider them to be.

Why doesn't the only true cult on earth feed the homeless out of their chapels 7 days a week, all around the world, instead of leaving them empty 90% of the time, serving no purpose but to be worthless(but multi-million dollar) buildings on the corner, promoting the cult, but helping NO ONE?!!

In reality, they allow their members to literally starve to death all over the world and give more money and food to hurricane victims for PR, than they give to their own members and it's a disgrace. I saw it first-hand both in Argentina and here in the U.S.A.

On top of not feeding or taking care of their members who need help, they actually have the arrogance and audacity to demand 10% of their income for tithing in order to have an eternal family.

Like Lynn G. Robbins taught in the April-2005 General Conference: "if you have to choose between feeding your family or paying your tithing, you pay your tithing."

Lynn G. Robbins, proudly and literally taking food out of children's mouths for "God."

Does it get any sicker than that folks?!! Oh and Hinckley was sitting right behind him, approving of and agreeing with EVERY SINGLE WORD!!

They have BILLIONS for malls but can't even feed their poor, pay for the missionaries missions or to have janitors(who they fired a few years back due to the claim that they didn't have the money to pay them anymore) in their cult worship buildings? Snap out of your brainwashed/cult induced trance fools and see things for what they are!!


Also, isn't it ironic that the Presiding Bishopric is a part of the Council(along with the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Asspostles) on the Disposition of the Tithes, a group that oversees and authorizes the expenditure of all tithing funds, yet they claim that NO TITHING FUNDS have been used on these Billion dollar Malls for Jesus?

Gordon B. Hinckley said, regarding the malls and tithing money, the following:

"The Church is undertaking a huge development project in the interest of protecting the environment of Temple Square. While the costs will be great, it will not involve the expenditure of tithing funds." (he was mainly referring to the malls, but also all of the other things they're doing, that will come to over $10 billion dollars by the time they're done)

Also, I would say to Hinckley(Monson now, since Hinckley finally kicked the bucket): Prove to me that you are not using tithing funds and open up your financial records that you've been hiding from the world and even your tithe paying members, since 1959...and show me!!

We are just supposed to just take them at their word, right, when the PRophet of the MORmON cult is literally called "The Corporation Of The President?" Give me a damn break!! Why would we believe them now, when they've told so many lies and don't even teach or admit that Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were dirty, filthy adulterers and polygamists and that Warren Jeffs is a truer MORmON than they'll ever be?

Their Joseph Smith website says NOTHING about polygamy, just Joseph Smith and Emma, two little love birds sitting in a tree. It says, regarding his FIRST wife Emma: "Joseph and Emma Smith centered their marriage and family in the gospel of Jesus Christ—an example to all."

REALLY?!! Yeah, some example all right!! So no polygamy, no other wives? How disrespectful not to mention all of the other at least 32 women that he married, most of which he had sex with or raped...and whose lives he destroyed as they lived very lonely and sad lives, after what he did to them, which is stated on Jesus' Deseret bookstore website, under the description of "In Sacred Loneliness."

By "an example to all", are they referring to his rape of 14 year old Helen Mar Kimball or his 16 year old maid Fanny Alger? Are they referring to his great example of marrying and having sex/committing adultery with other men's wives, many of which were sent on missions before he boned them? Was it the marrying of Mother/daughter combos or marrying and having sex with his adopted daughters....and all of this in secret, behind Emma's back?

Is this the example they're referring to? I could go all day long about the dirty deeds of one Joseph Smith Jr., which MORmONS are so proud of and worship in song and deed. After all, MORmONS can't even get into heaven without his approval.

Here are some quotes from the approved and official review on Jesus' Deseret bookstore of Todd Compton's "In Sacred loneliness":

"The majority of Smith's wives were younger than he, and one-third were between fourteen and twenty years of age. Another third were already married, and some of the husbands served as witnesses at their own wife's polyandrous wedding." Imagine having to be the witness at your own current wife's marriage to the pervert Joseph Smith...all in the name of and under the threat of some perverted/sick "God." How cruel was that?!! What a BASTARD!!

"For all of Smith's wives, the experience of being secretly married was socially isolating, emotionally draining, and sexually frustrating. Despite the spiritual and temporal benefits, which they acknowledged, they found their faith tested to the limit of its endurance. After Smith's death in 1844, their lives became even more 'lonely and desolate.' One even joined a convent."

So, there is the destructive and polygamous legacy of the pervert, adulterer, child rapist and criminal Joseph Smith, that you TBMs and apologists are so damn proud of and proudly defend on a daily basis!!

You all make me SICK!!

I now challenge EVERYONE reading this, who thinks I'm lying about polygamy not being mentioned on Joseph Smith's website, to go to the official Joseph Smith website and at the top there is a search box...and I challenge you to simply type in "POLYGAMY" and hit search. What happens?

You'll get the following result:

"Results 0-Your search for polygamy has returned 0 results in JosephSmith.net."

So there you go folks, the definitive test and proof to see if the MORmON hierarchy is lying to the world, on their precious, worldwide and OFFICIAL Joseph Smith website...pass it on to EVERYONE you know and let's spread the word about these liars and deceivers around the world!!

Their latest "Teachings Of Brigham Young" also had removed any mention of all of his polygamous wives. It mentioned that his first wife died and he re-married...ALL LIES FOLKS!!

They are desperately trying to hide this from the world, because 99% of people would NEVER join this cult if they knew, thus the reason for virtually NO BAPTISMS in the U.S.A, except for kids of already MORmON families or other random kids. Even over in foreign countries, the majority of their baptisms is children, as they are the only ones they can get.

So, they blatantly lie to the world about Joseph Smith's polygamy on their official Joseph Smith website, but Oh yeah...Hinckley told THE TRUTH about not using tithing funds on the malls, right suckers?!!

Did Hinckley tell the truth when he told the German reporter, that interviewed him around the Olympic time period, regarding why they didn't share with the world how much tithing they brought in..."WELL, WE SIMPLY THINK THAT THE…THAT INFORMATION BELONGS TO THOSE WHO MADE THE CONTRIBUTION, AND NOT TO THE WORLD. THAT'S THE ONLY THING. YES."

That my friends is what you call a bald-faced lie and Hinckley was VERY good at telling them all the time(and the members believed him), in EVERY single interview he ever did, which was one of the main reasons I discovered that MORmONISM is a fraud, through my extensive study of his interviews...THANK YOU GORDO!!

Has anyone reading this, that has paid tithing at some point in your life; ever seen the financial records and books of the MORmON cult, as Hinckley promised was happening, in his response to the German reporter? Of course not, because NO ONE has seen them since 1959 and Hinckley damn well knew it, since he was called as an Apostle in 1961.

Are you sick to your stomach yet? Do you feel like vomiting? What's even worse is that the multi-billion dollar cult(who knows, maybe trillion by now), is making these missionaries(and their families) pay their own way...so those who have died, paid for the privilege of literally dying for the MORmON cult, who admits that they don't even care that they died.

If you're an elderly couple, it's far worse, as they charge you as much as $3,000-$5,000/month to live and serve them, in some of the poorest places in the world, like Africa.(Like $3,400 to serve and live in the Congo...where people live on $2,000/yr..are you fucking kidding me?) Also, read at the top that the absurd costs that they are charging/robbing these poor, elderly couples of, "DO NOT include prescriptions, tithing, fast offerings, long distance calls, cell phones, automobile expenses, personal care items, apartment set-up costs, et cetera." Holy MORmON shit...are you kidding me?!!

Do they include toilets and toilet paper for them or is that extra too? I wonder what the "et cetera" includes? They'd charge them for air to breathe and taking a dump if they could!!

They also state, with the first part being underlined:

"Candidates for full-time missionary service should be willing to serve wherever and in whatever capacity they are called.

Specific full-time assignments may be discussed with and recommended by the bishop and/or stake president, but assignments are made by the Lord through His ordained Apostles."

In other words, do whatever they say, go wherever they tell you to go(because "God/Jesus" told them directly what mission to call you for and where and if you question them, you are questioning "God") and open up your checkbook and have that debit card ready, as they are financially raping the Elderly of EVERYTHING they have, in the last years of their life(it's called ELDER ABUSE), just for the honor of bowing down one last time and serving their sorry asses.

In my opinion, it is a criminal act and should be investigated and there should be prosecutions of all of the top 15 MORmON cultist leaders, starting with Tommy Boy Monson!! He is no different than Jim Jones or David Koresh or any of the other infamous cult leaders from around the world.

Moonies and MORmONS are actually quite similar, starting with their cult leaders!!

I've written about all of this before and I'm sure I'll write about it again, as it all needs to be exposed. I just thought Memorial Day was an appropriate time to remind everyone of the fact that the vile and loathsome MORmON Hierarchy REFUSES to build a nice Memorial or even list the names of their fallen missionaries on Jesus' official website.

Why do you TBMs think this is?!!

Well, no matter you haters say to me or accuse me of...at least I've NEVER stated publicly that I don't care "if there are other missionaries that are hurt or other missionaries that are killed, it will not stop this work", right after 6 missionaries had been tragically killed in about a month. All love and compassion, right MORmONS?!!

Oh, by the way, Ballard is one of your beloved Asspostles, who is supposed to be looking out for the missionaries, not stating that he doesn't give a damn if they die or are hurt. Trust me when I say that he says what he means and means what he says, as I experienced it first hand on my mission and they truly don't care, never have and NEVER WILL!!

Samuel the Utahnite

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thomas S. Monson & Warren Jeffs(THE REAL/CURRENT MORmON PRophet Of Fraud)...Dance A Little Ballet & Take a Bow Together...In The Name Of Their "God!!"

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All I can say about this one is LOL!!

This is for all of you ASSHOLE MORmON cultists out there who continue to leave me nasty comments and send me and my family vile/threatening Emails!!

But hey, keep sending the Emails and leaving the comments, as I just LOVE pissing you MORmON cultists off and I will continue to do so with much joy. I PROMISE to continue being YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE and I'm not going anywhere!!

Also, thanks to all of you out there who continue to strongly support me, my blogs, my podcasts and my efforts in exposing this evil, vile, awful, death and starve your children cult, as I couldn't do it without you.

I love your comments and Emails and applaud you all for your efforts and desire to fight for what is humane and right and to help others live a cult free life.

Samuel the Utahnite

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The MORmON First Presidency Wants To Wish All Of Their Cultists A Happy St. Patrick's Day...While Heading To D.C. For Their Billion Dollar Bailout!!

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I felt that this video with Monsoon Monson, Crying Eyring and Uchtdork as greedy leprechauns, was appropriate and very realistic; when compared to the pathetic fantasies, bullshit and lies that they and all MORmON apologists are currently living and propagating...while brainwashing and robbing their innocent victims, including babies and children.

Samuel the Utahnite