Does anyone else find it interesting that General Conference was held on April Fools Day this year? I know Samuel did an April Fools post, but it didn't click with me until I saw the title of this post.
How come you never hear in the news about ex-Mormons molesting little girls? Aren't ex-mo's supposed to be these terrible, wicked, awful people? So how come it's always bishops and stake presidents in the news who are supposedly called of god because of how worthy they are?
Ex-Mo = Son of Perdition; never in the news for sexual crimes.
Bishop = Righteous, called of god; always in the news for sexual crimes.
I would not want to talk with one of these men that are shouting things. Now if somebody was there sitting at a table with information about another way of thinking, I might be inclined to talk to them. But these guys seem so bizarre that I would worry that they are on drugs.
I feel sorry for the Mormons who want to quietly walk into the mind control conference center for their semi annual bull fest. At least they go in, listen, and act like humans beings.
These guys are nuts jobs, offensive, and rude.
And what's with the garment thing? That is so stupid.
Happy Easter everyone ( named after the goddess Ishtar) lol
But thats the beauty of Christianity I guess changing all the pre christian concepts of gods and goddesses and superceding them with Christianity's version.
just a thought , I have a video on You Tube called Joseph Smith - Head in A Hat
What I can't understand is why Mormons are calling me names , getting angry with me ,even calling me a liar ? How can that be if i'm telling the truth ?
Apart from name calling , No one challenges my video's claim that the Mormon Church is decieving us by telling us Joseph Smith used a biblical Urim and Thummim and Breastplate when in reality he used a Hat and a Peep Stone .....
Its amazing , I thought I might be congratulated for telling the truth but quite the opposite !
Articles of Faith 13 we believe in being Honest, true , etc etc
These guys are Attention whores , they must know that their grandstanding is not going to convert anyone. They just want to be thorn in peoples sides so they will have to notice them.
Yes, I have often wondered how successful they are but I would imagine not very much...
In the pagan culture, the serpent was viewed as a holy animal. Christianity, of course, turned around and made it the symbol of the devil.
Elder Joseph, as you continue to learn more about Mormons, you will discover a culture that is terrified of honesty. Everything about it promotes lying, dishonesty, etc. In order to "fit in" one must obey all the rules. And since no one can obey all the rules all the time, they lie about it. They pretend life is wonderful even if it sucks. After all, the ONLY path to true happiness is Mormonism. So if you're miserable, you just pretend to be happy. That's the game. Everyone plays pretend and everyone is "happy". It's sad really, but that's how it is.
In fact, one of the initial reasons I quit going to church was because I was tired of the happy act. I was miserable and I was sick and tired of pretending.
I have noticed that there seems top be a reluctance to talk about history in the Mormon Church . When I first went they all said don't be afraid to ask questions . Now that I have asked some , I start not to feel too welcome ( only from a minority though ) most are great but I'm concerned at why they are so great to me .Is it just to get me to join ?
They've been obsessed to get me baptised to the point that The Bishop asked me to try baptism out , because I'll receive the Holy Ghost and then if I'm not any more certain I can get my name taken off !! he did emphasize " Pay Tithe Though " lol
I've noticed a big emphasis in Mormon Church on "Priesthood Poer and Authority " " The Only Authority " . I hear this every week and its started to get on my nerves ! lol I can see lots of people don't look happy and when they speak about how happy the church makes them , its obvious that they are just saying it because they are expected to . Fast and Testimony meetings is the same old stuff word for word .
One of my Missionaries did a farewell talk of his mission highlights . He didn't tell them about the evening he heard from me that Joseph Smith put his head in a hat. They were still with me until after 10.30 pm ( past their mission rules deadline ), reluctant to go back to their flat , they were laughing ! lol
In Gospel Principles class we are taught to be Robots , giving the answers they want to hear when the Teacher asks a question .
I feel like bringing a Top Hat and a stone to church to re enact those amazing times when translating the BOM . Its really niggling at me now every time I see the new Ensigns showing him studying the open plates like a scholar .
Missionaries are influencing people into this religion on false information, they themselves not knowing any better .
I didn't listen to the General Conference this time , not even to see the funny side .... I just can't stand listening to those plastic men ! I can't believe I sat through the last 3 of them like an idiot . Well at least I investigated properly . At last conference in the priesthood session I saw a few guys making notes of the session !! The only need to get last years notes out and realise its exactly the same ! lol
Notice how, in both videos, you can hear the choir singing in the background. I tried to film them but they stopped singing right as I started filming. Oh well.
Hey Samuel, I appreciate what you are doing. But I want to correct your perspective on this post: evangelicals are not Christians. They are as sectarian and fanatic as Mormons are. Your headline "Anti-Mormon Pro-Christian" is therefore misleading. You are using the same cult terminology they are using, making them "true Christians".
There is nothing farer from the truth.
I am not here to lead a theological debate. It is not about the Trinity stuff and so on that I would not call them Christians, but for their immoral, hateful, aggressive behavior.
If we forget about all that theological stuff which in reality doesn't matter, what is most important is: - love other people as you love yourself. Treat other people with love and respect. - if you are treated bad, don't react in the same way, but stop the vicious cycle of hate, violence and revenge, by reacting with love and compassion.
If you take these guidelines as a means to measure a Christian, these evangelicals utterly fail. They condemn, they are not loving. They only preach about hell.
Moreover, if you look at their behavior, you can see clear signs of mind-control and fanaticism.
Have you recognized that it makes no sense to discuss with Eric Hoffman in a rational way? That is not because he is stubborn, but because he is mind-controlled by his cult and cannot think rational anymore. As any mobot who is trained (Pavlov) to act and think in certain ways, so these evangelicals act and think in certain ways too.
So there are two points I want you to consider: 1) Acknowledge that both Mormons and Evangelicals are brainwashed and mindcontroled. Therefore, pure rational discussions cannot reach them. Someone has already posted a google video about mind-control. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
2) Recognize the difference between evangelicalism, which is a cult movement too, and Christianity as a whole. Do you see millions of catholics running around, condemning everyone? Do you see millions of mainstream protestants do so? No. Please don't take over their ideology that evangelicals are true Christians. They are not.
They represent Christianity like Al-Kaida represents Islam. They are a fanatic splinter group with radical beliefs and acts. You have seen their hideous behavior in their DVD campaign. It is as hideous as Al-Kaida's terrorist attacks. Morality doesn't matter when the holy cause can be helped, when the "holy war" is fought.
Keep doing what you're doing, but watch out for other cults as well, and remember that you don't talk to rational people, you talk to mind-controlled people who believe anything their leaders tell them.
I mean: Indians are descendents of the Jews, how naive must one be? The whole earth was flooded with water, where is all the water gone? The earth was created in 7 days, where do the dinosaurs fit in? You see, there is nothing rational in their mind.
Moriancumr 77. (It's a reformed-egyptian word,right?)
I was a faithful member of the Mormon Church for over 30 years and I never doubted that it was true, not even for a second. I served an honorable two year mission in Argentina, went to BYU, was married in the temple and about 6 years ago, I began a journey that led me to the truth about Mormonism; that it is a complete lie and total fraud!! I only want to help others to discover what I have found and to know the "REAL TRUTH" and then be able to better deal with the pain of their discovery. I'm now an Ex-Mormon and an Atheist. As I always like to say..THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE, because TRUTH IS FREEDOM!!
I think it would take a ton of guts to do what these guys do. I could never do it, but of course, I wouldn't even if I had the personality for it.
I just noticed something...
Does anyone else find it interesting that General Conference was held on April Fools Day this year? I know Samuel did an April Fools post, but it didn't click with me until I saw the title of this post.
General Conference certainly is foolish!
Here is an update on the perverted bishop in Weber County... Apparently he made his first court appearance today.
How come you never hear in the news about ex-Mormons molesting little girls? Aren't ex-mo's supposed to be these terrible, wicked, awful people? So how come it's always bishops and stake presidents in the news who are supposedly called of god because of how worthy they are?
Ex-Mo = Son of Perdition; never in the news for sexual crimes.
Bishop = Righteous, called of god; always in the news for sexual crimes.
What is wrong with this picture?
I would not want to talk with one of these men that are shouting things. Now if somebody was there sitting at a table with information about another way of thinking, I might be inclined to talk to them. But these guys seem so bizarre that I would worry that they are on drugs.
I feel sorry for the Mormons who want to quietly walk into the mind control conference center for their semi annual bull fest. At least they go in, listen, and act like humans beings.
These guys are nuts jobs, offensive, and rude.
And what's with the garment thing? That is so stupid.
These guys make me sick.
Happy Easter everyone ( named after the goddess Ishtar) lol
But thats the beauty of Christianity I guess changing all the pre christian concepts of gods and goddesses and superceding them with Christianity's version.
just a thought , I have a video on You Tube called Joseph Smith - Head in A Hat
What I can't understand is why Mormons are calling me names , getting angry with me ,even calling me a liar ? How can that be if i'm telling the truth ?
Apart from name calling , No one challenges my video's claim that the Mormon Church is decieving us by telling us Joseph Smith used a biblical Urim and Thummim and Breastplate when in reality he used a Hat and a Peep Stone .....
Its amazing , I thought I might be congratulated for telling the truth but quite the opposite !
Articles of Faith 13 we believe in being Honest, true , etc etc
Elder Joseph
These guys are Attention whores , they must know that their grandstanding is not going to convert anyone. They just want to be thorn in peoples sides so they will have to notice them.
Yes, I have often wondered how successful they are but I would imagine not very much...
In the pagan culture, the serpent was viewed as a holy animal. Christianity, of course, turned around and made it the symbol of the devil.
Elder Joseph, as you continue to learn more about Mormons, you will discover a culture that is terrified of honesty. Everything about it promotes lying, dishonesty, etc. In order to "fit in" one must obey all the rules. And since no one can obey all the rules all the time, they lie about it. They pretend life is wonderful even if it sucks. After all, the ONLY path to true happiness is Mormonism. So if you're miserable, you just pretend to be happy. That's the game. Everyone plays pretend and everyone is "happy". It's sad really, but that's how it is.
In fact, one of the initial reasons I quit going to church was because I was tired of the happy act. I was miserable and I was sick and tired of pretending.
I have noticed that there seems top be a reluctance to talk about history in the Mormon Church . When I first went they all said don't be afraid to ask questions . Now that I have asked some , I start not to feel too welcome ( only from a minority though ) most are great but I'm concerned at why they are so great to me .Is it just to get me to join ?
They've been obsessed to get me baptised to the point that The Bishop asked me to try baptism out , because I'll receive the Holy Ghost and then if I'm not any more certain I can get my name taken off !! he did emphasize " Pay Tithe Though " lol
I've noticed a big emphasis in Mormon Church on "Priesthood Poer and Authority " " The Only Authority " . I hear this every week and its started to get on my nerves ! lol I can see lots of people don't look happy and when they speak about how happy the church makes them , its obvious that they are just saying it because they are expected to . Fast and Testimony meetings is the same old stuff word for word .
One of my Missionaries did a farewell talk of his mission highlights . He didn't tell them about the evening he heard from me that Joseph Smith put his head in a hat. They were still with me until after 10.30 pm ( past their mission rules deadline ), reluctant to go back to their flat , they were laughing ! lol
In Gospel Principles class we are taught to be Robots , giving the answers they want to hear when the Teacher asks a question .
I feel like bringing a Top Hat and a stone to church to re enact those amazing times when translating the BOM . Its really niggling at me now every time I see the new Ensigns showing him studying the open plates like a scholar .
Missionaries are influencing people into this religion on false information, they themselves not knowing any better .
I didn't listen to the General Conference this time , not even to see the funny side .... I just can't stand listening to those plastic men ! I can't believe I sat through the last 3 of them like an idiot . Well at least I investigated properly . At last conference in the priesthood session I saw a few guys making notes of the session !! The only need to get last years notes out and realise its exactly the same ! lol
Notice how, in both videos, you can hear the choir singing in the background. I tried to film them but they stopped singing right as I started filming. Oh well.
Hey Samuel,
I appreciate what you are doing. But I want to correct your perspective on this post:
evangelicals are not Christians.
They are as sectarian and fanatic as Mormons are.
Your headline "Anti-Mormon Pro-Christian" is therefore misleading. You are using the same cult terminology they are using, making them "true Christians".
There is nothing farer from the truth.
I am not here to lead a theological debate. It is not about the Trinity stuff and so on that I would not call them Christians, but for their immoral, hateful, aggressive behavior.
If we forget about all that theological stuff which in reality doesn't matter, what is most important is:
- love other people as you love yourself. Treat other people with love and respect.
- if you are treated bad, don't react in the same way, but stop the vicious cycle of hate, violence and revenge, by reacting with love and compassion.
If you take these guidelines as a means to measure a Christian, these evangelicals utterly fail. They condemn, they are not loving.
They only preach about hell.
Moreover, if you look at their behavior, you can see clear signs of mind-control and fanaticism.
Have you recognized that it makes no sense to discuss with Eric Hoffman in a rational way?
That is not because he is stubborn, but because he is mind-controlled by his cult and cannot think rational anymore. As any mobot who is trained (Pavlov) to act and think in certain ways, so these evangelicals act and think in certain ways too.
So there are two points I want you to consider:
1) Acknowledge that both Mormons and Evangelicals are brainwashed and mindcontroled. Therefore, pure rational discussions cannot reach them. Someone has already posted a google video about mind-control. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
2) Recognize the difference between evangelicalism, which is a cult movement too, and Christianity as a whole. Do you see millions of catholics running around, condemning everyone? Do you see millions of mainstream protestants do so?
No. Please don't take over their ideology that evangelicals are true Christians. They are not.
They represent Christianity like Al-Kaida represents Islam.
They are a fanatic splinter group with radical beliefs and acts.
You have seen their hideous behavior in their DVD campaign.
It is as hideous as Al-Kaida's terrorist attacks. Morality doesn't matter when the holy cause can be helped, when the "holy war" is fought.
Keep doing what you're doing, but watch out for other cults as well, and remember that you don't talk to rational people, you talk to mind-controlled people who believe anything their leaders tell them.
I mean:
Indians are descendents of the Jews, how naive must one be?
The whole earth was flooded with water, where is all the water gone?
The earth was created in 7 days, where do the dinosaurs fit in?
You see, there is nothing rational in their mind.
Moriancumr 77.
(It's a reformed-egyptian word,right?)
Wow an excellent comment. You hit the nail right on the head! I couldn't agree with you more.
You don't have a clue what these guys are about!
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