MP3 File
Wow, what exciting times for Mormons eh? You can feel the excitement in the air, as everyone anticipates and wonders who the next Apostle will be, who will slide into the First Presidency and have a few keys added to their key chain.
In order, the two videos above, are first, the EXACT words of M. Russell Ballard, regarding what he feels about his Mormon missionaries, 6 who had just been killed in a little over a month. I never get tired of sharing his hate with the world.
The second video was posted over on Google videos by Truthseeker, and are the most recent words of Ballard, as he attempted to answer various questions that are often posed regarding Mormonism. His answers are of course complete BS and double talk and more mind fucking, but that's par for the course and we should expect nothing different from any of these losers.
Finally, the audio clip is of M. Russell Ballard, at a Stake Conference, stating that "we don't know we're dead when we die." He stated it in the official capacity of a Mormon Apostle as official Mormon doctrine, that HAS TO BE TRUE, because his Grandpa personally knew it to be true and was an Apostle, therefore it can't be questioned. I apologize that the audio isn't better(with all the damn crying, Mormon babies in the background and no "crying rooms" for them to be taken to), but the main part that CLEARLY stands out, which you'll hear 3 times, is "We don't know we're dead when we die."
Here is the description I wrote for that audio, that I'll include when I post it on my Mormon Truth Interviews podcast:
M. Russell Ballard repeats at least 3 times, that "you don't know your dead when you die." He claims it's 100% true, because his Grandpa taught it, knew it personally and was an Apostle, so it can't be questioned and is 100% Mormon doctrine, now confirmed by 2 Mormon Apostles.
He says that you won't know your dead until you try to do something that you could do in the flesh, and won't be able to do it...then the light will go on in your spirit head, that you're dead.
So, I guess one day you wake up, try to go to the bathroom, take a shower, pet the cat, etc and you won't be able to do it. Then what? He never explains what you do, once you realize that you are indeed dead? LOL!!
He then tells everyone about a vision that Wilford Woodruff had, where he was in heaven, and Joseph Smith ran past him, then Brigham Young ran past him along with other famous Mormon General Authorities, all in a huge hurry.
Finally, he got Joseph Smith to stop and talk to him, just for a second and asked him why he was running and in such a hurry; Joseph explained that they were doing genealogy, or "the work" for everyone and they had to hurry, because their wasn't much time and that all of the other generations, had thousands of years to prepare and do their work, but that they only had a very short time.
Well, it's been over 160 years since Joseph Smith was shot to death in a gun battle, after he had the printing press destroyed and Christ hasn't returned yet. I wonder if he's still running back and forth, along with Brigham Young and all the other dumb shit, Mormon GAs, because the time is so short?
I guess the ALL powerful Mormon God, couldn't just snap his fingers and have the work done eh? Well, at least they're getting their exercise and I just hope they get breaks and lunch, so that they don't get too overworked, hungry and thirsty, while running around doing all that genealogy. Then again, maybe they still don't know that they're dead? LOL!! Can you guys believe this BS?!!
Anyway, Ballard is an idiot and therefore the PERFECT candidate to move into the First Presidency, to compliment the other two buffoons Thomas S. Monson and Gordon B. Hinckley.
As far as the new Apostle goes, my first guess would be Cecil O. Samuelson, for building a building for Hinckley and then naming it after him. After all, it worked for Bednar at BYU-Idaho. The other option would be Kim B. Clark, the President of BYU-Idaho, who gave up his career at Harvard, when "Moses"(Hinckley) called him. However, I don't think he's paid enough dues to be called yet, so maybe after the next guy kicks the bucket, he'll be called.
Now, the PERFECT choice for Apostle, would of course be Richard B. Hinckley, but the NEPOTISM, might terrify Gordon B. Hinckley, just like it did when he called him to be a Seventy and is therefore a long shot at best. I'm sure Hinckley would just love to slip him in before he kicked it and hey, if that's what the Mormon God wants, that's what he'll get and who is anyone to argue with King Hinckley, right?
Well, the conference just started and they had a commercial for Deseret book, advertising some 14 part video series on Joseph Smith. One lady said that "he was the most Christ-like man she's ever known or read about" and then some dumbass added that "Joseph Smith was the most loving and tender-hearted man that ever walked the face of the earth, or something along those lines. What a pathetic joke, as I already feel like puking and the General Conference hasn't even started!!
So, the semi-annual Mormon mind-fuck has begun and I can't wait to hear all of their other bullshit, that will be spewed from the Mormon pulpit. Just remember the words of the faithful cult member Van Hale, who preaches that NOTHING is official Mormon doctrine, including General Conference talks, so there's really no reason to give a flying shit about anything these dumb shits say, right? Well, at least according to Van Hale there isn't.
I'll add to this post, once they announce who the new Apostle of fraud is.
Well, the Hinckster just announced that Quentin L. (LaMar) Cook, is the new Apostle and that Henry B. Eyring(who was my second choice behind Ballard) is the new member of the First Presidency, because he crys a lot and is very emotional...LOL!! He'll be able to fire up those old bosoms and sob like a baby, for The Lord. I can't wait to hear him talk this weekend, as I'm sure the tears will flow freely, and he'll be SO HUMBLED, etc...LOL!!
Truth is, that I've had something on Henry B. (Bennion) Eyring(Demon of Kolob knows what it is), that I've been saving for a few weeks, just in case he was called into the First Presidency, so that I'd have something to BLAST the damn hypocrite on, so let the blasting begin. I'll try to write that post this weekend, so that you can all see what a damn hypocrite the new member of the First Presidency is.
Part of what I have to say regarding Eyring, is infuriating and the other part is hilarious, as you'll all soon see. It just proves that they TRULY have no "spirit of discernment" whatsoever, even when EVIL, DISEASE GERM, full of darkness, anti-Mormon APOSTATES like myself, are right next to them...LMAO!! You would have thought the Holy Ghost would have whispered to him, but to no avail, as is normal with these frauds of the " Mormon God."
Truth is that they're all hypocrites, but we just have to catch them being a hypocrite, at the right time, in the right place, which I did with Mr. crybaby Henry B. Eyring.
Samuel the Utahnite
Keep up the good work ... I'm avoiding conference again .I have difficulty listening to them plastic apostles .
You make me laugh alot with your blogs and sometimes its 'loud laughter' hahahha
I've printed that picture of the missionaries preparing the dog for baptism to show my missionaries ! lol
I just found a great and very interesting comment over on the Salt Lake Tribune website, regarding Henry B. Eyring and who he's related to and I just thought that I'd pass it along to you guys.
"Josephs Myth: 10/6/2007 5:20:00 PM
In a dynastic hierarchy such as this, one has to wonder if it is relevant that Henry B. Eyring is the second cousin of the half blood to Willard "Mitt" Romney. They are both great-grandsons of Miles Park Romney, but from different wives. Look for this fact not to be widely publicized since it just highlights that old polygamy bugaboo again.
We should have known, as almost EVERY single Apostle, has some magic bloodline somewhere and Ballard is a direct descendant of Joseph Smith, who was taught to be a blood descendant of Jesus Christ himself, from his polygamous M. Russell Ballard is then himself a direct descendant of Jesus Christ...WOW!! LOL!! We should all bow down and kiss his Almighty ass!!
But to know that Henry B. Eyring is blood related to Mitt Romney, through Mormon polygamy, is no they just need to get Mitt in the white house, for everything to fall in place, which will NEVER happen, thank the Mormon God. I'll post the info I have on who is/was related to whom, as it's quite extensive and shocking. I'm still trying to figure out who poopdorf is related to and also Bednar pickle-head. If anyone knows, please leave a comment.
Well, I'm off again, as I have football to watch, porno to view, drugs to do, and prostitutes to screw, like all of us ex-Mormon disease germs, as I'm NOT going to get all dressed up to go to the "we have the literal power of God" session, when I can eat, drink and be merry...LOL!!
Maybe they'll have Boyd do a sequel to his horrendous "don't mess with your little factory" talk, from October of 1977 General Priesthood session, as this is the 30 year anniversary, of Boyd shutting down little boy's factories. Too bad there is no trace of that talk on, under conference talks or even on the website or disc, listing ALL conference talks every given, despite encouraging elsewhere on, that ALL fathers need to hand out the pamphlet(that was made out of the talk), to all of their male children. I guess girls don't masturbate, according to Mormon doctrine, right? Would Boyd K. Packer also call it a "little factory" for girls? Maybe he can give that talk in April, at the General Relief Society meeting eh? Hell, even I'd tune in for that one!!
Take care,
Yes I listened to Ballard revealing to us that we don't know we are dead when we die ! I don't know what to say to that as religion just took a step up into the realms of even more Delusional Mumbo Jumbo or something .... its amazing what these Mormon Leaders come up with .. Who needs alcohol , these guys are doing ok without ! lol
His answer to scientific proof of the Book Of Mormon is a nonsense as the church has been looking for centuries for some and FAIRS and FARMS are always showing what they hope is credible evidence anyway .... It must bother them as more and more are leaving the church over it ..
Its not a case of lack of evidence for the BofM .Its a case of overwhelming evidence against it ..
I've read the book of mormon and prayed and I got no answer of its truthfullness and that was the right answer because I am familiar with the bible and I noticed a constant lifting of biblical phrases throughout . It was obvious to me that the author was familiar ( fanatical) about the king James version of the bible... and even wrote it in the same king James English to make it appear authentic ....
Its a book which he made up and then used to exploit his followers to the absolute max ... Money ,women,followers wives , obedience, power , control, etc
Today I'm having a rest from church because of the conference .... I don't really like going anymore but the opportunity to remind them of their real beliefs in Elders Quorom is usually a good reason to attend for now ...
I've been reading Lyndon Lamborn's research .There are a few new things I didn't know about .I hope you get to interview him some time ...
I've only experienced the church for two years and wonder if they are in deep problems over the history ,polygamy and archeology and everything about the church issues which are raging on the Internet .Even TBM's have websites and blogs questioning it ! Maybe the apostles have their own blogs as well and are secretly looking for the answers ....
Henry B Eyring has always appeared fake to me .... I watched him from the beginning , that shaky emotional voice almost trying to get himself to cry never convinced me ...In fact everything about Mormonism seemed artificial from the start ....
I just wonder how they continue the facade and how do they justify it to themselves ..
The other night my missionaries read out all the racist comments from Brigham Young and the other LDS Leaders .They were shocked ..
Then they read the Alexander B Morrison talk 'No More Strangers ' quote
" How grateful I am That the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints has from its beginnings stood strongly against racism in any of its malignant manifestations "
The laughed their heads off !! me too .. I'm not sure they can be serious anymore about the church.They are even looking forward to me telling them about B H Roberts next time ... lol
The amazing thing is if they see you are committed to learning and know more than them ,then they do listen .... I'm literally the teacher now .. an amazing turn around from being spiritually bullied by them just two years ago when I knew nothing !!
The church is inviting comments on its new Joseph Smith teaching manual !! No mention of his many wives ? strange ??? lol
Teaching Manual
So tell me, Sam, where did Elder Ballard say: "I don't give a damn if more Mormon missionaries are HURT or KILLED"????
Is that your "license" to make someone an "offender for a word"?
Ray A is that knothead who posted or perhaps still posts at I am not sure if the site is up, but I remember that name inasmuch as he seemed to enjoy all the crap he was fed by the LDS church.
god, his breath must stink something fierce.
Anyway, interesting post. I loved it. I feel sorry for those guys who attend the conference. I prefer to spend my day doing what I want.
I took a few minutes to see if you had something written, and you did. Very good work.
Elder Joseph had some great coments, too.
I am glad I am out of the madness known as the LDS cult. It was a few years of insanity. I am so relieved to be enjoying my life instead of dealing with all the lies and ridiculous stories that come out of the mouths of the mormon leaders.
They sure seem to think of themselves as actually apostles. What a riot. How embarrassing for them that they actually think that. Oh well, I guess if that is what it takes for them to feel good about themselves, whatever.
Too bad the minions are paying their money to these cult leaders who just sit and wait for the dollars to flow in so they can do whatever they want with it.
Hi Samuel
Yes that Alexander B Morrison talk 'No More Strangers ' quote is funny to us but its also sheer deception .
" How grateful I am That the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints has from its beginnings stood strongly against racism in any of its malignant manifestations "
The Joseph Smith manual .I haven't read it all but in the Historical Summary it just shows him only married to Emma.Its clear that they are trying to hide the past and since they believe polygamy comes back with Jesus christ they prefer to hide that too from investigators and new members, current members and The world..
They like to show him as a monogomist even though the church is a polygamist church really and that its current monogomy is only to appease the law.They must envy Warren Jeffs .
You are right ...the conferences are just like communist talks , a total delusion of the real reality of the church.
If I can save one person from the church then its been worth it .I think with my missionaries i've laid the foundation for them to do their own research when they get back home and the Internet is the obvious place .No doubt they will have their own blogs too afterwards! lol
I'm chatting with one returned missionary from RFM who served in our ward 2000/2002 and he has already seen through it all and stopped going to church ... Him and his wife are trying to drop hints to their family and friends and told me that they already got another returned missionary looking into it all after they shocked him with what they knew !!
Its going to crumble . Shiz is hitting the fan ! hahaha
I'm still stunned by the whole thing. The more I look the worse it gets .I'm not surprised many Mormons daren't look too deep ...
I know what you mean about the Trinity thing and how the Mormon church have a more rational explanation .... but thats the attraction of the church , Joseph Smith put an answer to all the difficult aspects of Christianity and thats the trap which people fell into .What followed was just Sheer Arrogance of Mormon Apostles and Prophets and Bullying Of Women into Polygamy for the sole purpose of glorifying these mormon Godmen .... Its a disgrace what these men have done and said , a sad reminder of human folly .
Its all a big tragedy and injustice to women, blacks and the real Jesus Christ whoever he might be ..
Well I've endured 3 sessions of conference ... I don't know why I do it to myself ?
I saw Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin struggling , I felt sorry for him , he was so determined to continue. Like you said Samuel how can we not have compassion for him even though we know its not the church its claiming to be ...
The whole conference seems to be yet another repetition of the last 4 I have heard except I think this time they sounded like they were enforcing the bookOf Mormon as it seems members are choosing to cast dispersion on it ( Russel M Nelson talk ). His biblical support qoutes can easily be counteracted .I'm certain the bible isn't remotely connected like they say.
Same with Elder Ballards talk and Jefrey Holland's talk , it seeems the Media , The Internet and their own dissenters is starting to bite and concern them ..... maybe it will finally wipe some arrogance from them ..
You Guys must have a boring life if all you can do is find ways to rubbish people... that is not what a true Christian would do.... maybe you're not even Christian... I can't tell from your comments.... there is no love in what you say... maybe you'll feeling guilty and can't handle the fact that humilty & repentance is needed in order for you to feel the love of God in your life.
If the Mormon Church is not God's church then it will come to naught. but if it is then maybe you'll feel sorry one day for what you're doing. It's your choice, your life, your problem. I hope you can do some good in the world.
Open Minded.
Speaking of Elder Ballard he has more on his plate.
Looks like these guys are suing him and the church for consipracy and stuff.
sorry the link is
The church isn't for everyone. If you can't live the law, you tend to get annoyed and find fault. Finding fault is the easiest thing in the's also the best way to align yourself with Satan.
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