Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thomas S. Monson & Warren Jeffs(THE REAL/CURRENT MORmON PRophet Of Fraud)...Dance A Little Ballet & Take a Bow Together...In The Name Of Their "God!!"

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All I can say about this one is LOL!!

This is for all of you ASSHOLE MORmON cultists out there who continue to leave me nasty comments and send me and my family vile/threatening Emails!!

But hey, keep sending the Emails and leaving the comments, as I just LOVE pissing you MORmON cultists off and I will continue to do so with much joy. I PROMISE to continue being YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE and I'm not going anywhere!!

Also, thanks to all of you out there who continue to strongly support me, my blogs, my podcasts and my efforts in exposing this evil, vile, awful, death and starve your children cult, as I couldn't do it without you.

I love your comments and Emails and applaud you all for your efforts and desire to fight for what is humane and right and to help others live a cult free life.

Samuel the Utahnite

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The MORmON First Presidency Wants To Wish All Of Their Cultists A Happy St. Patrick's Day...While Heading To D.C. For Their Billion Dollar Bailout!!

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I felt that this video with Monsoon Monson, Crying Eyring and Uchtdork as greedy leprechauns, was appropriate and very realistic; when compared to the pathetic fantasies, bullshit and lies that they and all MORmON apologists are currently living and propagating...while brainwashing and robbing their innocent victims, including babies and children.

Samuel the Utahnite