Saturday, November 29, 2008
A BYU Student Is Punished In A Church "Court Of Love" & Then Heads Up To The Provo Temple Despondent & Angry, With A Handgun..No Surprise Here!!
This is just another tragic tale of what MORmONISM does to otherwise normal and happy people!! Everything's fine until you screw up or are accused of screwing up and then all bets are off and they'll be coming after you with everything they have, including spies, who will secretly watch you and report back to the Bishop or Stake President.
Here is the direct link to this video story.
This poor guy may have done something or may be 100% innocent and only accused of doing something by the BYU Nazi students, that are so proud and happy to fabricate lies about others(as they are trained from birth to do), without any thought whatsoever of the consequences and what it will do to someone and the pain it will cause them in their lives.
In any case, this kid's Bishop or Stake President called a "court of love" for him, didn't care about his side of the story, judged whether or not he was really repentant and sorrowful and then they probably excommunicated him or at least disfellowshipped him, knowing EXACTLY what they were going to do before they even did it.
The whole court bullshit in MORmONISM is just another MORmON power play, sham and lie, as they actually pretend that they don't know what they're going to do before they do it. It's just another way to show you how worthless you are and how powerful they are.
Just ask Simon Southerton who wrote "Losing A Lost Tribe" or Chad Hardy of "Men On A Mission" fame, who were both singled out and excommunicated....for simply writing a book and making a calendar. Simon's excommunication was 7+ years after he was even active in the cult and had resigned as a Bishop and oh, he was even forbidden to speak about his "scary book" during the court(they were terrified it might de-convert people in the court), as they went after him for adultery instead, that had long since been resolved, as he was back with his wife for years at the time of the court.
Just for the record...what they show(men and women's skin abundantly, with NO MORmON garments in sight, as I've shown above in the video) at the 100% MORmON owned and operated Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie, Hawaii(the home of BYU-HAWAII), is far worse than what is in Chad's calendar and by the way, the next to naked men and women that parade around all day and dance in the final night show at the PCC are BYU students...WOW...what a shocker, more hypocrisy eh?
Oh and they also serve, in the name of the MORmON Jesus Christ And Tommy Boy Monson...the "forbidden and I can't drink it and get baptized or go to the temple or have eternal life or an eternal family" caffeinated coffee to their visitors upon request, along with caffeinated Pepsi products, which are FORBIDDEN at BYU and forbidden period according to the last MORmON PRophet of fraud Gordon "boozer" Hinckley!!
Now, why would this kid do what he did and feel such depression and desperation and want to possibly kill himself? Well, being punished while at BYU means that you are being kicked out of BYU, ostracized by EVERYONE and that EVERYONE(where you live, work, your roommates and who you go to class with, plus your family, girlfriend, etc, etc) knows that you did something terrible and are now NOT WORTHY to be a student at the precious BYU.
On top of that, part of the MORmON repentance process, if he wants to get back into the cult someday; is to tell his family and friends what he did and apologize to them for hurting them through his dirty deeds...yeah, that will help when they all condemn him and bow their head in shame on behalf of him.
Furthermore, they kick your ass out of the cult for whatever reason and then give you no support or help and basically leave you to rot(but telling you that they love you so much), banning you from even praying and participating in meetings. Funny way to show love, isn't it?!!
By the way this is not the first time that a BYU student has headed up to the Provo temple with a gun and I know of one that even tragically killed himself right at the front gates. Does the MORmON hierarchy care? Of course they don't, as they don't even care about their missionaries, as current Asspostle M. Russell Ballard clearly stated a couple of years ago.
Ballard doesn't care if more missionaries die!!
If Ballard is so cold and heartless that he doesn't give a damn if one of his "precious" missionaries get hurt or killed(the cult wouldn't progress at all or gain converts or increased filthy lucre and future shopping malls without them)...then he certainly wouldn't care if any member died, like this poor kid, no matter how tragic it was or if he was the DIRECT cause. There's a reason why Utah has one of the highest suicide rates in the USA, especially for teenage suicides.
What is so sick, is how these arrogant bastards treat you in a "court of love", as described by Margaret Toscano in the MORmON Hierarchy praised and linked to PBS Documentary, who was excommunicated in 2000 for just being a feminist and speaking openly about a "Mormon Heavenly Mother." 7 years earlier, they had FORBIDDEN her to speak publicly about anything that had to do with MORmONISM and had threatened her membership then. The link above explains it all and you'll know everything you need to know.
The most bizarre, twisted and sickening thing is how the Bishop and those involved in the court treat you after they've announced that you're excommunicated. Margeret Toscano described it as follows:
"Then he said: "However, you are excommunicated. We have found you to be an apostate." ... I'm a nice apostate, I guess, right? [Laughs.] I'm a nice apostate. ... Then he proceeded to explain to me what that meant, what the consequences of that are. And then at the end -- and this struck me as extremely bizarre on one level, that after he made the pronouncement and told me what it meant to be excommunicated, and the fact that you're not allowed to wear your temple garments, that you're not allowed to participate in meetings, that your name is no longer on the church records and all of your church ordinances are canceled and so forth -- then when it was over, everybody got up. In fact, they were just always so concerned about being polite to me, and they all wanted to shake my hand. It just struck me as so bizarre on one level, that here you've excommunicated me, which means that I no longer can go to the celestial kingdom and be part of the community of Saints, and yet you want to shake my hand and tell me I'm a nice person and that you really weren't trying to do me any harm. It just struck me as so -- [Laughs.] -- ironic on a certain level.
Then I left, and they wanted to make sure they walked me out to the parking lot, because it was 10:30 at night, and so there was this politeness. ... In fact, I afterwards talked about sort of the horror of niceness -- that on the one hand they're cutting me off from eternal salvation and telling me that I'm this apostate, which really is considered very bad in Mormon culture, and then I'm this nice woman that they're going to shake my hand. There's something vicious about niceness that struck me in this -- that the niceness covered over the violence of what was being done, because, in fact, excommunication is a violent action. And yet you had this veneer of niceness that covers it over. That was horrifying to me. Afterward it almost made me shudder, that incongruity between the violence of that excommunication and the niceness of the discourse that went on."
Again, keep in mind that LDS/MORmON Inc not only approved whole-heartedly of this PBS documentary, but praised it, bragged about it and STILL link to it from Jesus Christ's official website. I think she described "horror of niceness" and "vicious about niceness" that she experienced and that this young man I'm posting about, which truly how sick, twisted and demented these men and this cult really is.
Here is a clip of Margaret Toscano interview listed above:
Margaret Toscano's "Violently nice" Excommunication From The MORmON Cult!!
Uploaded by SamueltheUtahnite
Well, I hope that this kid will be okay and will somehow get the support he needs from his family and friends, which is doubtful if they're still die-hard MORmON cultists who choose the church over him. Let's hope that they didn't raise him with the "Better Of Dead" doctrine, which wouldn't be a surprise either, especially if they're Utah born and raised MORmONS.
I wish him the best and I hope that he will realize that the MORmON ASSHOLES(The Bishop & Stake President & others in the room) have done him a great favor and let's hope that he'll never return to the MORmON cult or their Nazi University and will see the light and then help others to leave the cult.
Here is a reminder of the MORmON cult's "Better Off Dead" doctrine from a video that I made:
Are you all seeing a common theme yet, between what M. Russell Ballard(A direct descendant of Joseph Smith) said about not caring if missionaries died and the doctrines that they teach regarding "Better Off Dead", that I've shown in the video above?
Gee, why would depression and suicide be among the top in the country, here in Utah...hmmm...I can't figure it out...63% MORmONS in Utah...hmmm...what could it be?!!
As always, I look forward to your comments guys and I hope that the things I post here and record in future podcasts will continue to help you or someone that you know, to know THE TRUTH about the fraud and dangers of MORmONISM, as people are actually dying for and because of this evil, vile cult of death, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
Samuel the Utahnite
Brigham Young,
court of love,
Henry B Eyring,
Joseph Smith,
Thomas S Monson,
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Oh no! The story about the BYU student leaves me so saddened. It's so unnecessary, yet so prevalent in Cougar Country, isn't it? Wow! What a shame. I hope that he is able to take this opportunity that moves him outside of the church walls for a brief time, to really think about an organization that would lead him to wanting to harm himself.
Thank you for posting Margaret Toscano's words and the video segment. She is such an amazing woman. I have read many of her papers and really respect her on so many levels.
I saw that PBS program a long time ago and your post reminded me of how much I would enjoy seeing it in its entirety again.
Incredible stuff, Samuel! Thank you again for blogging about the truth.
Winx, Jinxi
your tone in this blog is ungodly. i will pray for you.
Let me tell you when I visited the Mormon church I was the one who wanted to be baptised by a woman. You uploaded a hot video, that's awesome. I don't think I gonna join the church.
Another great post! Thank you for sharing!
I love Margaret Toscano's work and strength. Thanks for posting that too.
I pray for that poor kid.
I am absolutely disgusted. How can someone who believes that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a true church turn around and post all of this blasphemous and photoshopped crap? If you believed it was true and you turned your back on it to do this, you do not deserve anything better than the worst kingdom God has to offer. How many people know that half of this is taken out of context? Not many, I imagine. Yeah. This is the "truth". I hate to break it to you but this website only serves to make definite the reason why I am a member of the LDS church. I love it with all my heart and you cannot make me hate it. You knew it was true once. I'll know it's true forever.
Why are you so bitter? You paint the Mormon church in such an awful life, and yet in my five years as a mostly inactive member I've gotten nothing but love and respect from my member friends and family. I was expecting a huge backlash when I told everyone I had started smoking and drinking, but everyone has been really cool about my choices in life. Hell my older brother is gay and everyone in my family loves him and is still as close to him as ever.
Did someone wrong you somehow? Why this crusade?
Wow bud you are one sad, sad little man. Regardless of my beliefs, the fact that you spend your life trying to tear down someone elses religion instead of making yourself better saddens me and just tells everyone that reads this blog you're probably upset with your own life; most people that try to destroy others are upset with themselves and want other people to be miserable as well. Isn't it sad that, despite some weird things mormons do, they got you! They've got you spending all your time on them. You’ll read this and not like me, and think I’m wrong, but you and I both know I’m not. I read this and just shake my head. Nobody respects a person for posting their negetive opinions about other people. We'll read it and luagh and find you funny, but then decide inside that in the end, you obviously have no proof of what you're saying and then those that read will just feel bad for all the hate and time you invested in somebody elses religion. Trust be bud, your life will only become more meaningless and filled with more hatred if you keep down this road. Again, you're mad by now, but you know I'm right. focus on making your own life better and it will be So much more fulfilling, promise. Remember, of you get angry at this and retaliate, you're only proving me right. Best of luck.
Your article is very interesting.
I respect you probably it is difficult to assume many that they live through a world of lies and it is preferable to continue living through it.
I support hundred per cent.
so keep it real!
Regards from Chile
Many years ago I would have been upset over this post but today I have to say I absolutely know that everything he said is right. I am gay and was excommunicated from the church a few months ago. Before I went in I was told by my stake president what would happen and how I should feel the "love" in the room. And how much they cared about me and there were people who would make sure I was treated fairly and with kindness. So I go in and guess what. I was attacked on all sides, I felt no love whatsoever. Nobody looked out for me. At the end I asked if I could say something and I was allowed and I told them that I felt hate in the room, one of the members said to me..."do you want to know why"...I gave him an emphatic NO and after the token handshakes (a few were genuine) I left and my ex-stake president let them have it. I am very thankful to be out of the black hearted, bigoted, hateful, discriminating church. I know God loves me and will be the only one who will judge me. The church took it upon itself to be the Judge and jury. The people say love the sinner hate the sin. They will also be judged by God who knows what is really in their hearts and he will see that they are judgemental, hypocrits.
I see that you have stopped blogging for a while - I hope that is because you found something better to do with your life than generate negative energy towards a specific group of people. You are hating a group of people because you disagree with what they believe. Then you spend all your time trying to prove them wrong or making them out to be the bad guy. Isn't it exhausting to be bitter? You remind me a teenage girl from Gossip Girl (maybe you are!). Get a life.
spies.......from the bishop and stake president......that is the funniest thing i've ever heard and entirely false. you're a bastard and a good percentage of what you say here is a bunch of made up shit, i know a lot about how that church runs, and maybe you should talk to the right people and do the right research before coming up with your ridiculous statements. I can tell that what you say is a personal problem against this church, which clouds you from saying anything worth listening to. You also have control of the comments on this blog, and nobody will probably ever get to see the one valuable thing anyone ever said about it. But i'm over it already, just want you to hear it sucka....go poke yourself in the eye and think about your worthless life. Maybe you should consider getting out and living your life, have fun and don't be so full of anger over something beyond your control.
I really appreciate this blog, and have posted a link to mine. I hope you will allow me to be a part of yours as I share your beliefs.
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