Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Thomas S. Monson and a little boys suicide!!

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Here is another link regarding the TRUTH about the hate-filled bigot and homophobic Thomas S. Monson!!


This was part of a talk given by Thomas Monson in the April 2005 General Conference. It was entitled, "Constant Truths for Changing Times." I read this a while back and I have really needed to post this. After analyzing what he said, I was shocked to say the least by the overall conclusions of this part of his speech. I just wanted to see what you guys think.

Here is the quote:

"Several years ago we had a young paperboy who didn't always deliver the paper in the manner intended. Instead of getting the paper on the porch, he sometimes accidentally threw it into the bushes or even close to the street. Some on his paper route decided to start a petition of complaint. One day a delegation came to our home and asked my wife, Frances, to sign the petition. She declined, saying, "Why, he's just a little boy, and the papers are so heavy for him. I would never be critical of him, for he tries his best." The petition, however, was signed by many of the others on the paper route and sent to the boy's supervisors.

Not many days afterward, I came home from work and found Frances in tears. When she was finally able to talk, she told me that she had just learned that the body of the little paperboy had been found in his garage, where he had taken his own life. Apparently the criticism heaped upon him had been too much for him to bear. How grateful we were that we had not joined in that criticism. What a vivid lesson this has always been regarding the importance of being nonjudgmental and treating everyone with kindness."

Link to talk

My opinion is that first of all, he missed the entire point of the fact that the little Boy died and that he and his wife did nothing to prevent it. As he said, " How grateful we were that we had not joined in that criticism." So basically, as long as they didn't sign the petition, they were in the clear? So, they have a clean conscience? Was this about the Boy or about Thomas Monson pointing out how righteous he is? So, they didn't sign the petition, great, but they didn't stop it either!!

Now let's remind each other of who this man pretends to be. According to the Mormon hierarchy, He is the 2nd most powerful man that God has on earth and is God's next Prophet, Seer and Revelator with all the keys and power. Only Hinckley has more authority that he does.

So with that being said, I find it astonishing that he had absolutely no inspiration whatsoever regarding this situation. He didn't know or feel that the boy might commit suicide? Why didn't he at least go and meet with the Boy and try to console him knowing that there was a petition going around and since he appeared to be so concerned for the little boy? Why didn't he go tell the little Boy that everything would be okay, see if he needed help, etc? After all, his Wife Frances said that, "I would never be critical of him, for he tries his best."

Why didn't they at least tell him that, instead of talking to each other and the walls? Maybe it would have made a difference, right?

Now, all of this leads me to wonder, how the Family and Parents of this little boy feel about Thomas Monson using the tragic death of their Son as an object lesson. Did he notify them beforehand? I have also begun to wonder, as I'm sure many have, if all of these stories are just bogus and made up anyway. Has anyone ever tried to confirm all of their little stories? I hope that this story is indeed made up!!

But, lets assume it's a real Family whose little Boy really did take his own life; do they appreciate Thomas Monson using the example of their Son to show the world how righteous he and his wife are? By the way, I wonder if it was the Deseret News that the Boy was delivering? Surely, Thomas Monson could have intervened and talked to the Supervisor since it is the "Church's Newspaper." He could have said, "hey, go easy on the little Boy, the neighbors are coming down pretty hard on him."

Was the little Boy and his Family Mormon? Were they in his ward or stake? Was the "delegation" that came over with the petition, Mormon? Lots of unanswered questions in this little but very sad story and I think we deserve the answers.

Now Thomas Monson ends by saying, "What a vivid lesson this has always been regarding the importance of being nonjudgmental and treating everyone with kindness."

I personally think that this story by Thomas Monson is a "vivid lesson" in his lack of humility or caring for a little Boy, that took his own life, because of something that Thomas Monson should have known or could have tried to stop. But hey, at least he didn't sign the petition, right?

To me, this story also proves what most of us here already know; that Thomas Monson has no more inspiration than my dog. He has no special power of discernment or revelation whatsoever. He is a man, just like any other man and this story certainly proves that point. He is an arrogant and self-serving man that can't wait to get his hands on the reins of a Billion dollar corporation. In other words, this is just another example that proves that these guys are not really Prophets, Seers, Revelators or Apostles of Jesus or any God. They are instead, FRAUDS!!

Hey, Mr. Monson, I know you are disconnected from us real people and all reality; but as your Mormon Church teaches, there are sins of commission and sins of omission. You Sir, committed a sin of omission by not intervening in this situation, that were aware of and that was happening right in your very neighborhood, right under your nose. If you are indeed God's 2nd most powerful man, the 1st counselor to God's mouthpiece, where was your inspiration?

Quit patting yourself on the back Tommy, for not signing the petition; the Boy is gone and you did nothing to stop it and you have nothing to be proud of and you are a disgrace.

You should be ashamed of yourself!!

Samuel the Utahnite


Anonymous said...

What an idiot you are, what a great leader Elder Monson is...

Samuel the Utahnite said...

Yeah and what a freaking genius you are, right? Please explain what I wrote about in the above post, instead of calling me an idiot and saying how great Elder Monson is. What do you have to back up your statement of his greatness.

I personally know Elder Monson by the way and he is just any other guy, trust me. He has no super power and is no better than anybody else. Do you know him Anon? This above talk was very disturbing to me, whether I know the guy or not and I felt that it had to be written about.

I've done extensive research on this, as have many others and we can find nothing about this newspaper boy that committed suicide. I've spoken to neighbors of his, in the neighborhood where he lives and nothing. Not one person remembers this incident. Can you help us out Anonymous?!!

I don't even think that this story is real or ever really happened. He is just making up stories to bolster his points, and give him credibility, just like Joseph Smith did with the Book of Mormon. In other words, he is lying for the Lord and it is fully justified, because his intent is good, right?

You Anonymous need to educate yourself a lot, in order to understand what I'm even talking about. So, if you can help me at least validate this story, that it even happened at all and that he isn't outright lying; then we can deal with the context, which is also very hard to excuse, unless you are a true believer like yourself and see these men as deity.

Good luck and I look very much forward to your response and whether or not you can come up with more than "What an idiot you are!!"

Samuel the Utahnite

Sarah said...

You know... I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion. While you and I have very different opinions on Thomas S. Monson and on the Latter-Day Saint church, I respect the fact that not everyone is going to have the same beliefs on everything.

First, let me start by saying, I do believe Thomas S. Monson is a man of God, and does recieve direct revelation from our Heavenly Father. However, if he was to recieve revelation for every single person in this world, he would have no time for anything else. Also, this little boy who tragically took his own life, had the free agency to do so. That doesn't make it any less sad or tragic, but Thomas S. Monson isn't a fortune-teller who can predict the future. That isn't how the Lord works. He recieves divine revelation when the Lord feels it appropriate to give it to him. Why did he not recieve revelation about this little boy? Well, I can't answer that with the kind of facts or pure knowledge you are probably looking for, but I can say that the Lord will not interfere with anyones free agency to choose good or choose otherwise. He loves us far too much to order us about like servants. Unfortunately for everyone involved, this little boy made a the choice to end his own life. However, that is not President Monson's fault.

Also, just because people in this neighborhood you have supposedly talked to do not remember this event, does not mean it did not happen. President Monson said "several years ago," is when this all took place. Perhaps it was not even the same neighborhood that President Monson currently lives in. If you know President Monson, you should ask him about it. He is a kind man, and if you believe in the Savior, and you go speak with President Monson, you can know he is a man of God by his shining countenance. He has the light of Christ in his eyes. You may not see that, or may not agree with that, but that is my belief and the belief of many others - I just ask you do not criticize us for our what we believe.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot "Samuel the Utahnite"

Anonymous said...

you're seriously really dumb. God cant give you a revelation just like that...I mean the kid is in a much better place...have you ever seen raven like when she gets those visions and what not she cant control them they come to her...Monson is a very very great man...I love him next to my dear prophet...and you are just soo stuck up in things that dont matter that you cant see things when they are right infront of you...btw that video is false doctrine we dont think people who arent of our faith are going to heck...okay...we believe everyone will have the chance to know about the gospel...I hopefully will see you in the spirit world when you get taught the right. And we do have the fullness of the gospel not because of the books we have but of what we have a purpose as well even though you act like an idiot!

Anonymous said...

First, "You're an idiot" is hardly a legitimate response. Those who respond in such a way are clearly not displaying a Christ-like demeanor. (Can you see Christ saying, “You’re an idiot” to those Pharisees who so often tried arguing with him?) Second, I have to disagree with some of the logic behind your criticism.

In the talk he mentions that they (those with the petition) came to his wife, not him personally. Next, this happened many years ago. Not only did he mention it happening many years ago, he also referred to returning home from work to find his wife crying. Sounds to me like this happened when he was still employed in his normal vocation before being called to any “high” church calling. I’m not saying that with certainty, just that the circumstances seem to indicate that. (Judging from some of his other talks this had to happen at least in the early 60’s perhaps even earlier.) So, there are many reasons he would not have been inspired to intervene. He wasn’t aware until later, he was not in a position of authority over that locale, family, etc, or perhaps God allowed it to happen for a greater purpose. (Why didn’t God inspire Lot to leave Sodom before he had to send angels in?)

Given the era that this probably happened is another good reason why your search turned up nothing in the news about it. The press had an unwritten code of conduct that they went by in those days. They made every effort to not cause further hurt or embarrassment to people (JFK’s frequent trysts never made the news) and often did not list cause of death, especially if it involved suicide.

You wonder “how the Family and Parents of this little boy feel with Thomas Monson using the tragic death of their Son as an object lesson?” Did it even occur to you that perhaps he changed some of the details of the story for the express purpose of NOT causing further grief for the family? I know I would.

I’m afraid the “evidence” you try to use is extremely flimsy to say the least. You clearly had your conclusion in mind BEFORE you set about looking for evidence. But then everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The church has withstood more spewed hatred than on your website. It has survived, and will survive no matter how many people like you there are out there. The work will go forward and you, nor anyone else, will be able to stop it. If you really were a missionary I’d wager you’re creating more converts to the church now than you did on your mission.

JBryan said...

Given the fact that Paul H. Dunn told some faith promoting stories that turned out to be false, why wouldn't Monson do the same? What faithful Mormon is going to call him on it?

I think the key here is to do some more research. That people who lived in the neighborhood have no memory of the event should be a smoking gun to all. If a paperboy killed himself, then there would be a grave and a death certificate.

The fact is Mormon leaders have a bad habit of telling lies. Joseph Smith based his religion on the lie that God and Jesus visited him even though Brigham Young and others said that God didn't visit him but sent an angel.

What a tangled web we weave.....

Anonymous said...

Oh? And what neighborhood would that be? Site your researchers, their sources, locations, etc. You will have to go back quite a way as this happened long ago. (You chose to ingnore the last post.) While your siting, also site your source where Brigham Young said God didn't visit Joseph but sent an angel. Seems you are doing the weaving here.

Samuel the Utahnite said...

Hey, please allow me to jump in here for a second and address the angel visiting Joseph Smith.

This is what Brigham Young actually said in Journal of Discourses, Vol. 2, p. 171:

But as it was in the days of our Savior, so was it in the advent of this new dispensation. It was not in accordance with the notions, traditions, and pre-conceived ideas of the American people. The messenger did not come to an eminent divine of any of the so-called orthodoxy, he did not adopt their interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. The Lord did not come with the armies of heaven in power and great glory, nor send his messengers panoplied with aught else than the truth of heaven, to communicate to the meek, the lowly, the youth of humble origin, the sincere enquirer after the knowledge of God. But he did send his angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith, Jr., who afterwards became a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day, for they were all wrong; that they were following the precepts of men instead of the Lord Jesus; that he had a work for him to perform, inasmuch as he should prove faithful before him.

Now, if you want to get into the 9 different versions of the First Vision and that the one you use today, wasn't published or written until 1838, I would love it. Of course, I'm sure that your response will be the same as your Master Hinckley's; SO WHAT?!!

We look forward to your response. Also, why don't you prove that this story that Monson is telling, did indeed happen. I mean; what it happened in the 50's or something? Yeah, I guess for someone that lies on a regular basis and makes up stories every time he talks, just to prove his points, 56 years ago, would be "several years ago." He's so deluded at this point, he doesn't know which way is up or down.

By the way, I personally know Thomas Monson and he's a nice guy personally, but puts on a great show and act when the cameras are rolling.

But, to a normal person, "several years ago", would mean 3-5, maybe 10 at the most. But of course, we are just dumbasses and he's been voted unanimously(only by those in General Conference) a Prophet, Seer and Revelator, right?

We look forward to your response, or anybodies response.


Anonymous said...

I've seen plenty here that explains why you can't locate evidence that it did happen. You are the accuser so it is incumbent upon YOU to prove YOUR allegations. Not the other way around.

As far as Brigham Young’s statement; at least you posted the entire quote. The Tanners edited it thusly, "The Lord did not come . . . . But he did send His angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith, Jun., . . . and informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day, for they were all wrong." Oh lovely ellipses!

But this is the real sentence that trips you up, “But he did send his angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith, Jr., who afterwards became a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day…” For the sake of argument I will assume this is a correctly recorded quote. (BY did not write this but asked that scribes take notes to record his words.) Even so I still do not have a problem with it.

“But he…” The “he” being Jesus Christ. What did “he” do? He sent an angel (Moroni). What ELSE did “he” do? “[and]informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day…” Have you never sent an email or letter only to have the “flavor” or intent be misunderstood by the receiver? Happens all the time. I have no doubt this is how the message was supposed to be perceived. Especially since Brigham Young recounted many times the First Vision. Before and after this speech.

I can see by your responses that you ignore very good, persuasive possibilities because they conflict with your agenda. I don’t expect you to accept this. I know full well you won’t. But then…SO WHAT! (Couldn’t resist.)

Anonymous said...

I will research that as soon as I get the chance. In the mean time, since you keep insisting you know President Monson, would you provide irrefutable evidence of that for me? Frankly, I don’t believe it for a moment. And while you’re at it, please provide empirical evidence that you interviewed neighbors of his about this story? I want addresses, dates and names. You see, most of the things you provide as evidence against the church are very closely worded to most other anti material I’ve seen. In other words, you seem to just parrot back things others have said. You are using the “talking points” of others while at the same time claiming personal knowledge.

Don’t get me wrong. If you could convince me I could sleep in on Sundays, keep tithing money to myself and get loaded if I wanted to. (Never had a drink and don’t care to start.) But you need to at least prove yourself a reliable source. If you’ve lied about the above then how can you be trusted in a debate? Anything wrong with that request?

Anonymous said...

I just got through reading all the comments here and noticed something. Almost every time someone actually tried addressing the original post by Samuel, he responded by trying to change the subject. What's the matter Sam? AADD?

Anonymous said...

I think the point is that there are plenty of other threads that deal with the other stuff. This one should address the Thomas Monson "Paperboy" talk. Either Sam has the evidence or he doesn't. If he has, we should all see it. If not, then he should do the right thing and remove the tread completely.

Anonymous said...

And your mind seems firmly closed as extremely plausible explanations have been presented and you choose to completely discount them. Especially since the point of his talk was about being “nonjudgmental and treating everyone with kindness.” Yet you hope to twist it into something sinister. Reading this blog brings the following scripture to mind:

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

(Old Testament | Isaiah 5:20 - 21)

Where was it you said we could find out what your beliefs are? I gave a cursory look around your site and couldn’t find it. (Not giving up just hoping you can get me there more quickly.) I guess it would help to know from what theological position you are speaking. What I mean is; if NO religion to you is true then using the Bible to attempt to make a point would be fruitless, would it not?

I’d like to have a sincere discussion. Except this thread, without substance or merit, is not beneficial. What it really is-is a matter of opinion, not fact. The thing about opinions is we all have one and they don’t have to agree. But it should be made clear to those whom you are speaking, that you are stating an opinion. You insist they are facts yet provide no proof.

Were we in a court of law; “Your honor? Motion to dismiss due to lack of evidence.” Let the libel suit begin.

Anonymous said...

That's perfectly ok. We understand that all you are looking for is validation that you didn't screw up big time. It's a psychological exercise to make yourself feel better.

Anonymous said...

Come on Sam, switch to decaf!

Anonymous said...

My last post was not entirely tongue-in-cheek. I wanted to see how big a response you would give to a short, six-word, post. You responded with 845 words to my 6. That's about a 141 - 1 ratio. My point, seriously, is that you seem to be rather high-strung and could be headed for a major breakdown, hypertension, or what have you.

6 A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.

(Old Testament | Proverbs 18:6)

My other point is you need to have measured responses. Try not to launch into a diatribe every time someone disagrees with you. Even if you believe that person is being facetious, rude, or a complete idiot it serves no purpose to move to that level. One who believes to have truth on their side need not go there. It also can’t be doing much for your own health.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Brigham Young's polygamy statement...what is wrong with it? Are you saying that since the church banned it in the late 1800s that they essentially cursed all men after that?

Anonymous said...

No sounds but chriping crickets. The thread is dead.

Samuel the Utahnite said...

Look, do me a favor and just invent a damn name for yourself, because there could be 10 anons leaving comments, since I allow Anons, that aren't registered to leave comments. That way, I'll at least think it is you and not somebody else.

Also, please don't try to tell me how to talk, how to write and how to respond to someone. I'll respond however I want and just who the hell do you think you are, to try to control me in any way shape or form. It must be that God in embryo bullshit complex, right? I know, I know, you can't help it, you were just born that way.

I mean, you know that you will be a God someday with innumerable polygamous wives and spirit babies and a God of worlds without numbers, so you are just getting an early jump?

Also, you may consider what I say to be a diatribe and I consider it to be important, completely factual and what I feel like saying. I noticed that you certainly don't want to deal with the majority of what I'm saying, which is fine.

At this point in my journey, I have very low tolerance for those that know the truths and the facts and yet still defend their corrupt cult leaders. Like we promised in the temple; till the death, right?

Just curious, did you go through the temple before the blood oaths were taken out in 1990. I loved agreeing to slit my throat, chest and stomach next to my Dad and friends, while watching my Mom do it across the was so awesome!! Also, that naked touching, right next to my genitals felt great. I think the guy was like 80 and came inches from touching my genitals. Now, that was inspired of God!! Did you enjoy that? Didn't you just feel the spirit and your bosom burning?

Also, please don't pretend to give a shit about my health, when you probably believe that I'm gonna be a "Son of Perdition" or in a lower Kingdom than you. Your facetious concern is a complete insult. By the way, my health has never been better and I've never been happier.

Helping people everyday to deal with their pain or discover the complete truth is a great feeling. Also, the daily Emails I get thanking me, make it all worthwhile.

All I can figure is that I must be peaking your interest or you wouldn't continue leaving comments. Also, do you think you are the only thing I've got going on? Like I live just to respond to you? Again, it's that Mormon "I'm gonna be a God someday" coming out loud and clear.

Finally, I find polygamy to be revolting and morally offensive to me, especially when Joseph the pedophile, was having sex with Little girls as young as 14 and other men's wives. I'm sure you support that and also believe that he had to do it, because that homicidal angel with the flaming sword was gonna kill him, right?

Well, good luck bro and have fun with all those women. I'm guessing that they will be virgins? Joseph..errr...Jesus did teach that sex with virgins wasn't adultery and that he'd destroy Emma if she didn't go with the flow. Gee, I wonder how he justified the "other men's wives?" Oh well, it doesn't matter, it was all authorized by God himself and after all, Joseph claimed to be greater than Jesus Christ, so what's the problem, right?

Oh yeah, and I added the Thomas Monson audio for you, just in case you haven't taken the time to listen to it. See, I'm such a nice guy!!


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:28:03 AM

Anonymous said...

I must be slipping; my word to your word response ratio is dropping.

As a matter of fact I was on my lunch thank you. Funny how you feel the need to allow anonymous posts, refuse to reveal your own identity, then post information about those whom you lure into thinking that they can comment anonymously.

That said, unless you remove my company information immediately, I will file a formal complaint with about your practices. You truly are not an honorable man.

There, happy?

Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:54:41 PM

Anonymous said...


I see you saw my point and I thank you for responding so quickly. I would suggest that you also remove my mention of the incident in the last post as you don't want anyone to feel like they can't say what's on their mind. After all that's what blogging is about.

Tom said...


Never once did I call you an idiot. I can tell by the frustration expressed in many of your posts that you have dealt with plenty of people who respond in such a manor. If anything I posted antagonized you I apologize. (And you're correct, when it comes to blogging I'm an idiot newbie. I mean, I knew that obviously you could tell from whence the posts came, I just never thought you would post the info. I think you have taught me a valuable lesson there.)

I really would like to learn more about your experiences via email if you're willing to do so. If not, that's okay too. I'd just like to start over with you and promise I will never use derogatory expressions; always keeping it civil.

Tom said...

Not the "really dumb" one, but the other two you mentioned, yes. And for that I do apologize. (Especially the AADD one, that was insensitive to those really suffering from it.) And from reading the list of names you've been called I can well understand your readiness to do battle with anyone who even remotely appears to be heading in that direction.

Anyway, see you in email.


Anonymous said...

So I just happened to stumble upon your blog as I was looking for a quote by Thomas S. Monson.

I was really shocked by all your comments. But also, I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and have their own reasons for turning from the church.

I'm just interested in knowing why you turned away and feel such animosity for the church?

You're very well written and I fully respect your right to have your own opinion, but I think what these people are trying to say is they're hurt by your comments. These are things (such as faith in modern day revelators) that are very dear to people, and were once dear to you. Why the change?

Maybe this is something you should keep in a journal instead of publicizing to the world and stealing away their oportunity to judge the gospel for themselves. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Just read a little of what you have written. Won't be back to read your response because, quite frankly, your are not worth my time. But, who is the one with the agenda. Who has a closed mind, you do. Every day in my Christian LDS faith I ask myself for more truth. To know more truth, and find more truth, to build on what I have already found.

You on the other hand have conveniently lost all that you ever had as the Savior said would happen. I feel sorry for you and hope someday in this life you will see the truth, for surely in the next you will be judged by the Lord and found wanting.

Have a great rest of your life with so much HATE in all you do. I don't see anyone being happy hating so much. Your really are a "sad sorry little man"...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sammy are you for real or is your bio a fraud? How do we know if you really served a mission or graduated from BYU and were married in the temple or you are just some seminar Mormon hater who made all that up to give your venemous diatribes some perception of credibility?
By the way it doesn't work. You come across as as sour, bitter and small. Come on and come clean. Tell the truth about yourself. Tell us what has turned you into the hate monger you are. Was it a moral transgresion, cheating on your wife? Addiction to porn? You seem to have a lot to say about all the faults you perceive in the church leaders and members. In the interest of full disclosure I think you should enlighten your readers with a full list of yours! Don't forget to include, how many times, multiple partners, did you enjoy it or is the guilt eating you up inside? Did your wife leave you? Did you make your mother cry? Anyone who has so much hatred for others must truly hate himself.
It really is true what Neal Maxwell said about so many who leave the church but just can't "leave it alone" Very sorry about your bad experience with your bishop at BYU. By the way you sould really consider making a donation to BYU to repay the subsidized portion of the excellent education you received there.

Samuel the Utahnite said...

To the last fucking idiot that posted here, this is exactly what happened:

I followed your beloved Prophet Kimball's plan from The Miracle Of Forgiveness: I got really into porno, which led to massive masturbation and then to circle jerks(jacking off with other guys), which led to homosexuality and then I started to fuck animals and I got caught by my Stake President fucking all the cows in his backyard, in an all out bestiality orgy from Kolob.

So yeah, the asshole excommunicated me and now I'm just really bitter and angry, even though I know the church is true, because I can't overcome my porno, masturbation, circle jerking, homosexual, bestiality problems.

I tried to do Cocaine for a while, since Dallin H. Oaks agrees that overcoming porno addiction is far more difficult than overcoming hard drugs like Cocaine or Meth and it just got me into more trouble, as I got stoned and still looked at porno and fucked male animals, since I'm now a homosexual.

Does that answer your questions dumbass and meet your expectations of what your fucked up leaders have brainwashed you to believe about us ex-Mormons?

So now, go take what I wrote and put it all over the Internet, to prove that ALL ex-Mormons leave due to sin and no other reasons, like discovering that Mormonism is nothing but a fraudulent cult based on lies, corruption and adultery.

I'm sure you're fine with Joseph Smith fucking a 14 year old and other men's wives in the name of God though, right?

LMFAO...the lovely fruits of Mormonism!!


Anonymous said...

bro you honestly don't have much to do in your life but tear apart things with no good intentions, honestly dude you need to really think about what you do and if the things you do don't have a positive or helpful finish to it then your doing some things wrong. You are entitled to your own opinion so i respect that, have fun man trying to do what ever your tryin to accomplish, Ciao

Leonardo said...

President Monson is going to be the next LDS Prophet? Really?... wow that is new. I didn't want to keep reading after that. Second most "Powerful" man?... since President Hinckley is the first one... How about remebering he is "Responsable for the whole worlds" as well? ;)
Everything you see that is not there, only reflects the way you are.
Anyway, about you being an idiot. I don't know, I don't know you so I Don't know that, but your post is rather silly to say the least.
oh... and.... That is all I have to say about that... ;)

Anonymous said...

"oh say what is truth?"

The one and only confirmation of truth is the Holy Spirit, and so if you have been a member you've at one point in time or another have probably felt this. And perhaps by your choice of actions have either denied or lost that uniqe gift. John 14:26 "But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost,..he will teach you all things, and bring all things unto your rememberance."

Samuel the Utahnite said...

President Monson is going to be the next LDS Prophet? Really?... wow that is new. I didn't want to keep reading after that. Second most "Powerful" man?...

Hey Leonardo...are you even Mormon or do have the slightest clue about the procession in the Mormon Hierarchy? Well, the question is moot, because it's obvious that you don't have a clue and the question was just rhetorical anyway.

So, let me walk you through how it works; men(who are normally well connected to past Mormon Apostles or Prophets) are called to be Mormon Apostles and if they end up out living everyone else that has more seniority then they do...drum roll please...THEY BECOME THE MORMON PROPHET!! Doh!!

So, you see, Gordon "the fraud" Hinckley, wasn't CALLED to be the Prophet, rather he just got lucky and didn't die before the other old farts of fraud died. Capiche?!!

Hey, but don't worry about it, because I love being able to educate uneducated Mormon cultists about their own cult, which they really know NOTHING about.

Also, I know Thomas S. Monson personally(he has no idea how I feel about the church or what I'm doing and ZERO "spirit of discernment") and he's a liar, a fraud and a complete phony and this talk is proof of his bullshit ways. Thomas S. Monson is a piece of shit, that did nothing to protect this kid, if this story or ANY of his stories are even real or ever happened.

I hope in this case, he was just lying again and that some little boy, who tragically killed himself, didn't really make "Tommy" feel good about himself, just because he didn't "sign the petition." What an arrogant, pompous ASSHOLE he is!!

Take care and I hope I helped,


Anonymous said...


I do not know why you have such harsh feelings against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but you seem to be fault finding. I have met president Monson as well and I know that he is a good man. I have met several of the brethern and I know that they are good people who, yes are normal men like you and I. However, they have been given a special calling and are special witness of the Savior Jesus Christ for us in these latter days.
Now, as for fault finding. If anyone worked hard enough they could find faults with anything. On the other hand, it is the fault of that man.

Jocelyn said...

I feel so sorry for you; you've obviously lost the light and every capacity to think....


Anonymous said...

Wow dude, you are a total loser. Congratulations on having the stupidest ex-mormon blog I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

As a new church member of lds, I would be totally scared if I saw this blog last year and my faith on our church might be destroyed. But now I feel like that I could not be persuaved by your excellant but hasty logic analysis. Everyone has the right to speak out their own feelings. If you were hurt by any person or any terrible experiences. Let them go. God loves you even if you just have a little bit dim faith on him. Try to call upon God and back to him again. Even you have totally lost your faith on our church, just come to God and Jesus Christ that if you know deep in your mind that the Gospel is true. Do you remember the feelings that you cried last time by the promoting of the holly spirit?Find it out and clap off the dust on it, you know its true.....God will never give up on you. You do not have to have faith on our church, but just have faith on God and Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

ok, so i gave up on reading your whole page but i think ive got the point. and what i see isnt pretty. HWy do you think that smashing people's religion is going to make you feel any better? call me naive but, it hurts me to think that you could have ever been a missionary of the church that i so firmly believe. nothing you can say about the LDS church could make me think any less of it. In fact everything you have said has only made me feel negitivly towrds you. The lack of evidence you have shown shows me that you lack seriously in charchter. someone who makes themselves feel good by using crude laguage and insulting people and their beleifs is a coward in my book. i dont know what the church ever did to you but i know it has to be beyond something someone said in a general conferance. i am very sorry something happened to you and you allowed your pride to get in the way and i only hope you can one day see the truth.

just some teenager

David Jr. said...

I am sad to see that it is true, they can leave the Church but they can't leave it alone.

Anonymous said...

My family and I joined this church three years ago, knowing and understanding faults within. We joined because of the quality of people. We went to church every Sunday for 8 months and had to stop because of the fake tears and people saying "the one true church". We've since gone to other churches and have not found the same family atmosphere. I do believe in the Book of Mormon. I think Joseph Smith took advantage of his power that he had towards others and I do not like that.

Righ now I am not happy with all the things but like the people.

We do notice if we step outside of the church we aren't spoken to and ignored and in some cases treated very poorly.

We've gotten our temple reccomends three times and have chosen not to go because we don't want to make promises to God that we cannot keep.

I am sorry for the person who started this post that you cannot find any good the last 30 years has brought you. It is up to you to make your life what it is. And if others find peace in the church let them, why do you have to try and upset others so much.

You will probably call me stupid for going to the LDS church but it all works out in the end and when we die we will find out what really wen on down here.

So for the mean time, I have friends both in the church and out, I will continue to do the best I can and treat others with kindness.

curious observer said...

I read that Monson is soon to be the next president (Hinkley died today)and found this blog. I am not a Mormon and have recently moved to Utah. Something that I noticed is that so many "good" LDS people lie about such trivial things with such regularity. Whether the paperboy story is true or not, it does seem to fit the habit with LDS people that I have witnessed since coming to Utah.???

DanielinIdaho said...

I'm really surprised at the number of adversaries you have Samuel.

Well Monson will soon have his day on that high throne as the prophet of the LDS church. Hinckley died yesterday.
I agree with Samuel that he should have had a greater insight given his position.
I am here to affirm that the Mormon church is false and the teachings of Joseph Smith and the LDS church have not a hint of truth.
It is important to understand to state that the Mormon church is not true is NOT bashing another's religion. For one to say the Mormon church is true is bashing the faith of the true Christians.
The other day a couple missionaries from the LDS church came to my door. When I explained I, myself, do not count them among Christians one of the missionaries took great exception. I tried to explain to him that we do not know the same Jesus. I explained like this. I asked if the knew Juan. He said he did and explained who the guy was. "Oh yeah, he lives just around the corner. He's a great guy." I explained to him this wasn't the Juan I was talking about. The Juan I was talking about has never been to Idaho. Obviously for a moment one might think we were on the same page and talking about the same guy. So it is when Mormons talk about Jesus. My Jesus that I worship, my God, and Lord and Saviour had no reason to come to North America and did not. It must be concluded the Jesus of the Mormons is a different Jesus than the Saviour of the Christians.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to not take offense when people talk about things such as faith for ANY religion. The purpose of this link is to discuss the talk that Monson gave. The talk he gave was about being non judgmental and treating others with kindness. Which obviously is not adhered to on this blog. You can take many things out of context and try to make it look bad. He has maybe 15-20 minutes to give a talk. So his talk is to the point. As to some of the other posts..... These men (Brigham Young, Thomas Monson, Joseph Smith, ect.) aren't PERFECT no man save ONE was and to think that someone would or could be PERFECT just because they hold a leadership position in a church is laughable. I have no doubt that Thomas Monson, or Brigham Young at MANY points in their lives made mistakes or SINNED. The cool part about this is the attitude of your posts. Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Jesus? Then go out and preach Jesus’ message of LOVE. As for DanielinIdaho's comment... talking about anything besides love, understanding, and peace is contrary to Jesus’ message and bashing YOUR OWN religion. It pains me to see many Mormons and people of other religions letting a blog bring out the worst in them. Preach the truth about Christ if your truth is not the same as others then let the truth speak for itself and back it up. Don't speak poorly of other religions. Please. After all is said and done the only way ANY of us make it back is through HIS GRACE! All Religions professing to be Christians at least believe in that. I love you guys.

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome blog. What is interesting is that so many TBM claim to live their religion, but in reality--only "do it for the blessings.".

I have been trying to come out of the "church" for six years-but don't want to leave my husband tied to this cult.

Monson has never said anything worthwhile or that I couldn't read for myself in some children's book.

It's all about "self-fulfilling" prophecy and "grasping after godhood" which is wrong.


jeffrey said...

So you can only believe truth based on physical evidence? Try not thinking. Your brain has polluted your existence and diminished your relevance. Our life on earth is short, thankfully, and to continue to live is intelligence. A God, a Savior, a Holy Spirit has nothing to do with religion. Life is about being. Eternity is an understanding of space. These are principles only understood by the enlightend and contained in the fulness of God's gospel. Understand it or not it is the only truth on earth today that is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You should not condemn yourself or feel small due to people that may be empowered by God to carry his purpose forward. Stop thinking and open your existence to space and eternal offerings of God. Only then can you rid yourself of this odor of disdain and failure. I wish you well.

Anonymous said...

I am a young woman in the Young Women's in the church, and coming across your sight, I must say I was shocked. I have no idea what made you hate the "Mormons" so much! You should know that we are not the church of Mormon, we are the LDS members of the Church of Christ. I respect your right to an opinion, and I hope you respect my right to hear me out. Gordon B. Hinckley has just died, and I have never in my life felt the spirit so strong that he and Thomas S. Monson, and every other apostle of God is just that, an apostle of God. They are here to guide us, but what you forget, is that Thomas S. Monson is human. God isn't going to tell him every little thing that's going on in the world. It was not Brother Monson's mistake that that young boy committed suicide. He was simply making the statement that that is what cruel words can do to someone. Certainly the words did not help this boy in his quest to live, but do you know any of the other parts of the story? Perhaps the young boy had been abused or had low self esteem to begin with? Just because Brother Monson is an authority figure of the church, it was not his personal responsibilty to track down the boy, and if it had been, God would have made it known to him. What about all the other people who have commited suicide? Does an apostle magically appear to save them? NO! The only person who knows what God is thinking is God himself. It is God's choice to tell us something like that. How can you provide the "facts" when you only provide one side of the story? I think that your website is childish and very immature. I'm sorry for whatever reason you left the church, but I know it is true. I can't say anything more than that, because I'm sure by this time, you've already stopped reading. You're too narrow minded to see any other way. The more you try to convince me that this church is not true, the more I believe. God does love you. He wants what is best for all of us. I know that this church is the best for me at least. Thank you for hearing me out.

Anonymous said...

One must have a very narrow mind indeed to interperate the talk like that...I pity the person...and the people who actually believe it.....

GladImNotU said...

Please stop wasting oxygen. Your article is as useless to society as you are.

Anonymous said...

Samuel. Thank you for your opinion about what happened to this little boy. Which by the way is truly sad.

I don't agree with what you posted here, for several reasons, the main one:
1. God will not interfer with our free agency. So, even President Monson would have known about the little Kid's will, he would have not been able to do anything.

The fact that President Monson receives revelation, doesn't make him guilty of any suicide in the world, even if one of this suicides would be one of a person directly related to him.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it still amazes me that someone would really take their time to set up such a disgustingly negative site. For someone who hates mormons so much you sure are OBSESSED! You really should check your facts before your rants. Good luck in life man, you'll need it. And don't bother replying like you did to the other guy, because I sure won't be checking.

someone in zion said...

May you be blessed with love and a forgiving heart. May you feel the love of our Savior Jesus Christ

Katie said...

I don't know why I am constantly surprised at how fast mormons attack when they feel threatened, if even only by an opinion that is different than their own. I think this article is brilliantly written and, while I happen to agree 90% with Samuel, it makes me sick to read some of the comments that followed. If this article had been written from another point of view; as a force-chewed, swallowed and regurgitated reiteration of what the mormon church expects us all (LDS or not) to accept as "the way it is with no exception", then I'm certain the feedback would have been much different. Whatever level of spirituality, faith or devotion a person has to whichever organization they choose is, in my eyes, worthy of God's love. In the mormon church, the eleventh Article of Faith alleges, "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may". May I suggest the mormons put that beautiful sentiment into action? I have yet to see it.

dg said...

I am sorry that you are so bitter. Clearly you are in the depths of apostasy. Simply put, we are all required to live christlike and good no matter what religon we are. We good does it do to attack people like Thomas Monson? Do you even know how much good he has done? Maybe before you attack, you should do your research.

It seems that your blog is really only a forum to express your anger and profanity.

I will keep you in my prayers and pray that your heart will be softened. We were never required to be perfect, I know that I'm not. I try to live my life the best that I can, but fall short many times.

I simply ask that if you chose to follow a different path, please respect the people that chose to follow their path.

May god bless you and keep you safe.

And Katie, free speech does alow people to post lies and deceit. Do you think it's fair for him to attack Monson without talking to him. If I started talking about you and telling lies, don't you think you would want to have that respect for me to talk to you first instead of blasting you to the depths of hell?

Anonymous said...

You said that you grew up in the church and never questioned it's truthfulness. I believe that worked to your disadvantage, because you obviously never took the steps to gain a testimony of your own. Instead, you lived on the borrowed light of your parents' testimonies and never acquired the spiritual witness of your own so when the winds of the world "beat upon your house", it fell.
Unlike yourself, I did not grow up in a member family. I was converted to the gospel after much prayer and fasting to know the truth just as Moroni promises.
I feel that as a returned missionary, you should understand as well as anyone that the Lord "suffereth the righteous to be slain, that his righteous judgments may be brought upon the wicked." The fact that no one actually murdered this boy is beside the point.
I don't know if you will take heed to this but I admonish you to go back to the basics. Prayerfully read the Book of Mormon as taught by Moroni. I bear witness that the Book of Mormon is true.

Katie said...

dg, exactly where did I "attack"? And where, please was I "profane"? You must be talking about someone else. This is exactly what I'm talking about. As long as people accept without question, everything is fine. But the second someone dares to have a different opinion, they are accused of being "profane", "angry", "hard hearted", "bitter", "disrespectful" and, what was it? Blasting people into the depths of hell? Where did I ever do such things?

You say you are not perfect. Yes. But you also say "we were never required to be perfect". Would you please read Matthew 5:48? Maybe you can find some insight there. YOU attacked ME. I merely expressed an opinion of a story I read. I never said anything disrespectful about Mr. Monson.

Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...


Well, it is not just brother Monson you have accused of lying about the story. By extension you have accused his wife of being a liar since she, not brother Monson was the main protagonist in the story.

Since you have said that "I personally know Thomas Monson and he's a nice guy personally", and you've also admitted "... I don't have the evidence that it happened or that it didn't happen"

You really owe an apology to Brother Monson and his wife for maligning their honesty and good character without one shred of evidence.

As far as I'm concerned, you haven't proved anything unflattering about Brother Monson, other than "he's a nice guy" and that you wish you had proof that he is a liar but unfortunately you can't find any.


Melanie said...

I think its really sad that you have lost your faith. Have you prayed earnestly about your decision? If not, why don't you go back to church really listen to the wonderful testimonies of the members around you. Listen to the teachings of the true prophet. Then try praying. But instead of saying, "I don't think that this church is true, and if you don't give me physical proof, then I will never believe again." Try saying, "Heavenly Father, I have had struggles and I'm not sure if your teachings are true. Please help me to know what the truth is."

As I'm sure you were taught in many classes, Heavenly Father will not provide miracles for people who do not believe. Why should he waste his time on someone who just doubts him? So please spend some time in this and really "search, ponder, and pray" about the problem that you are having.

As for trying to ruin other people's faith, that is a tragedy. If you don't think that this church is true, then that's your own problem. This should be your struggle. You really shouldn't try to ruin someone else's faith just because you lost yours.

I know that if you truly give prayer and thought into this decision you have made instead of being so negative, you will find that this is the only true church.

Anonymous said...

interesting site and it's clear some folks have some very interesting points of view pro and con... I have never understood why people feel it necessary to rant and rave though. You left the Mormon Church, leave it at that. Religion, what a hoot!

R said...

Samantha Dear,
Only a coward would sit behind his keyboard and sling the twisted truth the way you do. You should take your load of crap down to one of the local Tongan wards. Or, maybe one day you and I could meet in the octagon. What do ya say, fruitcake? I’m sure there will be some snappy comeback and maybe even some more of the colorful metaphors. You, Samantha, are a REAL MAN! I can see you already sitting there behind your keyboard speaking to yourself in that rather distinctive lisp, “I show him fruitcake. I call him a BLEEP! And a BLEEP BLEEP! I am a real man. I am Sam, and I am”, TRULY LOST! I’m just messing with you Samantha. You’re a spineless coward that probably cries a lot and wishes he could have all that you lost a few years ago—Integrity and such. Maybe you will find it and maybe you won’t, but this path you are on will not help you find what you are looking for.
Talk to you soon, Sammy the Sissy.

Father said...

Sammy, Sammy, Sammy,

In all your efforts to devastate and chip away at the faith of others, you have only enlightened us faithful to one valid fact—that you, Sammy, have become truly lost. You may no longer have faith in the Savior, His teachings, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but why would you, an educated and, possibly once, intelligent man spend you free time trying to destroy the faith of others? Why do lost souls like yourself divide your time between trying to find yourself, again, and trying to help others lose their way? Does it make you feel better creating more of the profane and angry? Does misery love company? I am truly disappointed in you, Sammy. Why do you do that which you do, Sammy? Please enlighten us to that which led you down this path that will have a certainty that little Sammy could never imagine. All of these vices and influences that you now introduce your thoughts and imagination to will never conjure up the truth of your inevitable finality. It has been said the kingdom of heaven is beyond human comprehension. The same can be said about hell. But, of course, it will not be bliss.
I have tried to read through all your many ramblings, but was struggling with your newly found use of the English language. Do you kiss you wife and kids with that mouth? Probably not since 2004, I would bet. How is the alcohol treating you these days, Sammy? We all feel lost from time to time the way you always feel these days, Sammy—but not for the same reasons. You see, Sammy, you feel lost because you are doing that which is dire.
I hope that you will soon do that which is right. Will are all very sorry for your loss and hope that you will find yourself again someday.

Anonymous said...

Alma 24: 30
30 And thus we can plainly discern, that after a people have been once enlightened by the Spirit of God, and have had great knowledge of things pertaining to righteousness, and then have fallen away into sin and transgression, they become more hardened, and thus their state becomes worse than though they had never known these things.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what happened to you for you to lose your faith but I feel sad for you. I have had close friends leave the church and I seen their life only filled with so much hurt since they lost their membership. Our members are not perfect because people are not perfect. We are taught to believe in the gospel and not in the members. No one that lived on this earth is perfect excluding Christ. You have the right to believe what you want but it is sad that you spend so much of your life bashing other people beliefs. These men that run the LDS church are amazing smart beautiful people and your argument with Pres Monson is stupid and I believe that you were just trying to find SOMETHING on a wonderful Christlike man. You need to look within yourself and learn to love all whatever their beliefs are and stop bashing someone's beliefs.

rivenrock said...

"I would hope that a little boy did not commit suicide, and that Monson lied, while you hope he did tell the truth and that little boy did commit suicide. Now that's extremely sad, isn't it!!"

That is such an unfair comment in the context of this conversation. A person can be glad the story was true (if it was, I have no idea) without being in any way glad that the boy committed suicide.

As for the original post, please. I do find the story a bit over-dramatic and self-serving. None of the people who signed the petition could reasonably have foreseen that it would result in suicide. But then that also includes the Monsons. You're talking like they could have saved the boy's life and didn't, but who in their right mind would think that writing a letter asking a kid to try harder to throw a paper straight would be a life and death matter? They might not have wanted to sign it, but are you suggesting that they should have actively campaigned to stop people writing a simple letter of complaint? Until you look at the situation in hindsight, to have done so would have been ludicrous.

As for the question of inspiration, I'm not sure what I think about that. Maybe he isn't inspired. But there's no proof either way in the story he told. You can't prove that someone isn't inspired (whether religiously or psychically or otherwise) based on the fact that they weren't so on one particular occasion. That's like saying you have proof someone can't ride a bike because you saw them fall off one time.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you.
President Monson is a wonderful man and will be a wonderful leader of the church.
Get help soon!

handmaiden said...

Well, well. I think that you made a great statement about Monson. He did nothing to stop the petition and now the boy is dead!. Seems to me a man in his position (for all these years) would see the compassion instead of the copout!!!!!!

InDmiddle said...

I just wonder... why, with all these anti-mormons, would the Church of Latter-day Saints still stand firm and strong?

Anyone who knows about the 17 points of a true church?

brother thomas said...

let's have some break from all of these guys and let's "thank thee o God for a prophet"...

banndor said...

I just want to leave my 2 cents about a previous quote from the journal of discourses by Brigham Young. I don't presume to know for sure, but just consider this idea with a possible interpretation of the pronouns:

"The Lord did not come with the armies of heaven in power and great glory, nor send his messengers panoplied with aught else than the truth of heaven, to communicate to the meek, the lowly, the youth of humble origin, the sincere enquirer after the knowledge of God. But he [the LORD] did send his angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith, Jr., who afterwards became a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and [He](the LORD also) informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day, for they were all wrong; that they were following the precepts of men instead of the Lord Jesus; that he had a work for him to perform, inasmuch as he should prove faithful before him.

take it for what it's worth, but i see no reason the prounouns might not refer to what I have put in brackets, and as such, has no contradiction as to weather or not it was Jesus who appeard to Joseph in the first vision.
Pronouns can be very hard to interpret sometimes, especially in older documents where people who recorded them can't be asked to clarify their meanings.

banndor said...

I just want to leave my 2 cents about a previous quote from the journal of discourses by Brigham Young. I don't presume to know for sure, but just consider this idea with a possible interpretation of the pronouns:

"The Lord did not come with the armies of heaven in power and great glory, nor send his messengers panoplied with aught else than the truth of heaven, to communicate to the meek, the lowly, the youth of humble origin, the sincere enquirer after the knowledge of God. But he [the LORD] did send his angel to this same obscure person, Joseph Smith, Jr., who afterwards became a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and [He](the LORD also) informed him that he should not join any of the religious sects of the day, for they were all wrong; that they were following the precepts of men instead of the Lord Jesus; that he had a work for him to perform, inasmuch as he should prove faithful before him.

take it for what it's worth, but i see no reason the prounouns might not refer to what I have put in brackets, and as such, has no contradiction as to weather or not it was Jesus who appeard to Joseph in the first vision.
Pronouns can be very hard to interpret sometimes, especially in older documents where people who recorded them can't be asked to clarify their meanings.

Anonymous said...

Ususally when people leave the church and are so vocal against it is because they are having trouble keeping the commandments they know to be true. Which commandment are you having trouble with? you don't need to answer, I won't come back to this site every again to read it.

Anonymous said...

My heart is heavy and my sorrow great for your soul. I believe there is little anyone can say to help ease your mind and relent regarding your opinion of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. Don't get me wrong, I am not attempting to persuade you to change your veiws or opinions. I am however expressing MY VEIW based on past experiences.
My father has no time for the Church and goes to great lengths in expressing this to me(as I am a member currently). This he does because of a bad experience he encountered with his home teachers 'several' years ago. What I have come to observe with others who hold the same veiw as my father, resultant from similar experiences with other church members, is that they go to extraordinary lengths to discount The Church and its teachings. This is especially so if one believes they have been offended by a member in a position of responsibility.
It would seem to me that you appear to have a personal vendetta to disprove the Church and its leaders without fear of the consequences. Yes, there are consequences to all of our actions. My concern for you is what consequences you may face as a result of your antagonist veiws and opinions. I feel a deep concern for you brother and would like to express my love for you as a brother. I don't seek to disprove you or correct you. I seek only to be able to understand you a little more. As with my father, I never get into a debate with him about the Church, but rather to enjoy him as my father and show him the respect he deserves as my father. Nothing less.
Life is too short to be engaged in such trivial sqaublings and we are all entitled to our opinions so long as we don't encroach on those of others(as Hitler did). Enjoy your life with your loved ones and share as many moments as possible with them in joy, appreciation and happiness.

Anonymous said...

Samuel, I stumbled accross this blog by accident and although I will never return to it I thought I'd give you some advise. Get a girlfriend, watch TV, play some sport, do something that does not involve sitting at your computer, typing looooong responses designed to breakdown the Mormon faith as well as prove how wrong the mormons are. In fact you are so lame that I laughed at most of what I read (didn't read everything because you're not that good and not very entertaining). But seriously, get a life. Maybe I will come back to this blog to show some of my friends so that they can also have a good laugh. IN fact I can just picture you getting all upset as you read this, wishing you could come back and say some "clever" thing back to me. Write whatever you want, I won't ever see it and I'll shut down my computer tonight still thinking you were pathetic. How old are you, I assume well over 30, but yet you spend your time on this sort of thing. Enjoy your embarrassing life. I and by the way, I happen to be an ex mormon myself, but have better things to do than try and run down the church.

Anonymous said...

Okay, you all are not going to change Samuel's mind and Samuel isn't changing anyone else's mind. So stop with the "I'm sorry for your soul, and my heart is heavy!" Any true Latter-day Saint's testimony won't be shaken so easily, nor will the testimony of an ANTI. So, one day, we'll all know right! Some of us just choose to find out sooner than others. Now everyone needs to quit arguing and typing such long disertations on this topic. President Monson is a prophet, and some don't see him that way. Arguing won't change anything. God knows all, ask him. The only way I know how to ask him is through prayer.

Chris said...


The Brighamite church is a fraud. I agree. You should check out this website. . Joseph Smith was a true prophet, but Brigham Young was a usurper. Learn about James Strang and the truth of where the church ended up. I haven't read your whole site, but just the fact that you realize the fraudulence of the Utah based Brighamites makes me think you might get something from the website listed above. Blessings

Lynn said...

Hi Sam,
Since you have not posted a comment since October 9th of 2007, I'm worried that you are through with this thread and will not respond to me. But I'll cross my fingers.

I noticed that when you were conversing with Tom/Gadianton Slayer that you misread or got confused about the vibe of what he was saying. I hope that you won't do that with me as I have absolutely no malice in what I'm saying or asking.

I am curious to know if you are still married to the Woman that you were sealed to in the temple. You also mentioned your parents in the temple. What of them? You stated:

"Helping people everyday to deal with their pain or discover the complete truth is a great feeling. Also, the daily Emails I get thanking me, make it all worthwhile."

I was just wondering if those people that you deal with include your family members. I know you said that you did not leave the church because of sin, so can I ask what was the turning point for you? Did any one big event happen that made you come to this conclusion or was it a gradual process?

I guess after reading all this I just want to know more about you. That's All.


NDriver said...

I'm an active member of the church, age 18. I don't care what you've said in this thread really, but do you know the odds of finding a specific suicide case in Utah. Every week or 2 a child age 10-21 commits suicide in Utah. One of the highest in our country. Thought I would point that out, and say Utah is sick beyond all comprehension.

Kris said...


Sorry the LDS Church took so much from you. You know, maybe you could get a refund on the tithes and offerings you gave.


derek said...

You are an idiot! You most likely need counseling.

Seaside and Lollipops said...

President Monson is the Prophet called for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints and the world at this time. This church is the only true church set up under proper authority and is set up exactly as Christ's church was in the New Testament. I know it is true. At this point you are ready to stop reading because you've had it with all of this and this blogger is just like all the others - right? What you know you know it truth, no one can take away from you. I know it just as surely as I can see my hand in front of my face. I know it just as I know I have seen and read your blog. I know it just as surely as I know and feel your sadness and anger. I know that your anger will destroy you eventually whether or not you believe in President Monson or not. At some point in the future Every knee will bow and tongue confess that God is who he is and President Monson is a Prophet on the earth today. One person cannot change what God has done. In the future everyone will come to know who God is and who he calls and what his purpsoes are. I hope you find a way to be happy and lose the anger. It will eat at you and can destroy you on so many levels, physically, emotionally, socially, temporally. There is one who want you to stay angry and one who wants you to find happiness. If you want to know for yourself, pray to know. It sounds hard but it's much easier than staying angry and remaining an enemy to someone who will continue to go on and be who he is regardless of what his detractors say. President Monson is a Prophet. The Savior is the Savior. These things are true. Simple as that. How do I know? Because I prayed and waited and the answer came. That's it. When you pray, answers come.

Unknown said...

President Monson is not a phony or a man that makes himself look good infront of the cameras. He is the most powerful man on earth and he is an amazing role model. I feel bad that whoever wrote this blog article can't see that. I hope that one day you will, know of the acuall truth not some crappy lies that make you feel good about yourself.