Sunday, January 15, 2006

Mormon TBMS!! Ugh!! Here Is Another Example Of One Person's Extreme Lack Of Intelligence And Any Decency....This Is A Real Beauty.....LOL!!

***Update***January 16, 2005- I just got yet another Email from this clown. I hope that he keeps them coming as I'll keep updating this post with each one. This latest one is more funny than the last one......LOL!! I'll just post it below his last Email.***Update***

Well, guys, I don't post all my hate mail, but if I did, I think this particular one would be better posted under "dumb ass mail." This guy is a real piece of work and I just thought that you would all enjoy his Emails to me. I never include the person's Email and usually don't include their name, but in this instance, I'm going to make an exception in both cases. Maybe some of you might want to drop him a little line if you have a few minutes to spare.

I'm glad that he doesn't represent all TBMS, but I bet there are quite a few like him. He must be a regular reader of FARMS and a regular poster on FAIR. Again, I'm just guessing, but I've seen his type of attitude over on the Fair Boards. He's the type that wouldn't know reality or the truth if it fell out of the sky and hit him square on the head. Again, I hope that he is the exception to the rule and not the rule.

It is so amazing; I guess he can't see a single racist thing, in the Mormon Church's history, or any of the comments that I wrote about in my last post. Wow!! Anyway guys, here are our brief, but entertaining Emails, along with his Email address. This guy doesn't deserve an ouch of respect and you'll understand what I'm saying when you read what he wrote me. When it starts to get this personal, the gloves are off and I will not protect someone so ignorant and nasty. Please drop him a line and let him know what you think of his behavior.

Here was his first Email to me:

From: Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 13:14:28 EST

Hey Sambo...

Can you honestly tell me how you feel about BIGOTRY and BIGOTS?

Thanks for publicly sharing your stupidity and ignorance. Believe me, Latter-day Saints really eat this stuff up -- you can't buy this kind of entertainment anywhere!


Then, here was my one and only response to him. My second response is this post:

Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 09:35:39 -0800 (PST)
From: "Samuel the Utahnite" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Yeah dude, isn't bigotry evil and wrong?!!

Hey there "Billy Boy", thanks so much for your incredibly insightful post. Wow, it must have been difficult for you to write. You want to know how I REALLY feel about BIGOTRY and BIGOTS, especially in Mormonism?

Mormon Hierarchy has preached against equal rights for women, homosexuals, civil unions or marriage for gay people, interracial marriage, marriage between a Mormon and anyone that isn't Mormon, masturbators, petters, fornicators, blacks, Jews and anyone that isn't Mormon. After all, there are only two Churches, right? One is God's and the other one is the Church of the Devil, The Harlot of all the earth, the Mother of all Harlots, right? But none of that is bigotry, is it?

Well, you are in luck "Billy Boy"!! I just wrote a brand new post addressing this issue for people like you (the truly stupid and ignorant) and the dumb asses on The FAIR Boards. I'm sure that you will find it entertaining, you know, the kind that you can't buy and I hope you like it......let me know. I'll be anxiously awaiting.......NOT!! Wake up dude and quit worshiping bigots!! If you support the bigots and their words, then you "Billy Boy" are a BIGOT!!

Show me ONE official statement where Mormon Hierarchy have even apologized for the bigoted words in their past, like Brigham Young.....just one!! Good luck, you'll need it "Billy Boy" or "BillsJane." LOL!! Is your middle name Jane? LOL!!

Anyway, it's hard to find an apology, when the words are still printed and for sale at Jesus' official bookstore, isn't it now?

Samuel the Utahnite

Now, of course, this loser can't respond to one thing that I've said or answer one question that I've posed, because he can't. He knows it's true, he knows that I'm right, so what else can this TBM do, but start attacking me in the most personal way he knows how, my personal sex life, which he of course, knows nothing about.

Here was his latest response:

Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 14:33:41 EST
Subject:Re: Yeah dude, isn't bigotry evil and wrong?!!

Hey there Sambo...Like most reasonable thinking people, I don't buy into your bigoted opinions on Mormonism. Sounds to me from all your complaints that you have a whole bunch of unresolved anger issues -- Temper, Temper! Are you sexually frustrated too? Maybe it's time you got your walnuts cracked!

Thanks again for sharing your stupidity and ignorance,


***Updated January 16th, 2005***


Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:26:49 EST

Hey Sambo, Buddy, Pal...

Did I forget to tell you that I don't APOLOGIZE to angry BIGOTED anti-Mormons? OK -- I don't APOLOGIZE to angry BIGOTED anti-Mormons!

So what's next on your EL DELUSIONAL anti-Mormon agenda, building crosses and casting stones? Now, get those testy walnuts cracking and make us all real proud!


(1/16/05-Why is this complete stranger so obsessed with me "cracking my walnuts." I think I may have a stalker here. He's a complete nutjob!! By the way, I haven't sent him any more correspondence, this is his second straight Email to me now, with no response from me. Come on Billsjane, keep them coming!! I just thought that you guys would find it entertaining. Like I said, he just may be the guy to entertain us for a long time. I should have this dude on my that would be entertaining!! I'd love to hear his opinion on why I'm a bigot and Brigham Young, Spencer W. Kimball, Boyd K. Packer and many other Prophets and Apostles aren't. Yeah right, he doesn't have the "WALNUTS" to go on my podcast.)

Isn't he a real gem. Maybe he's speaking from his current personal sexual experience, who knows? Amazing when a complete stranger, that doesn't even know me, asks me if I'm sexually frustrated too(maybe he really is) and that it's time for me to get my "walnuts cracked." This guy is nuts....LOL!!

Anyway, I encourage everyone to drop him a line and let him know what you think of his Emails. Those of you that enjoy my blog and podcasts, just pretend that this Email was directed at you, because indirectly, it was. He would write similar things to any of us that are opposed to the Church.

It's also apparent that he hasn't done one single shred of research or just plain doesn't care. He probably just goes to Church every week, feels his bosom burning and then goes to the temple and bows his head and says yes, while agreeing to give his life before revealing the secrets of the temple. He pays a full tithe, so that he won't be burned, etc, etc. I wonder what he's doing reading my blog. Oops, naughty, naughty Billy!! He'd better go and talk to his Bishop about associating with Anti-Mormons. That may just get his temple recommend revoked!!

Take care everyone and let me know if you Email him and you get a response. I'd love to post your Emails and his responses. After all, we all need some good entertainment and a few good laughs, don't we? I think that this guy is the guy to provide it for us. I do love lots of loud laughter and a great belly laugh, especially because it helps me to break one of my temple covenants, that I promised to never reveal, without giving my life and slitting my throat, chest and stomach. (The Pre-1990 ceremony.)

So, my final comment to "Bills" is; NO, thanks again for sharing your stupidity and arrogance and revealing your true-self to everyone that reads this. Like they say, if there is any evidence that someone is an idiot, all they have to do is open their mouth and remove all doubt and thankfully, you did that perfectly. It's ashame though, because you make your Church, that already looks so bad, look even worse. I didn't seek you out and Email you "Bills", you Emailed me.

Also, here was a comment that he sent into Latter-Day Lampoon (Salamander Society):

You are filthy anti-Mormon scum! - 05/30/2004 -LOL-Classic!

Oh yeah, in case any of you missed it above, "Bills" Email address is:

Hey, I was just thinking, maybe this is Dale "Bills", Mormon Church spokesman, ya think?!! Wouldn't it be hillarious if it was? LOL!! Anyone know if his wife's name is Jane? LOL!!

Have fun guys!!

Samuel the Utahnite


Anonymous said...

It amazes me that people walk around with "blinders" on and can't see what really goes on in Mormonism. My brush with a Mormon was a man who said his wife was killed in a train wreck and the whole time he was charming me, his WIFE was pregnant with their second child. Go figure. Then the dumbass emails me 6 month later, again I told his wife, and a year later he starts emailing me again, and AGAIN I told his wife, and guess what, his WIFE doesn't care!!!!!! Imagine that! What a F^$#ed up religion. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Sammy, I'm embarrassed for you. Your responses are quite juvenile and your overuse of CAPITAL LETTERS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!! pretty much demolishes your credbility. And the elementary school playground insults don't quite hit the mark.

I suggest you hire somebody a bit more eloquent than yourself. Then you might actually get some friends to sign up on your blog site. I noticed that as of January 26, 2007, you had a total of zero friends. Take the hint.