Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Perfect Example Of What Die-hard Mormons And Christians, Like Eric Hoffman, Think Will Happen To Everyone That Doesn't Follow Them!!

I thought that you guys would really enjoy this!! I added it permanently to my sidebar in all of my blogs, so that everyone can see how judgmental and condemning these people are. I don't speak of the average Mormon or Christian, rather the die-hards, like the Mormon Hierarchy and the Christian activists like Eric Hoffman, that say, "we will lose our soul forever", if we don't follow them. It is pathetic, but this video clip, is the perfect display of what they actually believe and how they feel toward us and the 70% + of the world, that doesn't believe as they do.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, this Eric Hoffman bashing I have seen before. Samuel, I have been a long time listener and reader of your material and have noticed a change in you. You lack the compassion you once had. You have replaced it with "passion" and hatred for anyone who does not agree with you.

This is the URL for the same thing we are seeing you do to Eric. Who cares what he said. Let him do his Bible thumping all he wants. I may not know much about his faith but I do know that he does not slam you on a consistant basis. Good luck with your podcasts and blog. I just cant deal with your personal problems anymore. your whole Mormon Truth is turning into a highschool "" like atmosphere...
-In Reason,
Tames S.

Daniel G. said...

Hi Samuel,
I can understand how you feel about Eric, but I have to agree with the previous poster.
The problem of your passion against Eric is that you are turning into the very thing you complain about.
Aren't you "condemning" Eric as well, not in the Christian hell sense, but in reality in the same way Eric condemns others?
If I look back to the development of both Eric and you, I think that both have become quite radical and hateful.
Though I can understand your disagreement with his attitude, please be careful not to fall into the same trap of hatered.
Eric is trapped in his belief of an absolute truth, this is what makes him more radical every day, as 12 million Mormons (including his father?) don't believe his preaching (and hardly anyone seems to listen).
He just thinks: "I preache the only living true Gospel on the world, why does not everyone believe me?" This makes him angry, and this makes him radical.

The problem is that you reflect his anger and his hatered like a perfect mirror.
Instead of concentrating on constructive and objective coverage of the real issues in Mormonism, like psychological oppression of its members, you jump into the everlasting spiral of endless condemning between you and your counterpart Eric Hoffman.

Please open your eyes and recognize the splinter in your own eye, just give Eric the treatment radicals deserve: ignore him!
This will stop the endless spiral of argument and counterargument, and you will be able to concentrate more on your real work again.
Good luck for the future,

Anonymous said...

Samuel, bud, your podcasts and blog so far (up until about a month or so ago) have been fantastic. Please give some heed to the two previous posters. Don't let this hatred get to you. You have too much to offer to alienate your audience because of your anger.


Gunner said...

Samuel. A lot of people care for you and worry about you. Drop me a line if you want to talk.

Anonymous said...

Man, Samuel, you are one paranoid man. You have every right to be angry, but take a chill pill already!!

Although you don't know who I am, I can certainly tell you I'm in no way affiliated with Eric. I don't even go over to his website because I'm not interested in Christianity. I am interested in recovery from Mormonism and I just may take your advice and go elsewhere because of YOUR abuse towards me. I've done nothing to you but support you and you've turned into a fricken one tracked mind monster.

I served a mission too, I was just as lied as you were, but I'm not acting like bloody Joseph Smith and condemning everyone who doesn't like what I say.

Good Grief Samuel. You are weakening your credibility. I don't appreciate your personal attacks on me.


p.s. I have written you personally thanking you for your time and effort on this site. You are the one that didn't bother writing back.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on that one Xena! I am out of here! Samuel's on one! What's that ol' Proverb? I think it goes, "Where words are abundent sin is present."
I don't know anything about Eric other than what Samuel has told us. I went over to his site today and could not find anything about hating Samuel. It was just all the same old Christianity I have heard before! But hatred? Couldn't find it. Good Luck!!
-In Reason
Tames S.