Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I Just wanted To Remind Everyone Of The Exact Words Of The Manhattan, Mormon Stake President Brent Belnap, When He Called Mormonism an "Alternative!!"

Hey guys, with the Mormon General Conference coming up, I felt the need to refresh everyone's mind regarding what Brent Belnap(the Mormon Stake President of Manhattan, New York), said to Matt Lauer on The Today Show in November of 2005.

Here is the question and response:

Matt Lauer, Today Show Anchor: "Are you saying it's the only path to God and Salvation or are you presenting it as an alternative?

Brent Belnap, LDS Stake President, Manhattan: I think it's more as an alternative......

Mormonism is presented as an alternative religion......Ha Ha Ha...yeah right!! Brent Belnap and the Mormon Hierarchy are bold faced liars and they know it. Any former Mormon missionaries out there, that taught Mormonism as an alternative on your mission? If that was the case, what would be the point, right?

The first video is the full, complete clip of the interview and the 2nd one is a re-mix of the first clip that I created, co-starring Gordon B. Hinckley, the Mormon cult Prophet of fraud. I just don't want anyone to forget how they lie publicly and blatantly, to further their cause of converting people into the cult.

I'm going to watch this Mormon General Conference very carefully, to see if Hinckley and gang present Mormonism as just some alternative or option...LOL!! Yeah right!!

Feel free to leave comments here or over on Youtube, as the Brent Belnap interview clip already has over 100 comments.

Enjoy everyone!!

Direct Link at YouTube or just double click the above video

Direct Link

For those that want to know more about this subject and my opinion on the matter, I dedicated an entire podcast to Brent Belnap's lies.

Take care everyone and I'm back on course now, with a lot of great stuff on the way. Thanks for your patience!! Thanks everyone for your amazing support and donations!!

Samuel the Utahnite


Anonymous said...

Samuel,you are so right. Every doggone day on my mission to Scotland I shoved Mormonism as the only way whatsoever to get back to the Mormon God. They had to renounce their religon ENTIRELY and be baptized into the Mormon faith if they wanted to truly be saved. It was black and white, one or the other. We had to memorize scriptures that expounded on the whole "narrow is the way back to god, and few there be that find it" yadda, yadda, yadda. What these me are saying are indeed lies. We didn't spend over 11,000 USD out of our own pockets to go preach an alternative, it was the ONLY way to be saved, period. I never would have wasted my time if I felt is was just something nice to add to your current religion. I really though I was saving people from an eternity of unhappiness. Obviously I certainly don't feel that way now, but at the time, I really believed that I was giving a service to mankind.

This is really sad. Sad that the members don't see through this, sad that missionaries currently serving are having to bend their already exhausted minds around this and sad that we were all lied to and our experience and sacrifice has been flushed down the toilet!




Cernovog said...

I have a few questions Samuel.

You mentioned inter-racial marriage. I know in the past that this practice was condemned by the Mormon church. It was considered a capital crime! However, is it still discouraged today?

Another question, this is the first time I've heard of "no TV on Sunday". Is that considered a commandment? Is it in the D&C? Or is it a suggestion?

This week, one of the missionaries told me that "no alcohol" was a commandment, but "no caffeine" was a suggestion and, on rare occasions, he'll imbibe caffeinated drinks.

Finally, how the heck do you debate on YouTube when you're limited to 500 characters/line???? Especially, YOU???

ray said...

Interracial marriage is allowed but still discouraged today. In the Brigham Young days, I believe his beef was with black and white only. I could be wrong about that. I've never heard any quotes that made me think he was prejudice against all non-whites. But then, you never know with him. The church hiarchy is mostly whites.

Sunday is a day reserved for God; therefore, anything that is not church or service related should not be done. This comes from the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath Day holy. Many activites are discouraged on Sunday: TV, shopping, working. Basically, you're supposed to spend the day doing church stuff and family stuff. Some Mormons won't even do family stuff because it could possibly not be reverent (swimming, hiking, camping, basically anything physical). It's been a long time since I had a temple recommend interview. Does anyone remember if they ask you if you keep the Sabbath Day holy? But it is a pretty serious thing. It is definitely more than a suggestion but I'm not sure if it is used to determine your "worthiness". I definitely know it is the subject of many a sacrament meeting.

No alcohol is a commandment in the Word of Wisdom. I have never heard it officially said anywhere not to use caffeine. The Word of Wisdom says no "hot drinks" and yet Mormons serve up hot chocolate all the time! I have always limited my caffeine use for personal reasons but have never felt guilty for it. The only thing you are asked in interviews is if you obey the Word of Wisdom.

One time on my mission we went to a ward service project and the place we went served treats and Pepsi. Most of the missionaries had some. One lady in the ward really freaked out about it, so I guess the caffeine issue is a personal one.

I suppose it could be possible that Brent Belnap misunderstood the question. But it sure doesn't look or sound like he misunderstood. And if he misspoke, where is the churches official correction? I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.

Hmmm, what else could be considered an alternative activity? HOMETEACHING!!! How many EQ meetings did I sit through where they preached it endlessly, trying to manipulate (with fear) everyone into doing it. Here's my two cents about HT: I don't want to be an assigned friend and I don't want a friend assigned to me. I want a friend who is a real friend. I would rather have no friend than an assigned friend.

If Mormonism was an alternative, it wouldn't have 101 commandments which if you fail to completely obey, you will lose your soul forever (no pun intended). Any RMs remember the little white rule book that you were always supposed to carry around with you everywhere on your mission (usually it went in your shirt pocket right behind your name tag)? One of the first pages of that little book actually said that failure to comply with all the mission rules could put your eternal salvation in jeopardy. That sure doesn't sound like an alternative.

Samuel the Utahnite said...

Hey guys, I just wanted to share the latest personal message that I got over on YouTube. I guess I can add a couple more things to my list of names that I've been called:

cokepuma | September 23, 2006

Thank you sir for showing the world the "real truth" about a religion via half assed photoshopping and punk rock. I don't know much about the mormons, I don't go to any church, but I appreciate the true crusaders out there like yourself that can show me the way based on recycled one-liners. I do feel bad if the frat boys at BYU hurt your feelings back in '83, or maybe if Donny Osmond wouldn't give you an autograph, but maybe at some point you could think about moving on. I know it's hard, princess. When in your mind you build yourself up to be this great exposer of truth and evil but wake up to realize you have just been riding Michael Moore's dick your whole life, it has to be an eye-opener. But for now...you kick ass! Keep rockin buddy.

So, cool, I'm now a "Princess" and "I have just been riding Michael Moore's dick my whole life."

Just for the record, I think Michael Moore is a disgusting, loathsome piece of garbage and what I do, versus what he does, have absolutely nothing to do with one another. At least I use facts, truth and reality. Micheal Moore started out doing things right, but now, uses lies, half-truths and is just flat out arrogant, and uses no common sense or logical thinking, just to be able to further his agenda and make millions.

He will never admit he's wrong, even when it is proven that he is. I ask people all the time to show me why my quotes and links are wrong and they never do.

Michael Moore is a complete sell out and a disgrace!! But yeah, I guess he's my hero and I didn't even know it. Thanks Cokepuma for letting me know!!

My favorite part of his comment was, "I don't know much about the mormons, I don't go to any church.....", yeah, exactly!! Don't you just love the people that admit they have no idea what they are talking about, but then proceed to trash you, and act as if they are an authority on the subject? It's just amazing, that people can be this dumb, it really is!!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with everyone, talk to you all soon,


ray said...

"Princess" Samuel,

LOL, that's a good one. You said, "Don't you just love the people that admit they have no idea what they are talking about..." Doesn't that kinda sound like Prophet Hinckley telling the media that he doesn't know much about the "problem" of homosexuality, and yet he has inspiration from god that it's a sin. I mean, they teach that if you're a practicing homosexual that you'll basically go to hell, and yet Pres. Hinckley says, "I'm not an expert in that area." He has absolutely no idea what the cause or "cure" is but he sure knows it's evil! I would think that a prophet of god could do better than that!

I had no idea there was a question in the temple recommend interview that asks if you are divorced, etc. I've never been asked that before. Interesting. Did they just add it?

Sterling Knight said...

The "Divorce" question has been in the temple recommend interview for as long as I can remember, and if you say you have been, the next question is about kids and child support, if you had any and are paying support honestly and on time.

Oh, one other thing: my father is the most honest, worthy man on earth; if anyone is going to Heaven, he will, and he loved Sunday afternoon football games, so much that I couldn't watch what I wanted to. We also always hit the supermarket after church.

Cernovog said...

This idea of not lifting a finger on Sunday was also very strong in the Catholic Church, but that was back in the 1950s.

Things have really loosened up and become more reasonable, especially since Vatican II.

In fact, in the Catholic Church there is a Saturday evening Mass held specially for people who have to work on Sunday! If you are forced to work on Sunday, the Saturday evening Mass will count. (Technically, you're not supposed to go Saturday if there's no reason you can't make it on Sunday, like if you want to sleep in.) I thought everyone knew that, but I guess not. Did you guys know about that?

In addition, purely relaxing and entertaining activities like going to the movies or watching TV don't strike me as desecrating the Sabbath. God rested on the seventh day. So should we.

Now, I personally don't believe in conducting business transactions like going to the store on major holidays, but this is not a religious motivation.

I think everyone should get major holidays off: Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July. It's bullshit to go to a restaurant on Christmas and make someone work instead of spending time with their family, or... who the heck does this??? ...call the phone company and ask questions about your bill????

When I worked for a call center, they made us work on Christmas day.

So yeah, going to a store or calling a business on a huge holiday that everyone should have off, I think is pretty rotten.

Sunday I don't have that much of a problem.

Now a guy who runs a business and closes it on Sunday for religious reasons I think is cool. Those are his beliefs and I respect that.

How about that guy who runs that restaurant... Chick a'fill? Something like that? He pays all kinds of crazy fines to malls because he closes every Sunday.

I'm sure even the atheists and agnostics who visit this blog will agree that the man is entitled to his beliefs and deserves respect for actually living up to this standard, even if they don't recognize the doctrine behind it.

Thanks a million for doing all that crazy research, Samuel. Hey, just to clear something up, I didn't mean that I "don't like" your blog, as in I don't "enjoy" visiting or reading your opinions.

I just try to stay away from extreme, clearly anti-Mormon stuff and I try to get information that is as un-biased as possible. That's not always possible since I need to hear both sides of the story, so I get pro-LDS propoganda from one end (FARMS, Gospel Principles, etc.) and anti-LDS from another ... which would be you. ;)

I definitely respect you and I appreciate your insight and your point of view. I learn a lot by coming here.

123 said...

Haha!! Cernovog, that last bit made me laugh: *I try to get information that is as un-biased as possible. That's not always possible since I need to hear both sides of the story, so I get pro-LDS propoganda from one end (FARMS, Gospel Principles, etc.) and anti-LDS from another*

Does that sound like Fox News--"fair and balanced"--to anyone else??? LOL

They get the two extremes: reactionary conservatives and radical liberals, let them yell at each other, call it unbiased, and close the program by flashing "Fair and Balanced News" on the screen. LOL

P.S. 'Princess', Thanks for that bit on Michael Moore. I might have needed to do it myself, but you stepped up to the plate nicely :)

Cernovog said...

No, you're absolutely right 123. It's just tough... almost impossible to find any source that's right down the middle, you know?

I like the Catholic Mormon podcast in this respect. They tend to be kinder and a bit more reserved because Sarah's family is still all Mormon and she and Rob are very sensitive to that.

On the other hand, it is still, admittedly, leaning on the anti-Mormon side since they both came to the conclusion that the LDS church is a fraud.

If you have a more neutral source for Mormon information and discussion, please share it.

Frankly, it's probably darn near impossible to be neutral on this issue. Either the BOM is a lie or it isn't.

Anonymous said...

First off I am currently a "mormon," please don't judge me just yet. Also please don't take my words/writings as doctrine or exact truth about the church, I'm 24 and not what you would call a scholar in the things of the church.

I would say that I understand what Belnap is saying, what I understand from the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ is that all people will return to God in heaven, like he said all will be resurrected and also those that follow Christ's teachings can be exalted in the hear after. That is why he said that it was an alternative, that you can return to God by following other faiths or teachings.

I believe this, but I also have a hard time when thinking of those like Hitler, and others that caused many lives to be taken and other horrible atrocities. Then I think of the teachings of the church that say that there was a war in heaven and all that came to earth chose Jesus in that war so I guess we did something right that makes it so that we can return to heaven no matter what.

I am going to just ramble a little here about some things. Sorry for the long post.

I don't enjoy hearing people say that we are a cult. I haven't read much and you probably haven't made that statement, but I have read some where that they did a survey of BYU students who I am guessing weren't thinking at the time that said they would kill if the prophet told them to. Sounds like Muslim raticals or a cult right? After reading that I understand why some see us as a cult. In my own mind I use my knowledge, my schooling, my historical understandings and I listen to what the church and the prophet say and then think it over before I "jump." If ever the church told me that if I drank this Koo-laid I would go to God or if I jump of this bridge I would find myself in heaven. That is just crazy, but that is what these BYU students were saying. I guess you could say I am not a usual "do exactly what they say mormon" but I try to keep my own mind and not let myself think that I must do everything the church says first before I think about what they have said.

I look at it this way from my small research just understandings of what I have heard on tv shows and from others about other church's that I out of all of them that The Church of Jesus Christ is the best one I have found and believe it to be the closest so far to the teachings of Christ. Who I believe was the son of God and I would probably only follow a Christian faith because I believe the bible to be true.

Anyway, I just wonder, what was the "breaking point" was for you that changed your opinion or belief in the church. I haven't read through your whole blog/site yet, maybe you have refered to this already but was just wondering what it was.

This is an interesting site and makes me love the internet even more to know that everyone even those that believe differently than me have an outlet that is accessible to all and can speak there mind.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents, if it's worth that much. Sorry I went on for so long.

-Alan, a mormon.

Open minded mormon, I like to learn knew things even if they are from evil or wrong people I like to know what people think, believe and know. I even own Mien Kampf (sic?) by Hitler, don't tell anyone though they might excommunicate me, ha ha.

Ender said...

I think you need to think through your arguments a little more thouroughly. There is a good explanation for the stake presidents opinion, another good expanation for why god removes a commandment, and the other stuff. I tried finding out exactly what the stake president said, but the files wouldn't work. I think you are confused about his meaning of the word alternative and salvation. Salvation is very different for mormons and non mormons (3 degrees of glory versus the spirit world). The stake president would have been accurate if referring to the spirit world. Also, God can and does remove commandments. Back in Moses' day, the higher law was removed for the regular 10 commandments because of the people's wickedness. I don't believe anything said against the prophet Joseph Smith because of all the people I know that have 100% knowledge of his divine mission. Spiritual experiences do happen and people can have perfect knowledge of God.

BENJAMIN234 said...

Belnap is weak or perhaps mispoken. I am a member of the CHurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is like Jesus saying I am an alternative to God. Not the case my friend. One faith, one baptism, on God.