Thursday, June 14, 2007

Here Come The Mormons With "Truth Restored!!" They're Getting Ready To Blitz The World Through TV, Radio, Newspaper, Billboards And The Internet.

I first want to thank Kay over at the "Ex-Mormon Skeptic blog", for writing the post that brought this to my attention. There are also a couple of condensed versions of this video over on Youtube. One is on already on their blog and here's a link to the other "enhanced version", that I highly suggest you watch.

This is the "new" marketing plan/blitz/campaign that is being rolled out by the Mormon cult Hierarchy(in order to suck more people into their cult), which was supposedly revealed to them by Jesus Christ himself, since they are his "special witnesses."

They claim to be the only men on the entire planet earth that have the authority to speak for Jesus, with Hinckley holding ALL the "keys." Has Hinckley ever used his keys even once? Does he or anyone even know what the keys really are? They claim that THEY are the "one and only true church" and all the rest are abominations, corrupt and false.

They teach in "Preach My Gospel, the official missionary teaching guide used everyday all around the world, that you CANNOT have Eternal happiness or be with your friends and loved ones in the next life, unless you are a Mormon.

Like their Book of Mormon declares repeatedly; there is the church of God and the church of the Devil and if you aren't Mormon, then you are in the church of Satan himself and there is NO disputing this TBMS and apologists, so don't even try. You're apologetic bullshit won't work here!!

They never even mention that this new cult campaign "Truth Restored", came from Jesus Christ, but it had to if they speak for him as they claim, right? Strange that they didn't give him the credit though, isn't it? Hmm...maybe since it was their idea and had nothing to do with any God or Jesus, it might explain this obvious and very grievous omission.

They are going to blitz the radio, TV, billboards, magazines(playboy?) and Internet with ads, that have nothing to do with Mormonism, rather feelings and burning bosoms. The funny thing is, that I thought they'd already been doing this for the last 20 years plus?

They are simply re-dressing and re-naming their already failed plans of the past and trying again, spinning it as something new and exciting, that will breakthrough and be wonderful and motivate the Morgbots.

Hmm...I guess all of those TV/Radio/Billboard/magazine ads that I've been seeing and hearing since my childhood and then my whole adult life, wasn't really them or they were just completely ineffective, which is what I've always suspected. No more free stuff being offered either, by toll-free 800 numbers on TV commercials, as it was ineffective and cost them/Jesus Christ too much money. They just figured this out? Mormon God/Jesus, where are you man?

Of course, these are the dumbasses that stand at the pulpit and declare with a straight face, that "they can't ever lead you astray" and "to keep your eyes riveted on them." What are we waiting to see?

Also, I thought that they were strongly against the Internet, constantly preaching to everyone how evil and dangerous it is, even banning YouTube and other dangerous sites at BYU and getting all of my videos and Chymiron's banned from Youtube. Now they say that "These people live with the Internet" and "it's a very familiar tool with them." WTF?!!

Now they are also going to give you "pass-along cards"(or maybe you'll have to buy them at Jesus' Deseret Bookstore) to pass out to all of your non-member family and friends. These cards will lead the poor suckers to Mormon.Org, where they can go and NOT learn the truth and just read a bunch of BS, half-truths and outright lies.

Any mention there of blacks being forbidden to have the Priesthood, that blacks are the seed of Cain and represent Satan, women not being able to pray in church for 10 years or Joseph Smith's polygamy and marriage to little girls and other men's wives, with the promise of Celestial glory, in the name of God, due to being threatened by a homicidal angel wielding a flaming sword?

No, of course not, because that's the meat/AKA skeletons they hope you never find out about. Trust me, there will be no mention of any of this or any doctrine at all, in their campaign scam they'll be running soon, in a neighborhood near you.

They should rename the campaign "Truth Revoked" or "Truth...what's that" or "Truth...Just Give Us Your Damn Money!!" In the comments, leave your other suggestions as to what they could name this BS PR campaign.

It's funny too, because they act like they just discovered the Internet and banner ads and are SO EXCITED..LOL!! I guess that silly Mormon God/Jesus Christ is a little behind the times as usual.

Maybe he was too busy up there on Kolob, running around doing his genealogy or having sex with his wives without number, to pay attention to what was happening here on his little earth? He's like, "holy shit, my church is going down the toilet, Satan is stronger than ever and I'd better re-tool things quickly as those dumbasses running it don't have a damn clue."

Also, watch for the human statue, barely a pulse and non-expressive Richard G. Scott, Mormon Apostle, that usually talks excessively about sexual purity and morality, to say twice; "I'm just so excited." No matter how often he tries to say how excited he is, while straining to look excited; he doesn't look excited...LOL!!

This video smacks of desperation and it just look like 2 old men, M. Russell Ballard(direct descendant of Joseph Smith, who doesn't care if missionaries get hurt or killed) and Richard G. Scott, who realize their time has come and gone and that they have failed miserably and now they are desperately trying one last ditch effort to recover something that isn't recoverable.

Ballard Not Caring If More Missionaries Die-MP3 Download

I mean hell, give me billions of dollars to work with and let's see what kind of marketing campaign I can put together. Are these guys really that dumb and clueless? Actually, they are that dumb and just plain cheap and are just now realizing that they are going to have to spend a lot more of Jesus' sacred mall and downtown reconstruction money, if they have any shot of getting any converts and more tithing money and donations rolling in.

It also helps keep them in business, when brainwashed customers voluntarily give them 10% of their money and all other kinds of donations, even though they get very little or nothing in return.

Ballard says something like "the day of waiting for something to happen is over." Well, what the hell were you thinking there Ballard? After all, aren't you the head of the Church's missionary efforts and have been for a damn long time? You have no one to blame but your old pathetic self!!

I think the average number of baptisms per missionary, all around the world, is between 4-5 per missionary per year. That of course factors in the missionaries in South and Central America, who are baptizing 20+ people on their missions. Many USA missionaries and those in Europe, are lucky to even get one in 2 years.

If this was a corporation and these were their sales numbers; they'd all be fired, starting with CEO and they'd probably be bankrupt too. Of course it helps out when the salesmen all work for free and actually pay the corporation cult for the privilege of not making any sales and their utter failure.

The magic of the late 80's and early 90's is gone forever folks and will never be regained, as people just aren't as stupid and gullible anymore, with the truth being spread around the world on the Internet. Isn't this new information age wonderful?

They can no longer hide their skeletons in the closet, while pretending that they don't exist, as they have fallen out and are now laying everywhere you look, all over the ground.

They are so far behind reality and the truth is already out there for the world, and the cat is out of the bag and can't be put back in and the massive exodus out of Mormonism is only going to continue to roll forth, like that giant stone they always reference from Daniel.

It's amazing that the Mormon Hierarchy have allowed this video to be seen by the public and that they even allow and encourage you to download it on their main site, in order to share it with family, friends, etc, as they encourage in the video itself, which is exactly what I'm doing. A big thanks to "Truth Seeker" for making this video available for all of us and for allowing me to write the description.

In addition to allowing downloading for personal and noncommercial use, they also say, "In addition, materials may be reproduced by media personnel for use in traditional public news forums unless otherwise indicated." I would say that Google video is pretty traditional, as is blogger.

Their wish is my command, so enjoy everyone, as I'm just reporting the news!!

I wonder if the influence of "Mormon Truth" had any influence on them using "Truth Restored?" They read my blog all the time from the church office building and shut down my videos, but's just a coincidence I'm sure?

But, I'm really looking forward to comments on this gem of a video and the new plan of Jesus Christ, called "Truth (now) Restored."

Thanks everyone for your support and all that you do to spread the truth of the Mormon cult to the world.

Samuel the Utahnite


Elder Joseph said...

I always have something to say ! lol

I've been watching this Mormon PR priesthood video .

About 30 mins in Russel M Ballard talks about members having to be friendly to new faces when they come .
He says its a most tragic thing for the 12 Apostles to get letters from people who say they went to an LDS service and no one greeted them ??

I don't really believe this.Someone comes to church for the first time , doesn't feel welcomed and somehow knows to write to the 12 Apostles about it ???

The first timers I've seen in church don't even know the difference between Mormons and other churches .. never mind think to write to the 12 Mormon Apostles in Salt Lake with a complaint !

This means that Bishops , Ward Missionaries , Relief Society Presidents , Elders Quorum Presidents all failed in their duty to welcome new faces in church throughout all the meetings ?

I think its most likely that no new faces actually ever turned up and this is just putting the blame on members of the church instead of themselves for being a bunch of liars ......

And anyway we are not allowed to criticise church members (ie Bishops , Ward Missionaries , Relief Society Presidents , Elders Quorum Presidents ) even if the criticism is true so why is he criticising them .

He said that the Wards and Branches and Stakes need to be the most friendly in the history of the church for this marketing campaign to work .

I agree , lets not have a Mountain Meadows Massacre , they certainly missed a big opportunity for new members .Why didn't they teach them about the first vision and restoration instead of killing them .Lets not have a Danite moevement again as this might put them off on their first visit........... and for goodness sake don't tell them about blood atonement,or polygamy coming back in the church or the blacks ban either as it might not look too friendly to them ....

Tell them we love them , care for them , how great they are , how much God loves them ,how much growth they have made ,Baptise them and then get the tithe off them ( D&C threaten burning if needed )and put them to work in the kingdom before thay have time to figure out exactly whats happened to them !

Elder Scott then says " Use this opportunity the brethren have given us to make it successful " The responsibilty is being put on the average poor mormon member .No doubt I'll hear more about this if the campaign comes to the UK .

Then Ballard reminds us that this is the Lords Church and that he raised a prophet Joseph Smith , gave him the Priesthood and all the blessings with it ..... Well for Joseph it must have been a really big blessing , 33 wives , mostly teens , a corporate bank to run , A steady stream of assets handed over to him in the guise of Law of consecration .. Crowned King of the world !

What were the blessings for those who were threatened by the prophet and gave their wives , their daughters , their assets .What was their blessing ? Sacrifice and Testing of The Lord ?

All is well , All is well .

I'm doing what I can to bring these so called Prophets and Apostles to account.The only way I know is to ask questions amongst the members and especially missionaries . Has anyone ever seen a missionary laugh about Joseph Smith ? lol I have when we talk about the head in a hat and stone ! No one can keep a straight face and how Dan Peterson didn't laugh on the PBS documentary , I don't know but I'm sure this will haunt him now .He's famous for telling the world that "actaully" most of the Book Of Mormon was done with his head in a hat and a stone !

Actually it was all done that way because there was no Urim or Thummim like there were no Gold Plates or Angel Moroni or anything else .

jennifer said...

Interesting blog. My husbands cousin was Jose Mackintosh...killed in a stairwell in Russia while serving a mission. I have spent 14 years researching this false religion. It is nice to see where you are... Keep on going it is hard but the LDS church is a *cult*

Take care

Demon of Kolob said...

How many insane missionaries did you know in the mission?? How many insane companions?? I know many missionaries that had fine mental health before the mission , but were after serving for a while this was never addressed by the mission president, nobody cared I think this was the goal in my mission to drive us all insane. I barely escaped with my sanity intact.

Elder Joseph said...

Just a side issue :)

Did you know that Joseph Smith shared one room and two beds with his five brothers !

quote from

Now the big question is when Moroni came and spoke with Joseph in the night of September 21, 1823, why didn’t this wake up Joseph’s brothers who were sleeping in the very same room with him? Surely the grand appearance of an angelic being with the countenance of lightning would have awoken the entire Smith family including his parents, two sisters that were sleeping in the adjoining room, his other sister sleeping downstairs and his five brothers in the small house they lived in. At the very least, Joseph’s five brothers that slept in the same room would surely not have slept through this grand event.

There are only two beds in the small room that Joseph and his brothers occupied in the restored Smith home owned and operated by the LDS church. With six brothers all sharing one room, Joseph would have had two brothers sleeping in the very same bed as he slept in. It is simply inconceivable that his brothers sleeping in the same room, let alone the same bed, would not have been woken up by the magnificent appearance of the Angel Moroni.

Joseph said that Moroni appeared three separate times, each time filling the room with intense light that became as bright as the noonday sun. He estimated that these three meetings took the whole of the night. Also, surely an angel with the countenance of lightening did not have a timid, meek voice. He likely had a booming voice to accompany his magnificence. But even a regular man speaking with a mortal voice in the room above Joseph’s bed for the whole of the night would have awoken everyone in the small Smith house especially the five brothers in Joseph’s room.

Also Moroni must have been a very short man to be able to float significantly off the floor and yet have his head beneath the rather short ceiling of the room Joseph slept in.

It is also very deceptive of the LDS Church to show the illustrations of Joseph with Moroni all by themselves. Why don’t they show Joseph’s five brothers in the room sleeping with him? Showing Joseph in bed by himself gazing at Moroni is very deceptive as he would have had two brothers sleeping in the bed with him.

Man this church is falling apart big time ......and this website is from church Members.

And I thought I knew all the LDS deception .

Anonymous said...

You always have the coolest stuff on this blog. Damn. I about choked when i saw this video. I can tell you that if I had not had left over 2 decades ago when I thought it was all bull shit, I sure would leave tonight after seeing this video.

This is pure horseshit, plain and simple. It is a publicity campaign and I am so glad it is online.

Go look at Mormon,org. Those people on their site look and sound like desperate people. Just like old russell Ballard.

Call down the powers of heaven, this was a hoot----THECHURCH WILL GROW, WE INVOKE THOSE BLESSING UPON YOU. WTF???? thanks for a great laugh. Unfreakingbelievable.

Elder Joseph said...

Samuel thanks for the link for instructions on posting live links .I'm learning all the time on the internet.

In fact when I first started learning with Mormons I thought I was going to be learning about a Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and instead I've become a bit of an expert on New World History , Archeology and Anthropology .I've learnt about the colonisation of the Americas through Columbus and the europeans who brought their animals and plants with them .I've learnt about the origins of the American Indians and they are not Lehi's sons through Lamen .

I've learnt how Brigham Young , Joseph Smith , Wilford Woodruff and the rest of them spoke absolute Dangerous Rubbish throughout their deluded lives .

I've learnt how men claiming to be Apsotles of Jesus Christ Lie and decieve an unsuspecting public with a bogus Gospel . How they lie and cheat their own members by hiding information and replacing truth with spin and deception .I've learnt about a Church which splits families .

I've also learnt how good and honest are current and ex members who are brave and dignified enough to stand up to this cult at the risk of loss of family and friends.

I'm looking forward to the LDS church shrinking and I hope to be a part of its demise !

The Mormon Think website is a good all round straight to the point informative site .The pics are missing , but the site owner will address that as soon as possible .

Mormon Think

Elder Joseph said...


Yes I watched Robert Millet and how to deal with the 'oppostion'. I don't like him or his lecture .It was as you know about how to evade and never answer anything.Its quite obvious really , but the audience are just misguided young kids ..

If I confronted Robert Millet in real life , my patience wouldn't last long . I'd love to knock his house as a 'prophet' and ask his wife to marry me and his daughters ( if has any) polygamously and see how he would react !

Would he say well if its from God I guess its OK ! and its something we don't understand but we will some day and its not important to know for our salvation .

I can't believe how they just casually brush aside the obvious horror of the polgamy of these sick and demented Leaders of the past.

A good idea I heard from Mike Norton would be to collect names of deceased LDS church members and send in their resignation letters signed by us by proxy as they might want to quit now they are in the spirit world and realise its not true .They need our bodies to do the resignation work for them by proxy !

I watched the wrap up show on PBS also and its obvious that Marlin K Jensen was lying about how the church is open and honest and wishes everyone to know about the messy parts of the past ... What a big Lie , because all my church DVD's and Books and Ensigns are a Total Whitwash as you know ...and just try bringing anything up in church..

I think there should have been Grant Palmer there or someone to challenge him about that ....

My Bishop didn't want me show the messy parts to the black brothers in church for a start. He asked me not to show JOD anti black skin teachings to the black brothers in church !

Marlin K Jensen is just a slippery creep himself .He knows the church would rather the less the members know the better .....

I've read Bushmans Book on Joseph Smith and heard his Interview on John Dehlin and he's got a great way of being Honest without perhaps attracting the Hawks in Salt Lake's Luxurious Headquarters.

But Grant Palmer is my Fave BYU Historian .His book confirmed it all for me and it also liberated my friend in church ( a convert two yrs ago) who was stressed out thinking he had to do his geneology , pay tithe , mess about with Masonic oaths in the Temple , be perfect etc etc just to be saved from the wrath of Brigham Young and Joseph Smith judging him as Judges of Israel .

Well those asses and all the others like Bruce idiotic McConKie are not going to be judging anyone .How on earth do these people get to believe this nonsense ?

I've just lent Grant Palmer out to another recent convert .

I'm stepping up my challenges on the missionaries subtley.I don't put up with their Testimony drivvle anymore .It will be good for them as I can't believe they haven't been challenged properly on their missions to the extent I have been doing .. Where are all the Born again Evangelicals gone who should be doing this ?

Brother Zelph said...

I am glad you enjoyed my "enhanced version", I am the one that posted the condensed versions on youtube, which exmormonskeptic put on his blog.

I was hoping that people would see right through what they are doing. I also think that many members are surprised when they start hearing the leadership talking about test markets and tag lines.

Al Jordan said...

It's okay for mormons to advertise on television and billboards and missionary work, but they freak out whenever someone of a different belief attempts the same thing. (For example, the PostMormon billboard that was taken down in Idaho recently, due to complaints of mormons who can't bear to have their pathetic little faith questioned or mocked in any way. And also John Saffron's door to door athiest campaign he tried here in Utah awhile back - the video of it might still be on's fucking hilarious.)

I'm fed up with religious zealots and extremists - I don't care what the religion - but especially mormons with their high and mighty, holier than thou, we have all the truth, bullshit! They're all fucking deluded!

Samuel, thanks for having the scrotum to stand up to the "great and powerful Oz". It's tough, especially when we're surrounded by the morgbot zombies here in Utah, and many of our friends and loved ones are wasting so much of their time and money in the damn cult. You're doing a fantastic job. Your podcasts were instrumental in helping me wake up from all the nonsense and get the hell out of that so-called "church." I'm so glad to be free of it!

Anonymous said...

I saw my LDs banner ad on the net. Now I can not even enjoy my adult web comics with the Cult in the way
