Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mormon Hierarchy Have First Online Train Wreck...I Mean News Conference, With Religion Writers Only. What An Embarrassment!!

Back on October 2 of this past week, the desperate, Mormon cult Hierarchy, planned their first "Online News Conference", which I consider to be a massive train wreck, full of lies, outright deceptions, half-truths and double talk, you know, the normal modus operandi for the corrupt, lying Mormon Hierarchy and their payed pawns/PR and spokes people, that they parade in front of the camera to do their dirty work for them, when they get tired of lying and need a little break.

It's hard for me to watch this utter bullshit and believe that they're actually pretending and declaring that it's "the truth" and that they're just deceiving the world the way they are, despite so many of us in "the real world" knowing "the real truth." They actually think that the world is so damn, stupid and it is their arrogance and stupidity, that will eventually be their downfall and already is, in reality.

My guess is that they must be trying to reach out to the clueless and uneducated, since they can't possibly be trying to reach the educated, Internet connected people, can they? Well, I guess that's why they call it arrogance, because they actually think they can fool even the educated people of the world, who correctly believe that Mormonism is for fools and just another cult, a la David Koresh, Jim Jones, etc.

Anyway, I want to give a big shout out and thanks to Truthseeker for posting these videos, so that we can all watch them here in Mormon Truth and then dissect them and tell the everyone out there "the real truth", if they aren't aware of it already.

Intelligent people do occasionally get caught up in Mormonism and many are born into the Mormon cult, like many of us were; so maybe this will help them to realize that truth, reality and facts are more important than emotions and burning bosoms, which is really ALL that Mormonism has, presents and brings to the table. They really don't want anyone to go beyond the eye candy and surface, because once you get past that, you'll soon discover that it's rotten to the core.

This video is nothing but superficial bullshit, by two paid PR people, who couldn't care less about the truth. They are just doing and saying what the Mormon cult Hierarchy pays and tells them to do. It is my opinion that these online press conference and attempts to reach out only to the media, will fail miserably, like every other plan they've tried. I guess this is all part of "Truth Restored", which is their desperate plan to blitz the world through every avaialable type of media.

I wonder how those test markets for Jesus are going? Like Ballard and his thugs said, "if it doesn't work and we have to go back to the Quorum of the 12 and tell them that we have failed...", that they're basically screwed and have no more ideas. Of course they really don't answer to anybody, and are all in it together, since Scott and Ballard are Apostles and of course Richard Hinckley is Gordon's son. What would they them?!! Give me a break!!
So enjoy and as always, your comments are welcome.

Samuel the Utahnite


Anonymous said...

Aside from all your silly conspiracy theories (which are themselves very entertaining), the idea that all "Internet connected" people are "educated" was also good for a laugh. Wouldn't it be wonderful if being able to plug your computer into a phone jack were all it took to be "educated"? I can tell you don't spend too much time around people with PhDs, Utahnite.

Anonymous said...

Lie , Lie and Lie some more it is the Mormon way.

Elder Joseph said...

I watched that PR stuff ,its an utter nonsense and blatant lies ... How on earth are they allowed to carry on this way ?

The didn't answer anything .The whole thing is total rubbish .

Man they get you mad !! I'm not surprised exmormons are angry !

That Truth Restored blitz will come to nothing . We can find the truth on the Internet and it showed at the conference this time ..

all is well! all is well !

Elder Joseph said...

.........on that Truth Restored campaign video Ballard said that Ward members should do more to make Investigators feel welcome, ( blame them )because he gets letters from Investigators who went to church and were not welcomed ??? What a lie How are investigators going to know to write to Ballard after a first visit to church .Its sheer rubbish and blatant lying to members and no surprise, its called Lying for The Lord , Joseph Smith started it all off and the tradition continues !

I've written twice to Greg Dodge and have been ingored twice .Thats the reality of this church ..

Anonymous said...

The press conference was nothing speicla. just what any church woukld do, basically put their best foot forward.

I do not think it is an honest church, but precious few churches are.

My opinion is that the hierarchy of any church knows it is b.s. but having experienced the LDS cult for the time tht I did, I do think it is worse than most.

Probably the polygs are worse, maybe the Moonies, maybe Jim Jones. The LDS lies make it a repugnant organisation to me, but many LDS people eat up this type of conference and believe it.

Everybody to his own. I am just glad I am not a part of this organisation. For those who are in it and love it, good for them.

I feel sorry for you people said...

"Elder Joseph said...

I'm not surprised exmormons are angry !"

They're angry because they know the truth...that they are damned for doing what they've done and people like this base an entire religion on the actions of a few. By that same thought process, we can establish that all minorities are criminals, all white people hate minorities, all germans are nazis, all Irish people are drunks...and so on.

You're welcome said...

Don't worry Utahnite, I'll put your name on the prayer roll at the temple.

Elder Joseph said...

To 'I feel sorry for you people'? whoever you are

What are you talking about ? Ex Mormons are angry at the church leaders falsely claiming to be inspired of God who teach lies and deception and not at the average church members who are just victims themselves ..

Your point is totally invalid and typical of A deluded mopologist.

Elder Joseph said...

To 'you're welcome' .. whoever you are

What makes you think you are even worthy to be in the temple ??

Samuel the Utahnite said...

Aside from all your silly conspiracy theories (which are themselves very entertaining), the idea that all "Internet connected" people are "educated" was also good for a laugh. Wouldn't it be wonderful if being able to plug your computer into a phone jack were all it took to be "educated"? I can tell you don't spend too much time around people with PhDs, Utahnite.

Monday, October 08, 2007 2:54:00 AM

Hey anon, welcome back...long time no hear from. But it's good to see that your as dumb as you've always been and that nothing there has changed.

Of course you didn't comprehend one word I said, like normal. Where did I say, word for word, explicitly, that "all 'Internet connected' people are 'educated'", as you claim I did?

What I actually said, since you're obviously illiterate, was "My guess is that they must be trying to reach out to the clueless and uneducated, since they can't possibly be trying to reach the educated, Internet connected people, can they?"

I was talking about two different groups of people; the "educated people" and those that are "Internet connected", and in many cases, most educated people are indeed "Internet connected", but not always. There are also many "Internet connected people", that become educated on the their choice of subject, like so many of us ex-Mormons have done with Mormonism, because of the vast resources, that are readily available on the Internet.

But, No where did I ever say, what you claim I said; that EVERY SINGLE person that has the Internet, is educated, did I? I'll await your apology, but I certainly won't hold my breath, as I've come to realize that arrogant, Mormon "Gods-in-embryo", who think they have the "ONLY TRUTH" on earth, rarely, if EVER, apologize, because they don't believe they are ever wrong. They believe the Mormon, Holy, Casper the friendly ghost is guiding them, in everything they do and everywhere they go.

Anyway, I'm glad your misinterpreting of my words gave you a good laugh and I guess it's true what they say; Simple things amuse simple minds eh?

Viva Los Mormon CULTISTS!!

You're last paragraph really made me laugh though:

"I can tell you don't spend too much time around people with PhDs, Utahnite."

Oh really? Do you personally know me, my family and friends or are just once again pretending to be an authority on a subject you know NOTHING about, which would be ME?!! Well, actually I do, as I have quite a few friends and family that have PHDs and other degrees and we talk regularly and the majority of them aren't Mormon by the way. One thing that I can tell about you though; is that you spend way, WAAAAAY too much time around other brainwashed, indoctrinated, Mormon cultists and that you’re brain is fried to a crisp...annoymous!!

Have a great one, and pantomime(for old times sake, since I had to do it) your own death(use the thumb under the left ear, drawing it across your throat to the right ear, since this one works best and will kill you quicker) bow your head and say yes and oh yeah, will you put my name on the temple prayer list, so that they will pray that I won’t be so evil and offensive to the “Lord’s One And Only True Cult?” LOL!! PAY LAY ALE!!

I can’t wait for your typical, pathetic, Mormon cult response!! By the way, why do you hang out here anyway, with us evil disease germs and anti-Christs? Maybe deep down, you know you’re living a lie, inside of a fraudulent cult? I know I wouldn’t have hung out here when I was a TBM, so I’m just curious, why our evil natures excite you so much and suck you in, time and time again. Maybe I should go find some rapists or serial killers to hang out with and chat with, after all, I’ve been told that I’m worse then they are now and in fact, even worse than a terrorist and that I work directly for Satan and punch his time clock every single day...LOL!!


Anonymous said...

From observing these comments and discussions it is evident that not all people on this web are educated. I don't wish to start an argument but I feel that the persons on this site need a little contradiction. I am a Mormon and as I was reading your comments on my religion I truly could not believe that you would say such things about us. Your being an ex-mormon does not make you an expert on our religion as you think you are, the reason i say that is not because you said it but by posting on the internet under a site called "Mormon Truth" betrays that you think yourself a good source of truth. Your feelings are that of anger towards people that have done nothing to you. If you hate us so much leave us alone. You have already seperated yourself so why bother further? We are not a cult, and that video that you had posted about missionary work did not say what you interpreted it to say. You like to twist truth to suit your anger. The things you have said are ridiculus with no truth in them. Yet of course you don't respond well to critisism or correction. Well good luck to you, I hope you find happiness in the spirit of contention. Most likely I wont be returning since this is not a place that contains information accurate to events and beliefs that I research. Farewell until we perchance meet again. Have a good day, and God bless you.

Anonymous said...

would you please stop assuming you know everything about the situations involved in the multiple happenstances aforesaid in your 'daily updates'... it is extremely annoying and angering when, right off the bat, i can shoot down about half of your accusations, and upon brief further thought, the rest of your precious tower of anti-mormon cards comes crashing down. please, you need a new source of information, one that is made up of more than insults, lies, and opinions. please, get a life that involves something other than desperate scheming.

Anonymous said...

"This will be a daily log on the happenings of the Mormon Church. I will share my opinions and viewpoints without holding back. The Mormon Church is a fraud and I will be exposing them on a daily basis. They can run and cover up but they can't hide from the "REAL TRUTH!!" Have no fear, the truth is here!!"
that was pathetic.
What you should have put, if you werebeing truthful:
'This will be a log of some of the happenings in the Mormon Church that I can twist to sound bad and fraudful. I will share my over-used swear-words and insults and twisted opinions and warped viewpoints of hatred and bitterness, mockery and derision without holding back. I hate the Church and will be twisting things to make it look like they are a fraud and acting like I know what is going on. I'll try and post some clever sounding phrases and eighth-truths because I am bitter and hateful and am trying to sound cool. Have No Fear!! The Real Fraud Is Here!!'

seriously, dude, get a life.

Interested said...

Sooo..the 14 year-old who drags herself out of bed to attend seminary at 6:30 in the morning is learning about the sermon on the mount? I don't think so. More likely learning about that scoundrel Joseph Smith.

Al Jordan said...

To the Anon who wrote:

"Your being an ex-mormon does not make you an expert on our religion".

I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

Your being a Mormon does not make you an expert on the religion either.

Some good, honest research into the church's sketchy (at best) past would do you some good. If you think you're being taught truth at church, or seminary, or gerneral're mistaken.

Don't get mad at Samuel for presenting the facts (and yes, maybe some opinions as well) that church leaders insist on keeping from you. At least he has the balls to tell it like it is. LDS leaders have been proven to be liars time and time again.

I Nephi 3:7 said...

actually, I am MUCH more an expert on Mormonism because a) i study the religion b) i state FACTS not INSULTS or OPINIONS .

"LDS leaders have been proven to be liars time and time again" oh, really? prove it, without opinions, without insults, using real ACCURATE facts. don't worry, I'll wait for you.

"Some good, honest research into the church's sketchy (at best) past would do you some good. If you think you're being taught truth at church, or seminary, or gerneral're mistaken."
'sketchy'? as aforesaid, please show EVIDENCE instead of simply posting your OPINION. some background info would be very nice.
"At least he has the balls to tell it like it is. "
yes, I am sure in his mind, he is telling how it is. However, how it is to him, and how there is evidence are two entirely different things.
and by the way, I don't have balls. SOME Mormon defenders ARE female.

Anonymous said...

e.g.: "The LDS lies make it a repugnant organisation to me, but many LDS people eat up this type of conference and believe it."
would you PLEASE state an EXAMPLE instead of just typing in an OPINION!!!

e.g: "

Anonymous said...

true, you did say "to me", but the point remains!!

Anonymous said...

like the previous anonymous, the opinions are getting very annoying. please, everyone, just state facts to argue your part. the opinions and lies are getting old.

another e.g. "Lying for The Lord , Joseph Smith started it all off and the tradition continues !"
first off, where did he get the socalled 'title' for that, and what makes him think they are lying, and what makes him think 'the tradition continues'...
FACTS people!
FACT:1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5. Law. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. "
see and type in fact. first set of definitions.

defined as "

I Nephi 3:7 said...

and yes, al jordon, I know it was not addressed to me, however, as the person who was typing it was my sister, and she knows even more about it than I, (which is why she is not bothering with this site since it cannot even back up its opinions) so I felt that i was justified in answering.

Anonymous said...

"Don't get mad at Samuel for presenting the facts (and yes, maybe some opinions as well) "


please... GROW UP!!

Anonymous said...

You want a fact? Here's a fact! And it comes straight out of approved mormon materials...

FACT: Brigham Young was recorded as saying in the Journal of Discourses that the black race would never have the priesthood. God would NEVER allow the black man to hold the priesthood. (I paraphrase)

FACT: The church granted worthy black male members the priesthood in 1977.

FACT: Brigham Young was highly racist and his "prophesy" about the blacks never getting the priesthood obviously was false.

Al Jordan said...

Wow, it's a regular think-tank in here. (I hope you caught my sarcasm there.)

Samuel has done a great job of presenting facts on this blog. I'm going to spend three months rehashing everything he's already pointed out.

The problem as I see it is this: Facts are meaningless to True Believing Mormons. Anything that clashes with their "testimony" or skewed version of reality is brushed aside as either a lie or (gasp!) the workings of Satan.

Puh-leeze. Can we all just mature a little bit and stop believing in fairy tales?

Joseph Smith was a liar and a con-man. Gordon B. Hinckley has also been caught lying (even if it's "for the lord" it's still lying and it's still wrong - I don't care who you are.)

Samuel once recommended the book "The Mormon Murders" which I just barely finished reading last week. EXCELLENT read. EVERY MORMON OWES IT TO HIM/HERSELF TO READ THIS BOOK!

As they say on Reading Rainbow: "Don't take my word for it...check it out for yourself."

Al Jordan said...


I'm NOT going to spend three months rehashing everything Samuel's already pointed out.

The typo monster must have gotten to me - or maybe it was Satan. Or perhaps Santa Claus. Or a cookie-making elf who lives in a tree somewhere.

I Nephi 3:7 said...

"Doctrine and Covenants," page 330, .... "we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband." Umm... I believe i wasted time in answering that, because the Doctrine and Covenants only goes to page 294. Readers, check for yourselves.

Al Jordan said...

D&C actually goes to page 298 - including the maps. At least mine does...maybe you have a different version than I do.

And wasn't EJ quoting John Taylor when he posted that? If so, then it was Taylor's mistake, not EJ's.

i nephi, I'm under the impression that you wouldn't believe any evidence I could provide you with anyway, so I won't waste my time.

When you stop assuming that you already have all the "truth", then we can talk. Keep in mind...I used to be a TBM just like you, so I understand your position.

Try to step outside the comfort zone of your testimony and honestly ask yourself one question: If Joseph Smith lied, would you want to know?

Elder Joseph said...

1 nephi 3:7

Your D&C is different and altered ... no surprise ...The one quoted by John Taylor and early Church leaders had the section Articles On Marriage which they qouted when LYING in Public and they were LYING to ordinary church members like yourself .They removed it later on ..

The church lied to its ordinary members and thats why they published these denials in church newspaper Times And Seasons.

Its a well known fact but onviously you are just an amateur on church history ..Its clear to me that you don't know your own church history ..maybe you are a naive youngster .

You must have been brought up in church .

we will help you .

Elder Joseph said...

to all on this blog

1 Nephi3:7 is a sincere person ....

We can help him as he sincerely believes we are mistaken and will look into our sources..

1nephi3:7 please email me ,I've posted my email address on your blog .. cheers and take care


Galatian said...

Well, I see the struggle is carrying on as usual. It's amazing to me that TBM's complain over and over again that they need evidence - when Samuel's blog is FULL OF EVIDENCE in virtually every post. Videos, quotes, clips, etc. And they use the same old tired arguments *sigh*. I guess we just have to get used to it. Arguing the same old thing, over and over again to new people until they wake up.
Dammit Samuel, when you get an email (I'm sure you have already) from a former TBM whose life has been changed thanks to the TRUTH, the facts of your blog and conversations -- please post it! It would at least give me some satisfaction that some of these deluded people do in fact, get help.

*****************************************Astarte Moonsilver said...

To anyone wanting proof, evidence, quotations, sources of information, and TRUTH:

The very first thing you would have to do is dismiss the "warm fuzzies" as an indicator of truth. What we have been taught as Mormons is to "sieve" all information through the Holy Spirit Indicator, and place things that agree with our current world view in the "truth" category, and all things that contradict our current beliefs must be placed in the "lies" category. This is what many of us are taught growing up in the church. Now, once in a while, we break free from that pattern, and come across some book, or website, or tv special that presents Mormonism in a way that seems unpleasant, shocking, or upsetting. That DOES NOT mean it is NOT true. It simply means that it is different than what we have heard before, and may be worth investigating further.

It is very difficult to break the habit of sifting information through this Holy Spirit Indicator, because the pattern has been ingrained in us so constantly. (And is it really any wonder why?) It is our only defense and protection for our testimony in the church, but it MUST be done if you sincerely want to know why it is that those who leave feel the need and compulsion to put up websites like these. (I have one as well, documenting about two years worth of posts on just about every topic of Mormonism's teachings.) I have spent hours and days researching every conceivable argument, floating back and forth between FAIR and FARMS essays, and all of the websites out there made by people who have chosen to leave.

There is a vast difference between what the church presents as "true history" and what outside non-secular and dis-interested historians would label as "true history". Even when LDS historians attempt to reveal too much "truth", the leadership steps in to curb and control it:

“There is no such thing as an accurate, objective history of the Church without consideration of the spiritual powers that attend this work... There is a temptation... to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith-promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful... In an effort to be objective, impartial, and scholarly, a writer or a teacher may unwittingly be giving equal time to the adversary... In the Church we are not neutral. We are one-sided. There is a war going on, and we are engaged in it... The fact that something is already in print or available from another source is no excuse for using potentially damaging materials in writing, speaking, or teaching: ‘Do not spread disease germs!’”

Apostle Boyd K. Packer, "The Mantle is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect," speech delivered at the 1981 Church Educational System Religious Educators’ Symposium.

If you really believe that there is such a thing as "learning too much" or "revealing too much", then by all means, continue to scream at those who talk openly about things just because it is shocking, upsetting, or uncomfortable. But consider that it just might be true, even though it isn't 'faith promoting' like the church would present it.

Sometimes the truth hurts...but first it's gonna piss you off.

I Nephi 3:7 said...

I was scanning through my first post here, and i came upon this mistake, so i am correcting it.
"Your comment about the 'Mormon babies'-- all babies cry, Mormon babies are still babies, and actually are not really Mormons because they have not been baptized into the Church because it is believed to be a great evil among the Mormons ( see Moroni chapter ). "
It is supposed to say '(see Moroni chapter 8)" sorry.

Galatian said...

So I guess you knew that your church gave gay men electroshock therapy and made them look at porno mags, at BYU?
(see: BYU + Shocktherapy / Values Institute/ Evergreen)

I guess you knew of Joseph Smith's affair with Fanny Alger, which was called "dirty, filthy nasty" by Oliver Cowdry? And what his other wives endured, how they came about? (Read: In Sacred Loneliness)

I guess you know that several known murderers have confessed to killing dozens of people under Brigham Young's orders?
(see: John D. Lee, Porter Rockwell, Bill Hickman)

I guess you know that Joseph after being refused to illegally set up a bank - set up the anti-banking trust? And printed fake money-value sheets/dollars and conducted illegal business? And when it went under he fled the state rather than repaying debts?
(google: Kirtland bank)

I guess you know that DNA evidence shows that 99.9% of Natives come from Mongolians/Asians?
I guess you know there is no empirical evidence for the BOM of any of its characters? And that all archeologists and others will admit that? Even though it says at the beginning of the BOM it is a history of the "Lamanite" peoples who are the ANCESTORS of modern day Natives?

I guess you know that Joseph Smith drank alcohol and got drunk the night before he died? And he wasn't wearing his "sacred garments" he was supposedly commanded to by God, and thought were so holy and protective ... and that he shot 3 men in the jail, killing 2 ..!

I guess you know that church leaders are hypocrites ... saying not to break the Word of Wisdom, watch pornography, or for men to be gay/crossdress.
Even though Brigham Young's own son was a crossdresser and there are verified photos of him in drag?
Even though leaders (including Monson) had gay men look at PORNO to try to "cure them" and Marriott hotels (owned by mormons) allow alcohol and pornos?
And even though Brigham Young and Jospeh Smith both had bars in their own houses, and profited from alcohol sales/revenue in utah? Oh yeah, and Joseph got drunk night before he was killed, and even wrote about getting drunk in his DIARY JOURNALS which are published and sold at Deseret bookstores!!!

Must I go on?

You have a lot to learn!

bella<3edward said...

Samuel, I'm not Mormon, but I am in the process of learning about Mormonism, as a friend recently tried to convert me. I am in no way interested in converting to Mormonism, and I'm looking for exactly what it is that Mormons believe. I've been studying their religion for some time now, and I stumbled across your blog. I saw that you were mormon for over 30 years.
May I ask what was the precipitating factor in leaving the Mormon church? Also, may I inquire, if it is not too personal a question, how has this affected your marriage, since you said you were married in the temple? Thank you, and I apologize if the latter of the two questions was too personal.

*****************************************Astarte Moonsilver said...

ugh, iNephi 3:7,

why are u quoting from the Book of Mormon to prop up your case? If we believed the BoM was scripture, wouldn't we still be Mormon?

I believe that this can be likened unto Korihor, for did he not say "O ye that are bound down under a foolish and a vain hope, why do ye yoke yourselves with such foolish things?

No, as a matter of fact, Korihor did NOT say those things you quoted from Alma in the Book of Mormon, because the Book of Mormon is a MADE UP COLLECTION OF STORIES!!!!

Is there any room for reasoning and logic in that TBM head of yours? We are not going to be swayed by quotes within a text that we do not believe is anything more than one man's attempt at religion-building, and a plagarized one at that!

Here's what your logic sounds like to me:

Working Backwards from a Testimony

1. I believe that the church is true.
2. If the church is true, it makes the Book of Mormon true.
3. If the BoM is true, it makes Joseph a prophet of God.
4. If Joseph is a prophet of God, it means God picked him to organize the church.
5. You can't question God, therefore the church is true.

You speak here in this comment section as if you alone have read the Book of Mormon, and as if you are going to say something really profound that is going to change all of our minds and turn us back towards the church. You are the one who needs to do some more reading, and I DON'T mean more of Joseph's crap.

Oh, in case you don't get it, we don't believe that there were such men as Nephi, Laman, Lemuel, Alma, Moroni OR Korihor, so quoting what Joseph Smith SAYS that they supposedly said to their other fictional bretheren in a book that he completely fabricated is NOT going to help your case. It just makes you look like all the other TBM's who can't see the forest for the trees.

Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

"Sooo..the 14 year-old who drags herself out of bed to attend seminary at 6:30 in the morning is learning about the sermon on the mount? I don't think so. More likely learning about that scoundrel Joseph Smith."
Actually, this year students in Seminary are studying the Old Testament, and next year they will be studying the New Testament.

Alex said...

OOOOOOOOO!!!!! Fun and educational SHIT! Thanks for the correction.

Al Jordan said...

It looks like i nephi may have given up. Hopefully she's out there conducting some research into church history and finally coming to realize that we're not a bunch of crazy un-informed liars.

I wish her well. The journey to the truth is a tough one, but well worth it.

Keep up the great work Samuel! I'll be looking forward to your next post.

- AJ

Galatian said...

Hey Samuel,

Thanks for your kind comments. I missed the gang myself, and I've been catching up with everyone. I've really been wanting to work on my blog and do more -- but I have so much going on in my life at the moment it seems I never get around to just doing what I'd like to.

Anyway, I will be around and trying to do more. Just bear with me. Glad you're alright, hope all is well. Hope we chat soon.

Anonymous said...

This is the sister of the one you call 1Nephi3:7. I would like to inform you that she died in a car crash on November 4th. That is why she has not been back. I will not stay to say more about her, or the incorrect information on this site, but I would appreciate it if you would refrain from mocking her work, and her passing. thank you

*****************************************Astarte Moonsilver said...


The facts don't change. Mormonism is still wrong and this work will continue.
It's too bad about your sister dying in a car crash, but it is wrong to come here and attempt to make anyone feel guilty over correcting her statements or refuting her claims. I'm sort of glad that she now knows the truth, however tragic the path was for her to reach it.

I don't feel bad one little bit for refuting her claims and stating my position, even if it was in direct opposition of hers, and even though she is now deceased, it doesn't change my mind about her as a person or as a Mormon faithful. My opinion is that her beliefs were wrong then, and they are still wrong now.

Sorry if that sounds cold and unfeeling, but she's just a face in the crowd to most of us....with the possible exception of EJ, who may or may not have established email contact with her before her passing. What say you, EJ?

All of the above is my personal opinion, response, etc.. and I am not attempting to speak for or on behalf of any other commentors to Samuel's blog.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Elder Joseph said...


The last email I got from 1Nephi3:7was on November 3rd .

I'm a bit concerned if the anonymous words are true about her sister being killed in that way .

ofcourse no one on this blog would wish that on anyone .We are just here to expose mormon deception , nothing more , nothing less .

Galatian said...

If her sister truly did pass away, then I am sorry, and it's not funny at all. But I somehow highly doubt it. Sounds to me like more TBM dramatics. If my sister just died within the last 2 weeks - I doubt I'd be making remarks on blogs.

And Astarte is right, no matter what tragedy befalls Mormons or non-Mormons alike, it doesn't take away from the truth of our exposing Mormonism for the fraud it is.

I hope more will learn the truth.

Shauna Michelsen said...

I'm neither here nor there, but may I offer up the words of Christ:

"And ye shall know them by the fruits..."

hateful, vengeful and ugly words only make people hoping to learn the "truth" about something turn away. If you truly want to help others know Christ, you'll lead them by example, not with anger and hate. Let's see, who else likes wrath and anger and hate? Oh that's right...Satan.

Elder Joseph said...

Shauna Michelsen

Have you read the Hate filled words and speeches of the LDS church's past leaders.

The verbal and theological attacks on Black Skinned people , the threatening of hell to women who were reluctant to embark on polygamy .

The total codemnation of other Christian Denominations.

This is the foundation of the LDS church ..

Anonymous said...

And Paul condoned slavey, what's your point?

Wow, I have read your facts and comments and I feel really sorry for you, all of you. The church and the members aren't perfect, and as for your facts it isn't any different then much of the stuff said in anti-mormon stuff. Peter was a prophet and denied CHRIST, but you don't want to talk about that do you. Justify your existence for whatever it might be, the truth, well the truth of the gospel will continue like it always has. Christ lives. Joseph Simth was a prophet, this is his church, the Book of Mormon is the word of god. He still loves you even if you fight against it. That is all. He joy your anti-discussion.

Collin, faithful member return missionary and legal student.

Elder Joseph said...

To Colin the Faithfull returned Missionary

1. Joseph Smith was a polygamist who married over 33 living wives , most of them young teenagers and many living and working as his house maids, including Sisters!
2. He married 11 married women, one of them pregnant and they still had their original husbands as well .
3. He demanded wives from his followers and watch them breakdown and suffer for days with the dilemma of having to hand them over .
4. He married a 14 year old ( he was 37 ) after telling her that she should do this for her own reward in CK and that of her parents and family.
5. At least one of the married women who turned him down was told by him that an Angel with a flaming sword came and threatened his life if he didn’t do this and then the woman agreed to marry him under this fear …..
6. Joseph Smith was lying all his life about his secret marriages and the church was lying also and even to its own members .They didn’t know about this secret polygamy .The women were ordered to keep it secret also. This means they couldn’t tell their family or anyone else about it . Only those who were in the inner circle of this polygamy club knew about it .The rest of the church were not told .They were lied to continuously by the church leaders in public and in printed denials throughout church newspapers .
7. Joseph Smith married Orson Hydes wife while he was on a mission and that he proposed to Orson Pratts wife while he was on a mission . She turned him down .When Orson came back he was suicidal over it . They were both excommunicated afterwards. This is what he did when anyone failed to obey him.
8. Mormon Leaders were marrying and conceiving with very young girls and even of 14 years old, 16 years old, 18 years old etc and they were in their 40’s 50’s and 60’ s and if I research it more it gets more sicker . These were arranged marriages, These girls were ‘called ‘ to it and they were threatened with hell and damnation over it . I have read some relevant details about the ages of these girls and the men .

Here is Brigham Young talking about marrying YOUNG girls to OLD Priesthood Mormon Leaders .

JOD VOL 9 page 37 Brigham Young
How will you be happy? Love the Giver more than the gift. Delight
yourselves in your duties, mothers. Here are the middle-aged and the
young. I am now almost daily sealing young girls to men of age and
experience. Love your duties, sisters. Are you sealed to a good man? Yes, to a man of God. It is for you to bear fruit and bring forth, to the praise of God, the spirits that are born in yonder heavens and are to take tabernacles on the earth. You have the privilege of forming tabernacles for those spirits, instead of their being brought into
this wicked world that God may have a royal Priesthood, a royal
people, on the earth. That is what plurality of wives is for, and not
to gratify lustful desires. Sisters, do you wish to make yourselves happy? Then what is your duty? It is for you to bear children, in the
name of the Lord, that are full of faith and the power of God,—to
receive, conceive, bear, and bring forth in the name of Israel's God
that you may have the honour of being the mothers of great and good
men—of kings, princes, and potentates that shall yet live on the earth
and govern and control the nations. Do you look forward to that?

My answer and the answer of all those girls was no they don’t look forward to that , they were under threat from this dictator Brigham Young and the others … and how is it a privilege to bear children to men you don’t have love or affection for ?? Its too shameful to comprehend .He says its not to gratify lustful desires but they still have to have sex with them to conceive .Its not natural .Its rape when a woman is subject against her will this way.

Anonymous said...

Does this blog have an RSS Feed?

If so, what is the addy?

drew said...


Who are you and what do you believe now that you've left mormanism?

Where can I go to read about you?

Anonymous said...

somebody is bitter!

Anonymous said...

Reading through this blog makes me wonder only one thing. What causes someone to spend so much time trying to put down another religion?

Elder Joseph said...


What kind of nonsense talk is that.

If you knew anything about Mormonism you could answer your own question .

Anonymous said...

what a sad, sad website. I saw your Youtube video stuff and just shook my head in astonishment.

I've seen many anti-Mormons who claim they are so intellectually superior to everyone else. Funny, yet sad.

You like to say by their fruits ye shall know them....what fruit are you showing? You are right, we do know you by your fruits and they aren't sweet or delicious.

MikeyA said...

Great site Samuel! Looking forward to your next topic, it's been a while.

One of the problems in this world is that not everything can be "sweet or delicious" as the idiot above would like it to be. If a pedophile/adulterer/conman starts a cult that steals time and money from people, then people need to take action to put an end to it. So well done Samuel!

Mormonism can no longer hide its history and silence its defectors, the internet is here!

Wake up anonymous, Mormonism is built on a lie and it is a waste of your time, money and your life to support it.

Jonathan said...

What have Mormon's done that has negatively affected the world? And don't give me the same answer you always do that you are trying to "save" their members from lies and evil because obviously the members are happy with their religion if they continue to live it. What is the real cause for someone to so actively attack them?

The Calders said...

Wow, Sam you really need to leave Utah. You give the church much more credit then it deserves.

I can't get 10 guys together to play ball, let alone go intimidate "exmormons".

I will even use my real name and everything.


MikeyA said...

Listen carefully - "trying to "save" their members from lies and evil" IS the reason some people attack the church.

Whether you like that answer or not, that at least applies to me, and is my motivation. It appears to be Samuel's as well.

If a conman was trying to steal my elderly neighbour's life savings by getting her to sign everything over to him, I would do something about it. Even if she told me she was happy to do it, I would not stand back and let him get away with it.

You might think "she's an adult it's up to her". Fine, do nothing.

Others will choose to do the right thing. Go Samuel!

Elder Joseph said...

Anonymous you said...
"what a sad, sad website. I saw your Youtube video stuff and just shook my head in astonishment.

I've seen many anti-Mormons who claim they are so intellectually superior to everyone else. Funny, yet sad."

Why don't you email me at
and we'll chat ( via audio) and lets see how intellectual you really are .

Jonathan said...

Well, all I get from this is what you don't believe about Mormons and THEIR religion. There is nothing about what YOU personally DO believe. If you really wanted to save them wouldn't you share beliefs that you feel result in a person's salvation? Stop criticizing another person's beliefs when you don't show that you have any of your own.

MikeyA said...


This is a site to explain the lies told by mormonism and to warn people that they are wasting their precious time and resources if they are members.

No one said they are offering salvation. Exposing a deceptive organisation is a helpful thing to do. Mormonism is not supported by truth, this site and others help mormons to see the sinister web they are caught in.

When they are free they can choose their own path.

The Calders said...

One parting thought. Again, by my own admittance the average attendance at Sacrament meeting is barely 40%, so where is the "captive" audience? That means 60% are elsewhere doing, who knows what.

2nd, did "Phil" get permission from Jim Morin, to "adapt" his cartoon? I know that op ed cartoonists, just love it, when THEIR work is used in a manner that they didn't intend.

Again, get out in the world....


Veldrin said...

Marty, I believe most works of this nature are protected by a parody act.

I don't believe anyone here has claimed any of that art as their own, but are merely using it as a *parody* for a laugh. Like oh so many comedians, sketch shows and even commercials do.

Perhaps, you should go annoy those people too.

Samuel, hope you're well. Looking forward to your return and more topics.
The cult doesn't stand still when we do, so there will always be much work to do. Best wishes.


Mark said...

I thought this was a "daily blog," what's the matter? Not enought dirt to talk about every single day?

"This is a site to explain the lies told by mormonism and to warn people that they are wasting their precious time and resources if they are members.

"No one said they are offering salvation. Exposing a deceptive organisation is a helpful thing to do. Mormonism is not supported by truth, this site and others help mormons to see the sinister web they are caught in.

When they are free they can choose their own path."

Mikeya in response to this

"Well, all I get from this is what you don't believe about Mormons and THEIR religion. There is nothing about what YOU personally DO believe. If you really wanted to save them wouldn't you share beliefs that you feel result in a person's salvation? Stop criticizing another person's beliefs when you don't show that you have any of your own."

Mikeya, my friend, Moose has a point. When I study something I want to be able to look at things like reference pages, or what the educational background of the author is. All we ever see with Samuel is that he went on a two year mission, was married in the San Diego temple, and then "began a journey that led me to the truth about Mormonism; that it is a complete lie and total fraud." What's the rest, just like the history of the LDS church, I want to know...what is the rest?

The bible, in Acts, talks all about a restoration of a church according to Jesus' teachings. Paul traveled all over the place...walking. Samuel the Utahnite sits on a chair and uploads dirt...valid dirt mostly, but he doesn't profess the "truth," he just says what it isn't.

How many people do you think looked at the book of revelation and thought "what the crap?" Yet there it is, in all its glory, the last book of the bible.

Samuel, I could write seperate blogs every day preaching to the world about the flaws in every single religion on the planet, and trust me they all have them. I guess it's just easier to pick on the minority, as is the case in most situations. But then again, I wouldn't want to be "wasting" my "precious time and resources" now would I.


btw, I'm not a mormon. I'm a methodist.

Mark said...


I'm pretty sure church attendance reflects those numbers in not just the LDS church. My methodist church has close to 2000 members recorded, however each Sunday we're lucky if we see 500...over two services, contemperary and traditional. Correct me if I'm wrong but that is 25%. Seems to me 40% average is not too shabby!

Oh yeah, it's significant to note that my church is in the bible belt.

Anonymous said...

Wow-just found this blog through Galatian's blog and I just wanted to tell you how much I love it! I've been a non-believer for about 8-10 years depending on how you see it, and a true non-member for the past three. (That's when I had my "name removed"). Anyway, I'm enjoying digging through your posts and am finding dome great recommendations. It's so great to know others feel your pain! Thanks so much. I look forward to reading.

Squiddy said...

But why so obsessed? Dang, don't you have a job? Don't you get worn out from focusing on so much negativity?

Why the great need to steer people away from Mormonism when they are happily minding their own business? You're like the typical ex-Mormon who can leave the church but you just can't leave it alone. Have fun!

Seth said...

We need "obsessed" people to share the truth. Kinda like missionaries like to share either "the good news" or the doom and gloom stuff.

And Mormons don't mind their own business. They refuse to leave my wife alone. Next time one comes to the door I'm calling the police.

Trying not to spend my life destroying everything in sight said...

I didn't know any other way to reach you to note your misreading of Richard Bushman's comment on a Youtube video. You say:

Mormon Scholar Richard Bushman, who wrote "Rough Stone Rolling", about Joseph Smith, now teaches a class in "LDS Intellectual History"(LOL!!) at BYU. [He's now teaching Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate College; he was the Governeur Morris Professor of History at Columbia University.]

He now says he's "heard very intelligent, informed people think that there's something wacky about Mormonism, which ... uuugh [actually: uhhh] ...indicates a lack of mental judgment. I think that is "PURE PREJUDICE."

[end of quote]

You then interpret him as saying that those who think Mormonism is wacky "lack mental judgment" and call on him to apologize. That's not what he's saying. He is NOT accusing anyone else of lacking "mental judgment." He's referring to other people making that accusation against Mormons. He's saying that some "intelligent, informed people" think there's something wacky about Mormonism and that adherence to Mormonism therefore indicates a lack of mental judgment.

That's clear from the comments that follow on the video, when he says that such a view (that believing Mormonism makes one mentally incompetent) would logically prevent a Mormon from being a surgeon or running a hotel chain. But since people have proven themselves in such fields, why can't they also be competent in politics?

In other words, your bitter plea that Bushman needs to apologize for accusing anti-Mormons of mental incompetence is based on your misunderstanding what he said. Applying your own standards, you've got some repair work of your own to do. In the name of truth--and proving your ability to understand other people accurately--if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear? Pres. H died tonight around 8PM.

Never forget me, because I'll never forget you!



Sky said...

Dear creater of this blog, I used to go to an Mormon Church and I like it for a bit . I stop going there because I did not want to contiue a relationship with this guy, who usally go there.I stop going to that Church for a long time and I joined the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
here are some websites to check out

Anonymous said...

What the Fuck is a "Holy Spirit Indicator"? Is this available at WetFart? Why would ANYone need such a paranoid psycho piece of imaginary crap?

Anonymous said...

hahaha I love how heated Samuel gets over a little comment someone makes opposing him hahahahaha cracks me up. Someone posts a one sentence opposition to what he says and he rants for pages back hahahahahah wow. Loser.