Friday, November 7, 2008

There's A Big Protest Scheduled Tonight At 6:00 PM At Temple Square & The Church Office Building In Salt Lake City, Utah...In Defense Of Gay Rights!!

by Troy Williams

Ready to raise some HELL? Jacob Whipple has asked me if I would speak and emcee the protest tomorrow. It's a calling I couldn't refuse. Please join us! And bring everyone you know!

Arrive early -- take Trax downtown and gather at 6 p.m. at North Temple and State Street. Bring sings, banners and noise makers! And be prepared to march for justice and equality. We will no longer be scapegoated and we will no longer be silent.

Today over 3,000 protested at the Mormon Temple in Los Angeles. Let's match that and then some!

I will see you there!!



Great job Jacob and Troy and I hope that THOUSANDS turn out tonight to support you and your cause and to further shame and expose the Mormon General Authority Bigots, especially Thomas S. Monson, the KING bigot of them all!!

This protest tonight will be shown nationwide and worldwide, just like the protest at the Los Angeles temple was yesterday, further showing the world what hate-filled bigots they truly are. The difference is that this protest is being held right at the doorsteps of the MORmON Vatican and so it will probably get more coverage than the Los Angeles temple protest and make HUGE headlines.

I have more videos to post from local coverage here in Utah, which I'll do later on today, but I strongly encourage as many people as possible to turn out to this protest in support of gay rights and for Jacob and Troy and what they've planned.

I also encourage all people around the U.S.A. and world, that live close to a MORmON temple, to organize similar protests at other MORmON temples, so that they are happening everywhere, just like the civil rights protests against the MORmON cult and BYU in the 1960s and 1970s; that finally forced/shamed MORmONISM into allowing blacks to have the Priesthood, callings and the ability to enter a temple for the first time and receive the Mormon's eternal life and family. It took until 1978 for this to happen!!

This had all been banned previously and they still REFUSE TO EVEN APOLOGIZE for it, still selling their hate-filled teachings everyday in Jesus' Deseret/Seagull and BYU Bookstores. Just go to my MORMONBIGOTRY.COM site for that story.

I also think that we should protest and boycott all MORmON owned/operated companies, ESPECIALLY IN UTAH, unless we know that they don't agree with the stance of the church. The Marriot hotels would be a GREAT place to start!!

We need to inflict monetary pain on these bigots and make them suffer for their bigotry and hatred of homosexuals and for the millions they just spent in California proving it. They need to be held accountable for their disgusting and despicable prejudices.

I have much more to say about all of this and I'll be recording podcasts regarding all of these issues soon. I wish you guys, Jacob and Troy, all the best and I hope that tonight is a resounding success for you and I hope to be hearing from you guys soon, so that I can help you spread the word around.

By the way, if anyone has a story to tell the world and would like it posted on my blogs and in an audio podcast, just contact me at my Email Address listed in my sidebar and we'll make arrangements. Same goes for anyone that has audio that they would like posted...just let me know and I'll put it up for everyone to hear.

I'll be back later on to add more videos and I look forward to your comments

***UPDATE*** Here are the additional videos I promised:

Also, here is the latest BULLSHIT statement from the bigoted MORmON cult Hierarchy, once again playing the poor, sad victims, after they picked the fight and inflicted a massive quantity of pain on the homosexual community, backed up by their $20,000,000.

They're now DISTURBED...holy shit, what fucking planet are they living on...oh yeah, Joe's imaginary KOLOB!! It's not disturbing at all that you're being singled out dumb fucks, rather well deserved and very appropriate and it will only get worse for your bigoted, sorry, pathetic, hate-filled asses as your world of hurt and suffering has just begun!! Don't you proudly preach that you "reap what you sew?" BINGO!!

You will NEVER recover from this black eye and the only people that will join your little "only true" cult(less than 1/5 of 1% of the world's population) in the future are the stupid, desperate, uneducated, bigoted, gullible and clueless, which is pretty much who they've always targeted. NOBODY that knows THE TRUTH about your bigoted, sexist, racist and hate-filled doctrines will ever join.

Here is their statement:

"It is disturbing that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is being singled out for speaking up as part of its democratic right in a free election.

Members of the Church in California and millions of others from every faith, ethnicity and political affiliation who voted for Proposition 8 exercised the most sacrosanct and individual rights in the United States – that of free expression and voting.

While those who disagree with our position on Proposition 8 have the right to make their feelings known, it is wrong to target the Church and its sacred places of worship for being part of the democratic process.

Once again, we call on those involved in the debate over same sex marriage to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility towards each other. No one on either side of the question should be vilified, harassed or subject to erroneous information."

For those who went to the protest tonight, please return and report, as we'd love to know what your experience was and if you were getting harassed by the bigoted MORmONS who probably showed up. Did Tommy boy make an appearance...LOL...yeah right...he's too big of a pussy and hides behind Jesus' spokesmen and his/Brigham Young's old desk, the one that Hinckley played mumble peg on...LOL!!

Samuel the Utahnite


j-boo said...

I sure wish I could be in SLC tonight. I would LOVE to stand in front of "headquarters" to voice my support for equality. My family and I were involved in NO on 8 rallies before the election and will be attending a protest in Los Angeles this weekend.

We MUST keep this momentum going. It's the only way to expose the truth, the origin of the bigotry and the homophobes behind it.

Stand up for equality and let's NOT STOP until it is won!

- Jinxi

j-boo said...

I also thought you might want to post this for your readers if they believe that the LDS Church went too far would like to participate in filing a complaint with the IRS to help revoke the LDS Church 501(c)(3) Status. Just go to:

The blog makes a lot of excellent points, one being this Article of Faith:

We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

History of the Church, Vol. 4, pp. 535—541

LDS Church members and leaders who support the “Yes on 8″ and “Protect Marriage” campaign believe that the magistrates (judges) on the California State Supreme Court were wrong, and are not honoring and sustaining the law as written in the California state constitution and interpreted by duly appointed and confirmed judges on the bench.

There is no reason to make this post longer: either you believe in being subject to the magistrates who were appointed to interpret the law of California, and honoring and sustaining that law, or you don’t. Clearly, the LDS Church believes that this article of faith only applies when the magistrates’ opinions and law of the land are consistent with Church doctrine. (Ironically, anti-polygamy laws were influential on the Church in the late 19th century, when the Church restricted its more expansive definition of marriage practices to become in line with the law of the land.)

Elder Joseph said...

How can the Mormon Church and its leadership claim to be 'only defending traditional marriage' when they still practice polygamous celestial marriages/sealings in their temples?

A widowed Mormon Man can seal additional earthly wives expecting to call more than one out of the grave in the ressurrection into a polygamous relationship with him and yet a Mormon woman cannot do the same if she is widowed and remarries.

Just what is Traditional Marriage for the Mormon Church Leadership as they were threatened and forced into abandoning their disgraceful Warren Jeffs style polygamous arranged marriages in the past. Had the Law not intervened and conditions imposed for acceptance into Statehood for Utah then they would likely still be polygamists now.

And they think they know about Traditional mariage ?

Joy said...

Why hello Samuel... it's been a long time!

I knew you'd have something up on the blog about the Prop 8 issue, and I can’t believe that it passed. I’ve been reading some of the comments here, and I just can’t keep my mouth shut on some of the arguments going on here.

I'm a resident of Los Angeles, and was at the protest at the temple. It was surreal, since it's the very temple I once stared at in complete awe while dreaming of my future return missionary husband, and couldn't believe I was lucky enough to be sealed to my parents inside of it. I was there for baptisms for the dead (which today repulses me... that I thought there was nothing strange or creepy about it back then), and for the holiday lights in December where I would stroll the grounds on a G rated group date while sipping hot chocolate.

The protest was inspring, invigorating, and energizing. Granted, every religious person I know voted yes on 8, and each one of those people voted based on religious/moral grounds. So quickly we all forget our early education. Church and state are supposed to be separate. So for all of the folks commenting here and quoting scripture - it doesn't matter. None of that matters. The Bible might as well be a book of fairytales, because it should not have anything to do with government legislation. And before you go bringing up murder laws – gay marriage does not HARM anyone. And don’t think about bringing up the children issue – the night of the election we saw coverage from most major school districts in the state telling us that the Mormon propaganda about gay marriage being taught in schools is completely false. Most districts are lucky if they get around to the science and history part, after math and english. I don’t know about you all, but I don’t ever recall part of my education including a section on marriage. Parents teach that, or church leaders teach that. School teachers do not. And even if they did? Do you think it would make children consider homosexuality who otherwise wouldn’t? Get real. That is ridiculous.

The California constitution dictates that no state constitutional amendment may be amended if it breaks existing rights; in this case, those of the civil variety. This will go back to the California Supreme Court, and the same court that allowed same-sex marriage will overturn this decision based on those grounds. I guarantee it. Just as you zealots are free to believe in a religion of your choice, all US Citizens are free to be treated equally under the law. Once upon a time interracial marriage was illegal. Now how silly does that seem? It’s the same issue. They are US Citizens. They are consenting adults. Let two people who love eachother have the happy ending they want. And just as an FYI, gay couples currently adopt children. So if the argument for prop 8 has to do with keeping children out of same-sex households… you’re about a decade too late on that one.

Bonnie said...

I hope you will podcast again. I have really missed your podcasts. I have your other ones practically memorized, I have listened to them so much.

I know it takes a ton of time, but I sure hope you will podcast again soon.

PS: don't know if you remember I had cancer. I am doing OK, had chemo, radiation, surgery, all that. I am doin OK, all things considered.

I hope you are doing good. I always check for new posts and podcasts.

DJB said...

Give me a break. The "rights" you claim were taken away by prop 8 existed for what- 5 months. You act like long held, sacred rights were being stripped away. What a joke. 4 people on a court overturned the will of the people as clearly outlined in 2000. Do you understand the constitution at all? Your appeals to that document are silly. You would strip away the rights of fellow-citizens in a second to satisfy your selfish motives. George Washington said the constitution could only "govern a moral and religous people."

Your argument about "separation of church and state" is juvenile. You would completely remove the influence of religion from society. That is rediculously unconstitutional.

You want to radically change what has been the fundamental unit of society for all of human history with no regard for the consequences. And you are outraged that your fellow-citizens want some caution and reason.

You are a selfish hot-head whose world is ruled by your crotch and emotions. Grow up!