Tuesday, September 27, 2005
The Mormon Church Continues to "Whitewash" And Lie About Their History through Pictures Sold At "God's Official Bookstore", Deseret Book!!
Hey for only $375, we can get a picture of Joseph Smth.....sitting at a table, looking at the Golden Plates and translating them. Of course, we know that isn't how it happened. Where's the 21 X 29 Limited Edition Framed Print of Joseph Smith with his head jammed into a hat with no plates to be seen anywhere near him?
Amazing how Deseret Book helps the Church perpetuate a fraud by selling bogus, false ideas through their art work sales. Of course, it doesn't really surprise me at all, after all, Deseret Book is God's "official bookstore" and anything they do or sell must be inspired or justified in the name of God, right?
The Church has been selling this picture for as a long as I can remember and they know that it's a lie. I bought this stupid picture in the MTC and had it up on the wall wherever I lived for my whole mission. I then gave it to a member, along with all of my other dumb ass pictures that I bought of Nephi, Lehi, etc. And we wonder why everyone thinks it happened this way and that Joseph Smith sat at a table looking at plates?
Well, to prove that the Church knows that it didn't happen this way, all we have to do is reflect on a talk given by Russell M. Nelson, June 25, 1992 at a seminar for new mission presidents, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah.
It was printed in the Ensign in July of 1993, page 61 and was entitled “A Treasured Testament:”
"The details of this miraculous method of translation are still not fully known. Yet we do have a few precious insights. David Whitmer wrote:
“Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into a hat, and put his face in the hat, drawing it closely around his face to exclude the light; and in the darkness the spiritual light would shine. A piece of something resembling parchment would appear, and on that appeared the writing. One character at a time would appear, and under it was the interpretation in English. Brother Joseph would read off the English to Oliver Cowdery, who was his principal scribe, and when it was written down and repeated to Brother Joseph to see if it was correct, then it would disappear, and another character with the interpretation would appear. Thus the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God, and not by any power of man.” (David Whitmer, An Address to All Believers in Christ, Richmond, Mo.: n.p., 1887, p. 12.)"
A Treasured Testament
Notice that he refers to this quote as a "precious insight" and a "miraculous method of translation." I'll say it was miraculous, to be able to stick a stone in a hat followed by your head and then receive the entire history of the former inhabitants of the Americas. Correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone else ever done something that miraculous before? LOL!! It's actually truly astonishing, if it really happened. Of course, we all know that it didn't and that Joseph Smith was a complete fraud and must have been laughing himself silly that everyone fell for the "miraculous" head in the hat trick!! LMAO!!
This is some funny stuff man when you stop to think about it. I can't believe that people fell for it. When I learned this, that there were no plates sitting on a table as I had always been taught, seen in Church pictures and believed my whole life; that, with all the other things that I had learned, really cemented to me that the Mormon Church was a complete fraud that fabricated whatever they needed in order to perpetuate that fraud. I was still in the process of leaving and this really helped me to expedite that process.
The only "real" purpose of the Mormon Church is to generate a load of cash, that's it!! All one has to do is take a look at the Deseret Book website and see some of the crap they are selling. I mean, come on, action figures, ceramic busts of Joseph and Emma, CTR rings and socks and on and on.
Also, Hinckley's new book is coming out in December, "Discourses of President Gordon B. Hinckley, Volume 2: 2000-2004" and it is listed for $29.95. Wow!! What a joke!!
Just read the description of the book and it's enough to make you puke. My point is that if they weren't all about making money, why not put together this book and sell it for the printing cost to make sure that everyone can have the latest words from the "one and only true Prophet of God."
This proves once again that they care more about their money than the supposed word of God. By the way, why the hell does Hinckley need to supplement his income? He has his $2 million + condo, Private jet from Huntsman, all expenses covered by the Church, plus what some have estimated at about $500,000/year living allowance. He still needs to sell his books for $29.95? I'm sure that it's out of Hinckley's hands and that God is the one dictating the price of the Prophets book by some vision or divine revelation.
After all, like I said, it is God's "official" bookstore and nothing goes on there without divine revelation, right? Oops, I guess the Mormon God screwed up again with that whole Grant Palmer book but hey, the Mormon God screws up all the time. See polygamy, blacks and the Priesthood, Joseph Smith's bank failure, the temple ceremony.........
**Update** Please see my additional post that has the picture of Joseph Smith with his head burried in the hat.
Samuel the Utahnite
Monday, September 26, 2005
The Mormon Apostle Dallin H. Oaks Talk On Hofmann And My Analysis. Get The Barf Bag Ready For This One!!
Here are some quotes from the Churches "official" and only "real" response to the Hofmann fiasco in a talk entitled, "Recent Events Involving Church History and Forged Documents." It was given at BYU on August 6,1987 By Elder Dallin H. Oaks Of the Quorum of the Twelve.
I suggest anyone interested in this whole Hofmann affair, read this whole talk. It is mind blowing!! The arrogance of Dallin H. Oaks is palpable. I also found many revealing things if you read between the lines of what he is saying.
Here are what I consider to be the best quotes from the article(my comments are in parentheses):
Here's the link
In some media coverage of this episode, there is evidence that religious prejudice is alive and well in many newsrooms and that Mormon-bashing is still popular and apparently profitable.
(Interesting that he would use the term Mormon-Bashing. He seems a little testy doesn't he?)
The Los Angeles Times Magazine used this same kind of phraseology in its “White Salamander” feature. Its summary states: “The church elders who accepted as authentic his startling ’discoveries’ soon found themselves mired in deceit, and in a scheme that would rock all Mormondom, culminating in a series of gruesome bombings.” (P. 1.) Note how this deft phrasing implies that “the church elders” were involved in the deceit and bombings perpetrated by Hofmann.
(No, they weren't involved at all, not at all!! They were innocent like Joseph Smith when he claimed that he wasn't a polygamist and that he was as innocent as he was years before.)
For a few weeks after the bombs went off in October 1985, the Salt Lake Tribune’s news coverage of the relationship of the Church and its leaders to the bombings was like a media feeding-frenzy. Although the Tribune news coverage became more cautious after a time, as I will note later, its Letters to the Editor section remained open, as usual, to the most extreme fulminations of religious ridicule and hatred.
(It's letters to the Editor remained open to the anti-Mormon people is what he was really saying. Is that a crime? Oh, so he means that they should have only printed Pro-Mormon comments, that would have been okay? I guess anyone that questions the Mormon Church is full of hatred? I hope it was a growing experience for him. This guy was on the Supreme Court of Utah? Seriously?)
While various newspaper writers were accusing the Church of suppression of historical documents, some of these same papers were actually involved in perpetrating a cover-up of their own.
(Is he serious? The Kings of cover-up, lies and deceit, the Mormon Church, is actually accusing newspaper writers of suppression and cover-ups? I'm surprised that he could say this with a straight face.)
The public is intensely interested when someone commits the horrible crime of murder by bombing.
(Yeah, especially when it involves the Mormon Church and forgeries by someone that President Hinckley and others had met with personally, without ever detecting, even a little bit, that he was a murderer and forger!! Yeah, I would say that would interest people!! What a dumb ass!!)
What interested me most was the fact that these forgeries and their associated lies grew out of their author’s deliberate attempt to rewrite the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that so many persons and organizations seized on this episode to attempt to discredit the Church and its leaders.
(Nobody rewrites the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints more than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Give me a break!! They discredit themselves!!)
In the course of this episode, we have seen some of the most sustained and intense LDS church-bashing since the turn of the century. In a circumstance where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could not say much without interfering with the pending criminal investigation and prosecution, the Church and its leaders have been easy marks for assertions and innuendo ranging from charges of complicity in murder to repeated recitals that the Church routinely acquires and suppresses Church history documents in order to deceive its members and the public. In the hands of clever writers and cartoonists, the mythical salamander proved a most effective instrument to pique public interest and to blacken the reputation of faithful persons, living and dead.
("repeated recitals that the Church routinely acquires and suppresses Church history documents in order to deceive its members and the public." Yeah, you do, all the time, everyday in every way you can!!)
One week after the bombings, in an effort to answer public questions, he Church made known that it had acquired “forty-some documents” from Hofmann “by purchase, donation, or trade.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, remarks at 23 Oct. 1985 press conference.) The Church operates under a divine mandate to acquire and preserve the documents and artifacts that show its history, and these acquisitions were part of that effort. In succeeding weeks, an exhaustive inventory of the Church’s huge collections revealed the extent of Hofmann’s transactions with the Church. These follow-up details were immediately disclosed to the authorities making this criminal investigation.
("The Church operates under a divine mandate." This statement right here proves that they claim divine inspiration and a divine mandate. What does divine mean? They do it for God with his inspiration, right? After all, it is supposed to be the Church of Jesus Christ, right? It also proves that they have no revelation, even though they claim it. If they had inspiration, they would "just know" if they had the documents or not, right? They wouldn't have had to do an exhaustive inventory!!)
On 11 April 1986, after months of searching through its records and collections, the Church published a complete list of the forty-eight documents and groups of court records then known to have been acquired from Mark Hofmann.
(This just simply proves to anyone that denies this whole thing, that they acquired at least 48 documents. This is rock solid proof for those doubting "TBMS!!")
But Hofmann handled many documents that were not specifically listed in the criminal charges and covered in the subsequent questioning. So, like most owners of Hofmann-handled documents, the Church is still unsure how many of such documents are forgeries and which are genuine.
(They are still unsure? Really? So, let me get this straight!! They are supposed Prophets, Seers and Revelators and have no clue which documents are forgeries and which are genuine?!! This my friends and all TBMS out there, is the proof you need to know, without a doubt, that these men are not inspired by God. First, they didn't know that Mark Hofmann was a forger/murderer and now, after everything was over, they still didn't know which documents were the forgeries. Thank you Dallin H. Oaks for being honest and telling the world that you and all of the other Apostles and Prophets are frauds!!)
“According to investigators, the church leaders purchased from Mr. Hofmann and then hid in a vault a number of 19th-century letters and other documents that cast doubt on the church’s official version of its history.”
(Yes, that's exactly what you did, thanks for bringing it up.)
This kind of character assassination attributed to anonymous “investigators” has been all too common throughout the media coverage of this whole event.
Hofmann’s claim that the Church possessed a damaging document acquired a life of its own because too many unsophisticated persons were quick to repeat and embellish sensational rumors hurtful to the Church, and too many newspapers and television stations were eager to trumpet the unauthenticated claims of an anonymous informant.
("too many unsophisticated persons were quick to repeat and embellish sensational rumors hurtful to the Church." Wow, that's pretty condescending isn't it?!! If we could only be so sophisticated like Mr. Oaks is!! How would it be?)
Are documents ever acquired by the Church and then closed to the public? Of course. This is true of most large archives, as any well-informed person should be aware. Like other archives, the Church Historical Department closes or restricts access to certain documentary materials it acquires from outside sources for such reasons as the following:
("Are documents ever acquired by the Church and then closed to the public? Of course." At least he admits it openly. I feel this is a very important quote!!)
1. The donor has directed that access be restricted or prohibited for a certain period.
2. The contents are confidential. When materials are written or statements are made with the understanding that the communication will not be available to the public for a certain period of time, the Church Historical Department respects that understanding.
3. The contents are private. The laws and ethics of privacy forbid custodians from revealing information that may invade the privacy of living individuals. Examples would include diaries or minutes that discuss the private affairs of living persons. In addition, our belief in life after death causes us to extend this principle to respect the privacy of persons who have left mortality but live beyond the veil. Descendants who expect future reunions with deceased ancestors have a continuing interest in their ancestors’ privacy and good name.
(Isn't that fascinating? Even though somebody is dead, as far as the Earth goes, the Mormon Church applies their Eternal principles to say that they are still alive and therefore can't reveal certain documents in order to "respect the privacy of persons who have left mortality but live beyond the veil." So basically, they will never ever reveal some things because everybody lives forever.)
These same considerations apply to official Church documents, such as the minutes of confidential meetings and Church courts.
As a result of Hofmann’s involvement in these interesting acquisitions, he was able to meet with President Hinckley on several subsequent occasions. As President Hinckley explained publicly, on these occasions Hofmann attempted to interest the Church in other acquisitions, but President Hinckley was not interested. During this same period, President Hinckley met in his office with hundreds of other visitors on scores of different matters related to the Church and its work. Hofmann’s occasional visits were only incidental to President Hinckley’s larger responsibilities.
(What do hundreds of other visitors have to do with Mark Hofmann? The fact is that Hinckley acted as if he didn't even know Mark Hofmann or remember who he was from all of those hundreds or thousands of people that came through his office. The fact is that he knew exactly who he was and it was even said that he had called Mark Hofmann to wish him a happy birthday one time. The fact is that Hinckley had met with Hofmann just days before the bombings. Hinckley is a liar, plain and simple and that's a fact. He was right in the very middle of all of this!!)
Some have asked, how was Mark Hofmann able to deceive Church leaders?
(Here's the question we all have)
As everyone now knows, Hofmann succeeded in deceiving many: experienced Church historians, sophisticated collectors, businessmen-investors, national experts who administered a lie detector test to Hofmann, and professional document examiners, including the expert credited with breaking the Hitler diary forgery. But why, some still ask, were his deceits not detected by the several Church leaders with whom he met?
(What does all of the other people that Hofmann deceived have to do with Hinckley and other General Authorities being deceived?)
In order to perform their personal ministries, Church leaders cannot be suspicious and questioning of each of the hundreds of people they meet each year. Ministers of the gospel function best in an atmosphere of trust and love. In that kind of atmosphere, they fail to detect a few deceivers, but that is the price they pay to increase their effectiveness in counseling, comforting, and blessing the hundreds of honest and sincere people they see. It is better for a Church leader to be occasionally disappointed than to be constantly suspicious.
(Once again, this entire paragraph basically screams the fact that they have no discernment or revelation whatsoever. Also, the price that was paid as he puts it was two people got blown up and killed because of their lack of discernment. What a BS response when he says, "It is better for a Church leader to be occasionally disappointed than to be constantly suspicious.")
The Church is not unique in preferring to deal with people on the basis of trust. This principle of trust rather than suspicion even applies to professional archives. During my recent visit to the Huntington Library in Pasadena, California, I was interested to learn that they have no formal procedures to authenticate the many documents they acquire each year. They say they consider it best to function in an atmosphere of trust and to assume the risk of the loss that may be imposed by the occasional deceiver.
(Again, he is deflecting their inability to discern an evil man, a forger and murderer by talking about the security of "professional archives" specifically the Huntington Library in Pasadena, California. Who gives a rats ass what they do? The question is, why do you what you do and why do you not have any inspiration to help you no to be in these situations. After all, you are an Apostle and special witness of Jesus Christ, right? Apparently not or he would talk to you once in a while and help you out before completely embarrassing yourself and his Church.)
Did the Church seek to obtain the so-called McLellin Collection in order to keep it from public scrutiny?
(This is incredible!!)
No! At the decision-making level, Church authorities consistently made clear that the Church was not interested in purchasing the so-called McLellin Collection or in loaning money for its acquisition by another person. In the circumstances that prevailed in June 1985, to have the Church involved in the acquisition of the papers of a prominent opponent of the Church would simply fuel the then-current speculation that the Church was seeking to acquire the McLellin Collection in order to suppress it.
In his interviews with the prosecutors, Mark Hofmann has recited conversations he said he had with President Hinckley, claiming the President asked him to help the Church purchase the McLellin Collection directly or indirectly. President Hinckley has denied this. I urge everyone to be thoughtful about whom they will believe in conflicts of this nature—General Authorities whose statements about this whole episode have been confirmed by all subsequent investigations, or Mark Hofmann, who is renowned for his record of deceit and his efforts to discredit the Church and its leaders.
(Wait, isn't Hinckley also renowned for his record of deceit and his efforts to discredit and lie about the Church's history and its leaders? It's a tough call, Hofmann or Hinckley? Who would I trust? I put them on equal ground.)
In subsequent communications, Hofmann told Elder Pinnock and Steven F. Christensen on 28 June 1985 that he (Hofmann) intended to acquire the McLellin Collection in order to give it to the Church. As revealed in public statements shortly after the bombings, Hofmann told Elder Pinnock some time in September that in order to settle debts he was being forced to sell the McLellin Collection and therefore would not be able to give it to the Church. Elder Pinnock thereupon brought the purported collection to the attention of David E. Sorensen, president of the Church’s Canada Halifax Mission, to see if he would be interested in acquiring it as an investment that could possibly be donated to the Church at some future time.
David E. Sorensen telephoned me to find out what I knew about the McLellin Collection. I told him I had never seen the collection, but if there was a collection of the papers of this man, it would probably have items of significant historical interest to the Church. I said that it would be desirable for such a collection to be in the hands of someone friendly to the Church, who would consider giving it to the Church at some future date. I also told David Sorensen that if he wanted to acquire the collection, he would be acting on his own, without warranties, financing, or representations of any sort by the Church.
(Okay, okay, lets cut through the crap. Oaks says, "Did the Church seek to obtain the so-called McLellin Collection in order to keep it from public scrutiny? No!"
Well, the facts are as I see them, that the Church did want the collection, desperately. What was it again that he said in the 3rd paragraph? Oaks said, "I told him I had never seen the collection, but if there was a collection of the papers of this man, it would probably have items of significant historical interest to the Church. I said that it would be desirable for such a collection to be in the hands of someone friendly to the Church, who would consider giving it to the Church at some future date." Oaks is such a bad liar that he contradicts himself within 3 paragraphs. So the Church wasn't interested in the collection but they would like a friendly person to have the collection to donate to them at a later date? What a liar!! They wanted it more than anything.
Plus, he leaves out the fact that Steven Christensen was put in charge of the project and of searching and finding Church Historical documents and that he was given an expense account of I think $250,000 that was accessible to him at any time, no questions asked. Oops, I guess that wasn't significant. Nor was it significant that it was Hinckley that set this account up for him!!)
What of the allegations of Joseph Smith’s involvement in folk magic?(Yeah, how about that Oaks?)
Hofmann’s forged documents and some of the critical commentary on their significance have the apparent purpose of persuading members and nonmembers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that the Church is based on superstition instead of divine revelation.
(Superstition? The Mormon Church? Let's see, Angels, seer stones, gold plates, treasure hunting, sword wielding, homicidal angels that would slay Joseph if he didn't screw other women? No, I don't see any superstition here, there clean!! LOL!!)
It should be recognized that such tools as the Urim and Thummim, the Liahona, seerstones, and other articles have been used appropriately in biblical, Book of Mormon, and modern times by those who have the gift and authority to obtain revelation from God in connection with their use. At the same time, scriptural accounts and personal experience show that unauthorized though perhaps well-meaning persons have made inappropriate use of tangible objects while seeking or claiming to receive spiritual guidance. Those who define folk magic to include any use of tangible objects to aid in obtaining spiritual guidance confound the real with the counterfeit. They mislead themselves and their readers.
(I wonder if Oaks has ever used a seer stone and stuck his head in a hat to receive revelations from God? By the way, when is that other 2/3's of the Book of Mormon coming out? Oh, I forgot, we're not ready yet. Okay, but I hope it's soon!! Trust me, it will never happen!! Can you imagine how that book would be scrutinized today. They could never pull it off, never, especially considering that the Book of Mormon has already been proved to be a complete fraud!!)
In his own history, Joseph Smith related his employment by Josiah Stowel [also spelled Stoal] to search for treasure. Joseph wrote:
“He had heard something of a silver mine having been opened by the Spaniards in Harmony, Susquehanna county, state of Pennsylvania; and had, previous to my hiring to him, been digging, in order, if possible, to discover the mine. After I went to live with him, he took me, with the rest of his hands, to dig for the silver mine, at which I continued to work for nearly a month, without success in our undertaking, and finally I prevailed with the old gentleman to cease digging after it. Hence arose the very prevalent story of my having been a money-digger.” (History of the Church, 1:17.)
(Hmmm...what about the recent Joseph Smith arrest and court records that just came out? He wasn't working for someone as a job. He was purposely defrauding people out of their money while looking and promising them bogus, non-existent treasure, thus one of many reasons why he was arrested and hated. You have the record too of Joseph Smith promising Emma's Dad that he would give it up in order to marry his daughter. Once again, Oaks is a liar, plain and simple.)
Treasure-seeking was a cultural phenomenon of that day. It was indulged in by upright and religious men such as Josiah Stowel. Young Joseph Smith accepted employment with Stowel at fourteen dollars a month, in part because of the crushing poverty of the Smith family. Joseph and his older brothers had to scour the countryside for work in order to construct their home and make the annual payment on the farm, which they were in imminent danger of losing and finally lost for nonpayment shortly after this period.
Some sources close to Joseph Smith claim that in his youth, during his spiritual immaturity prior to his being entrusted with the Book of Mormon plates, he sometimes used a stone in seeking for treasure. Whether this is so or not, we need to remember that no prophet is free from human frailties, especially before he is called to devote his life to the Lord’s work. Line upon line, young Joseph Smith expanded his faith and understanding and his spiritual gifts matured until he stood with power and stature as the Prophet of the Restoration.
(Well, Oaks, we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Joseph Smith used a seer stone in seeking for treasure. In the paragraph before, you said, "Treasure-seeking was a cultural phenomenon of that day. It was indulged in by upright and religious men such as Josiah Stowel" and now you say that "we need to remember that no prophet is free from human frailties, especially before he is called to devote his life to the Lord’s work." So what are you saying there Oaks? Was it okay to do this or not? Was he upright or did he have human frailties? What a joke? Once again, his arrest and court records tell us the truth. Joseph Smith was a scumbag, through and through!!)
President Gordon B. Hinckley repeatedly cautioned that the Church did not know whether these documents were authentic.
(Once again, proving his lack of any divine revelation whatsoever and that he isn't a Prophet of any God.)
As a result, the news media are particularly susceptible to conveying erroneous information about facts, including historical developments that are based on what I have called scientific uncertainties. This susceptibility obviously applies to newly discovered documents whose authenticity turns on an evaluation of handwriting, paper, ink, and so on. Readers should be skeptical about the authenticity of such documents, especially when there is uncertainty where they were found or who had custody of them for 150 years. Newly found historically important documents can be extremely valuable, so there is a powerful incentive for those who own them to advocate and support their authenticity. The recent spectacular fraud involving the so-called Hitler diaries reminds us of this, and should convince us to be cautious.”
(Once again, it's the owners responsibility to support their authenticity, not the buyer. This just proves again, that they have no divine power or inspiration.)
I am pleased to note that the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Church History at Brigham Young University is about to publish three volumes of extraordinary importance to LDS Church history. Edited by Dean C. Jessee, these volumes will contain all of the known diaries and autobiographical writings of Joseph Smith in their earliest versions. Those published for the first time will include all of the “diary” portions of the early manuscript known as The Book of the Law of the Lord.
And so we are, hopefully, at the end of this tragic episode. After exhaustive investigations by law enforcement authorities and a host of media investigators, the charges against the Church and its leaders have been shown for what they are. Vicious lies have been exposed. Innuendos of Church or Church-leader involvement in the crimes of Mark Hofmann have been demonstrated to be groundless. In fact, Hofmann has admitted that his documentary crimes were at least partly motivated by his desire to change the history of the Church in which he no longer had faith. Everyone who believed and repeated his lies and used his forged documents was at best an unwitting servant of his efforts to discredit the Church. This description refers to Hofmann’s crimes against reputation. In his crimes against person and property, he had many victims, the Church being only one among many.
("Vicious lies have been exposed." Yeah, that you Oaks, Hinckley, etc, are not men of God and never have been all the way back to Joseph Smith. Funny isn't it how he discredits Hofmann and says earlier, who would you trust, Hinckley or a know forger, murderer, etc? Then above, when it is convenient to what he wants to express, he uses Hofmann's words to support his point when he says, "In fact, Hofmann has admitted that his documentary crimes were at least partly motivated by his desire to change the history of the Church in which he no longer had faith." So again, which is it Oaks? Can we trust Hofmann or not? If we can't then that statement above is also irrelevant and worthless as everything else is according to your own words.)
When it comes to naiveté in the face of malevolence, there is blame enough to go around. We all need to be more cautious. In terms of our long-run interests in Church history, we now have the basis, and I hope we have the will, to clear away the Hofmann residue of lies and innuendo. With that done, we should all pursue our search for truth with the tools of honest and objective scholarship and sincere and respectful religious faith, in the mixture dictated by the personal choice each of us is privileged to make in this blessed and free land.
(Now Oaks wants to move on and "clear away the Hofmann residue of lies and innuendo." Meanwhile, two people are dead because of them and their inability to discern what Hofmann was and what he was about to do. In my opinion, if they were really Prophets, Seers and Revelators, then the blood of those people is on their hands for not preventing two murders.)
The fact is that they have no more Godly knowledge or discernment than anyone else on the planet. They are just common men that have inherited their hierarchy positions through bloodlines, etc. They are frauds, plain and simple and this entire Hofmann fiasco just confirms this point with an exclamation point!!
Samuel the Utahnite
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Here's Proof That The Mormon Church's Bookstore, Deseret Book, Officially Sold Grant Palmer's Book, "An Insiders View of Mormon Origins."
An Insider's View of Mormon Origins
by Grant Palmer
Trade Paperback
SKU: 4257443
Your Price: $24.95
(This is right off of Deseret Book's website. Of course, you can't find it through searching, it is gone, but this old link is still there. Check it out for yourself if you don't believe me.)
http://deseretbook.com/store/reviews?sku=4257443 (This link was removed and no longer worked within about 2 days of my posting it here...hmm...I wonder why? Looks like big brother is watching!!)
description reviews
Average rating:
A total of 7 customers have shared their comments about An Insider's View of Mormon Origins.
Reviewed by James, Virginia
December 13, 2004
Excellent Book!
A must read for anyone truly interested in Mormon history.
Reviewed by A
November 30, 2004
I absorbed this brilliant book in 3 days!!
I loved this book. It was easy to read and full of common sense. There are some really interesting things in this book that i had no idea about, and so it has really added to my knowledge of church history.What i loved about this book is that Grant Palmer does not dress things up. He states the facts, presents the evidence and then gives a small conclusion.........it is up the the reader to decide on how they feel about the information given. I find a lot of church manuals repetitive and this was a breath of fresh air. There may be some church members who don't like this book. But there is nothing unlikable about truth in my eyes, and we should be glad that there are men and women out there who are bringing the full picture of our heritage to our door steps. If we believe in this great church then we have no need to fear truth. This book is a worth while addition to any LDS Library.
Reviewed by a customer from the Internet
May 6, 2004
Wolf in sheep's clothing
Yes, the key word is "critical" acclaim. Palmer is a wolf in Sheep's clothing. His book is methodologically naive and destroys faith. I'm surprised, given DB's policies, that they carry this patently antimormon book. If you want good LDS history, read Richard L. Bushman.
Reviewed by a customer from Utah
May 6, 2004
Neither faith-promoting nor scholarly
This is not a scholarly or faith-promoting work. Rather, it seeks to cast doubt on Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and the history of the Church. Definitely not recommended reading for someone looking for something uplifting.
Reviewed by Scott
May 6, 2004
An introduction to 'meat', after living off Gospel 'milk'
While the coverage of this book is not as comprehensive as others (e.g., Quinn's, Brodie's), its succinctness and gentleness makes 'Insiders' perhaps the best source from which to start exploring the details behind the basic founding events of Mormonism.
Reviewed by a customer from the Internet
March 15, 2004
fascinating read
A very well researched book that attempts to recount accurate history. If you want something real, pick this up and read it.
Reviewed by a customer from AUSTRALIA
March 4, 2004
New & Up-to date church History
An Excellently researched church history book. Touching on subjects address in; Ensign January 1985; Ensign July 1993. ,
I think any reader will be satisfied with this highly researched and critically acclaimed volume. ,
A must read for every church member, buy a copy today.
Add your own review.
Yeah okay Deseret book, I will add my own review...
Now, keep in mind that Grant Palmer was disfellowshipped after being called to a Church Court. Why was he disfellowshipped you ask? Oh, that's easy, he wrote a "non-faith promoting book" that hurt peoples testimonies of the cult and fraud. Of course the Mormon Church had no problem selling and profiting from his book for nearly 2 years before pulling the plug on both him and his book. Damn Mormon cult hypocrites!! I wonder if they returned the profits that they made from the book to Grant Palmer? Yeah right!! After all, the Mormon Church would never want to appear to have their hands on dirty money, right? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! That was the Mormon Church laughing all the way to the bank. Also, that is the Mormon Church leaders laughing at what they consider all the dumb sheeple, that actually believe that they're called of God and that the Church is true.
It is my opinion that they allowed Deseret Book, God's officially sanctioned bookstore, to sell Grant's book, because they know that what is in the book is the real truth. They were "testing the waters" so to speak. The response was that it was destroying testimonies and damaging when people learn the truth, so they pulled the book and disfellowshipped Grant Palmer to cover their ass publicly. Of course, they never answered as to why they allowed the book to be sold in God's official book store for nearly two years. Gee, I wonder why?!!
Grant Palmer is a stud and I respect him 10,000 times more than that Prophet of fraud Hinckley. At least Grant Palmer is an honest man with more integrity in his little pinkie than Hinckley has in his whole body!! This book clearly unravels the core of the Mormon founding beliefs and it explains everything clearly and concisely. I was afraid to read this book because I knew that it would end my Mormon faith and convince me that the Mormon Church was a fraud. Guess what? I was right!! Thank you Grant Palmer for your 10 years of hard work to expose the truth. You are the man!!
Here are some great links for Grant Palmer for those of you that maybe aren't familiar with him or his book.
This page is all Grant Palmer all the time:
Here is a direct link to his radio interview that he did before his Church court:
Here is a great, HONEST review of his book with a link to Amazon, where you can buy it for $16.47. For anyone that is hedging, wants to know the truth about the Mormon Church or on the fence, take the plunge for 16 bucks and you'll be glad you did. This book will set you free:
Everybody, please read this book!! The Mormon Church is a complete fraud and this book will explain why and how, from The First Vision, to The Book of Mormon!!
Samuel the Utahnite
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Mormons, Pornography, alcohol, hypocrisy, Marriott's and tithing!!
***Update-Mormons decide to sell alcohol in their malls***
***Update-Mormon Church also investested and profiting from an alcohol company and it's sales***
***Update-Mormon Prophets-Smoking, drinking and Chewing since 1830***
Here is an article that I wrote on June 28th of this year regarding the Marriott's and their porno. I have learned so much since then and I have much more to add but I'll just post this for now.
Subject: Pornography, alcohol, hypocrisy, Marriott's and tithing!!Date: Jun 28 14:22Author: Samuel the UtahniteMail Address: samueltheutahnite@yahoo.com
OK, so here it is, plain and simple; JW Marriott Jr. who just recently spoke at a Stake conference in Virginia is a complete hypocrite and so is everyone in the Church hierarchy that praises him. I know he was called as an area Seventy in around 1997 and as far as I know, still is. I can't find a release date. A family member was just praising him this past weekend; what a spiritual man, he shared some incredible experiences, etc.
Meanwhile, he continues to make about an estimated $190 million a year(this was a few years ago) on his pay-per-view pornos in his hotel chain, even in Provo. Who knows how much he makes from the mini-bars and all the alcohol he sells.
Hmm....just wondering, does he pay tithing on the profits that he makes from such horrible and evil things that we are warned in every conference to stay far away from? The things that are destroying families? He would have to, wouldn't he? I mean to hold a Church leadership position and go to the temple, you must be a full tithe payer, right?
So if the Church does knowingly accept his dirty porno and alcohol money as tithing, then I guess that they are fine with it and support porno and alcohol. That is the only conclusion I can come to!! They wouldn't happen to be hypocrites would they? They would never tell us to do something that they are personally OK with, would they? Ha ha...we all know the answer to that one!! I would love to hear your thoughts.
Amazing that Dallin H Oaks, could give a searing talk on pornography in the last conference, when he is most likely accepting money from a known pornography peddler. For Mr. Lawyer, isn't that guilty by association? Well, it would be for the normal membership but obviously not for him, the Apostles, First Presidency and especially not for the Prophet!! After all, according to his irresponsible and ridiculous conference talk in April, Pornography is a worse addiction and more damaging to families than cocaine and hard drugs. A guy who did both said it, it must be true!!
Wow, I wonder if he knows that personally? Maybe he wrote that letter to himself? Maybe it was his son or something? It's just unbelievable!! The hypocrisy that exists within the Church is amazing!! Good thing the majority of the Mormon robots just bow their heads and thank them for being so wonderful. I guess it's the old saying, do what I say and not what I do.
The real kicker will be if the Church decides to allow alcohol to be served in the restaurants in their new Billion dollar mall. The fact that they are even considering it is a real mind blower but not really if you consider their greed and hypocrisy. If that Happens, wow, it will just prove everything I'm saying here!!
It would just surprise me because they try to remain so squeaky clean publicly and that would be so obvious. But, they seem to be getting braver and are really pushing the envelope, as if it's a game to see how far they can go and still have all the little sheep following them and praising them.
At least we now know that not all the Church's funds are sacred. After all, if they can buy a Billion dollar shopping mall, it can't be too sacred!! I'm just so relieved that "no" tithing money was used...ha ha!! Of course, if it wasn't for tithing, they wouldn't even have a Church, or other investments to make money with. Also, if anyone has any info on the luxury resort that I keep hearing the Church is building in Hawaii, please drop me a line. I can't seem to find anything about it except the occasional unsubstantiated mention in a post. I want some proof on this one before I start blasting them!!
The Hypocrisy is never ending!! Look at Maceys supermarkets, closed on Sundays to "keep the Sabbath day holy" while mon-sat, they sell alcohol and tobacco. Plus, having worked there, their workers go in about 8 pm on Sunday nights as well. So, of course, it's all a front just to look good and say, "hey, look at me, I'm so wonderful being closed on Sunday".
Now Ken Macey is also a buddy of the hierarchy. I wonder how they justify that?!! Oh and I'm sure he pays tithing on his alcohol and tobacco money too. Basically, anyone that is Mormon, loaded, rich, has a big cash flow, public business, etc, is a great friend of the hierarchy. They talk at firesides and Stake conferences and everyone loves them, despite their blatant hypocrisy
Well, that is all I have for now, I look forward to your opinions on this matter. Take care now and chau!!
Samuel the Utahnite
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Famous Mormon Prophet's/Apostle's Quotes--The Mormon Hall Of Shame-Volume 1!!
Man, there are so many, I don't even know where to begin. I'll try to begin with the very beginning and then hopefully, one day, I'll be current after like 20 volumes and just go forward with each General Conference or with each quote as they are received. I think the best place to begin is with Joseph Smith. There won't be any particular order or subject, just quotes regarding all things on all different subjects. Anyway, let the fun begin!! Hold on tight, keep your arms and legs inside at all times and have a great ride!! LOL!!
Joseph Smith boasted that he was greater than Jesus Christ!!
Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! for I will come out on the top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet. You know my daily walk and conversation. I am in the bosom of a virtuous and good people.How I do love to hear the wolves howl! When they can get rid of me, the devil will also go.
What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one.
I am the same man, and as innocent as I was fourteen years ago; and I can prove them all perjurers. I labored with these apostates myself until I was out of all manner of patience
(History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 408-412).
Joseph Smith said God was once a man and that God is now an exalted man.
I will go back to the beginning before the world was, to show what kind of a being God is. What sort of a being was God in the beginning. Open your ears and hear, all ye ends of the earth, for I am going to prove it to you by the Bible, and to tell you the designs of God in relation to the human race, and why He interferes with the affairs of man.
God himself. was Once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens! That is the great secret. If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by His power, was to make himself visible,—I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in form like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man for Adam was created in the very fashion, image and likeness of God, and received instruction from, and walked, talked and conversed with Him, as one man talks and communes with another.
In order to understand the subject of the dead, for consolation of those who mourn for the loss of their friends, it is necessary we should understand the character and being of God and how He came to be so; for I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see.
These are incomprehensible ideas to some, but they are simple. It is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God, and to know that we may converse with Him as one man converses with another, and that He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did; and I will show it from the Bible.
(Joseph Smith's King Follet Sermon)
(as printed in History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 302-317)
Was there ever a Son without a Father?
If Abraham reasoned thus—If Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and John discovered that God the Father of Jesus Christ had a Father, you may suppose that He had a Father also. Where was there ever a son without a father And where was there ever a father without first being a son? Whenever did a tree or anything spring into existence without a progenitor? And everything comes in this way. Paul says that which is earthly is in the likeness of that which is heavenly, Hence if Jesus had a Father, can we not believe that He had a Father also? I despise the idea of being scared to death at such a doctrine, for the Bible is full of it.
I want you to pay particular attention to what I am saying. Jesus said that the Father wrought precisely in the same way as His Father had done before Him. As the Father had done before. He laid down His life, and took it up the same as His Father had done before. He did as He was sent, to lay down His life and take it up again; and then was committed unto Him the keys, &c. I know it is good reasoning.
The old Catholic church traditions are worth more than all you have said. Here is a principle of logic that most men have no more sense than to adopt. I will illustrate it by an old apple tree. Here jumps off a branch and says, I am the true tree, and you are corrupt. If the whole tree is corrupt, are not its branches corrupt? If the Catholic religion is a false religion, how can any true religion come out of it? If the Catholic church is bad, how can any good thing come out of it! The character of the old churches have always been slandered by all apostates since the world began.
I testify again, as the Lord lives, God never will acknowledge any traitors or apostates. Any man who will betray the Catholics will betray you; and if he will betray me, he will betray you. All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchisedek, which is after the order of the Son of God.
It is in the order of heavenly things that God should always send a new dispensation into the world when men have apostatized from the truth and lost the priesthood; but when men come out and build upon other men's foundations, they do it on their own responsibility, without: authority from God; and when the floods come and the winds blow, their foundations will be found to be sand, and their whole fabric will crumble to dust.
Did I build on any other man's foundation? I have got all the truth which the Christian world possessed, and an independent revelation in the bargain, and God will bear me off triumphant.I will drop this subject. I wish I could speak for three or four hours; but it is not expedient on account of the rain: I would still go on, and show you proof upon proofs; all the Bible is equal in support of this doctrine, one part as another.
Joseph Smith's Sermon On Plurality of Gods
(as printed in History of the Church, Vol. 6, p. 473-479)
The Mormon Church isn't valid if Joseph Smith's claims can't be proved!!(Location of Hill Cumorah and The Garden of Eden)
"The validity of Mormonism rests upon the claims of Joseph Smith. When he was a young man, his family moved to the state of New York. Within a few miles of his home there was a hill, which Joseph Smith later called the Hill Cumorah. According to Joseph Smith, this was no ordinary hill, for on this hill two of the greatest battles in history were fought. Apostle Bruce R. McConkie says that 'both the Nephite and Jaredite civilizations fought their final great wars of extinction at and near the Hill Cumorah...which hill is located between Palmyra and Manchester in the western part of the state of New York. It was here that Moroni hid up the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated' (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, p. 175).
"After the Mormon church was organized, Joseph Smith gave a revelation which stated that the Saints were to gather at Jackson County, Missouri. To the Mormon leaders, this was no ordinary land; they taught that it was the place where the 'Garden of Eden' was located. Apostle McConkie explains: 'The early brethren of this dispensation taught that the Garden of Eden was located in what is known to us as the land of Zion, an area for which Jackson County, Missouri, is the center place' (Mormon Doctrine, p. 20).
"In Daviess County, Missouri, Joseph Smith found some rocks which he claimed were the remains of an altar built by Adam. McConkie continues: 'At that great gathering Adam offered sacrifices on an altar built for the purpose. A remnant of that very altar remained on the spot down through the ages. On May 19, 1838, Joseph Smith and a number of his associates stood on the remainder of the pile of stones at a place called Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri' (Mormon Doctrine, p. 21)....
Joseph Smith denied that he was a polygamist until the day he died!!(Also, see his polygamy denial above)
In a notice published in the Times and Seasons, February 1, 1844 (vol. 5, page 72), Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, publicly called polygamy a false and corrupt doctrine:
"As we have lately been credibly informed, that an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, by the name of Hiram Brown, has been preaching polygamy, and other false and corrupt doctrines, in the county of Lapeer, state of Michigan.
"This is to notify him and the Church in general, that he has been cut off from the church, for his iniquity; and he is further notified to appear at the Special Conference, on the 6th of April next, to make answer to these charges."
Brigham Young was clearly a deceiving liar as well. I wonder who he learned that from?
Although Brigham Young denied that he was guilty of counterfeiting, he admitted in the History of the Church that he had tricked the U.S. Marshall when he tried to arrest him for being a bogus maker:
"One-five p.m. Almon W. Babbitt came into the Temple and informed me that there were some federal officers from Springfield...in the city for the purpose of arresting some of the Twelve, especially Amasa Lyman and myself....
"William Miller put on my cap and Brother Kimball's cloak and went downstairs meeting the marshal and his assistants at the door, as he was about getting into my carriage the marshal arrested him, on a writ from the United States court, charging him with counterfeiting the coin of the United States....
"The marshall put up at Hamilton's Tavern,... William Backenstos was called in and he told them William Miller was not Brigham Young....
"Eight-twenty. I left the Temple disguised..." (History of the Church, vol. 7, pages 549-551
In a discourse delivered July 23, 1871, Brigham Young said that this was "one of the best jokes ever perpetrated." (Journal of Discourses, vol 14, pages 218-19) In the same discourse, Brigham Young acknowledged that he had instructed William Miller on how to "trick" the U.S. Marshall.
Joseph Smith's Bar
In Nauvoo Joseph Smith sold liquor. The following ordinance relating to this matter was passed in 1843, Joseph Smith being mayor of Nauvoo at the time:
Ordinance on the Personal Sale of Liquors.
Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Nauvoo, that the Mayor of the city be and is hereby authorized to sell or give spirits of any quantity as he in his wisdom shall judge to be for the health and comfort or convenience of such travelers or other persons as shall visit his house from time to time.
Passed December 12, 1843.
Joseph Smith, Mayor.
Willard Richards, Recorder. (History of the Church, vol. 6, p.111).
Joseph Smith's own son related the following:
About 1842, a new and larger house was built for us ... and a sign was put out giving it the dignified name of "The Nauvoo Mansion" ...Mother was to be installed as landlady, and soon made a trip to Saint Louis....
When she returned Mother found installed in the keeping-room of the hotel - that is to say, the main room where the guests assembled and where they were received upon arrival - a bar, with counter, shelves, bottles, glasses and other paraphernalia customary for a fully-equipped tavern bar, and Porter Rockwell in charge as tender.
She was very much surprised and disturbed over this arrangement,... "Joseph," she asked, "What is the meaning of that bar in this house? ... How does it look," she asked, "for the spiritual head of a religious body to be keeping a hotel in which is a room fitted out as a liquor-selling establishment?"
He reminded her that all taverns had their bars at which liquor was sold or dispensed....
Mother's reply came emphatically clear, though uttered quietly: "Well, Joseph,... I will take my children and go across to the old house and stay there, for I will not have them raised up under such conditions as this arrangement imposes upon us, nor have them mingle with the kind of men who frequent such a place. You are at liberty to make your choice; either that bar goes out of the house, or we will!"
It did not take Father long to make the choice, for he replied immediately, "Very well, Emma; I will have it removed at once" - and he did (The Saints' Herald, January 22, 1935, p.110).
Brigham Young admits to Word of Wisdom problems:
Brigham Young declared on September 27, 1845: "... I am and ever intend to be the Master of my passions ... some may say that I am in the habits of taking snuff and tea yet I am no slave to these passions and can leave these off if they make my brother affronted...." In 1854 Brigham Young drank coffee on a regular basis (see Mormonism - Shadow or Reality? p.408). On April 7, 1867, Brigham Young acknowledged in the Tabernacle that he had chewed tobacco for many years: "... it is not my privilege to drink liquor, neither is it my privilege to eat tobacco. Well, bro. Brigham, have you not done it? Yes, for many years, but I ceased its habitual practice. I used it for toothache; now I am free from that pain, and my mouth is never stained with tobacco" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 12, p.404).
The Mormon Church clearly sold and bought liquor, tobacco, coffee, etc.
Stanley P. Hirshon writes:
In Utah the church dominated the liquor trade. In 1856 Caleb Green freighted six tons of tobacco, rum, whiskey, brandy, tea, and coffee across the plains for Young, and two years later The New York Times reported that the "principal drinking-saloon and gambling-room are in Salt Lake House, a building under the control of the Church and the immediate superintendency of Heber C. Kimball." ...Young tried his best to rid himself of rival brewers (The Lion of the Lord, p.285).
On June 7, 1863, Brigham Young acknowledged publicly that he had built a distillery:
"When there was no whisky to be had here, and we needed it for rational purposes, I built a house to make it in. When the distillery was almost completed and in good working order, an army was heard of in our vicinity and I shut up the works; I did not make a gallon of whisky at my works, because it came here in great quantities, more than was needed" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 10, p.206).
In his sermons Brigham Young occasionally discussed the idea of Mormons producing their own tea, coffee, tobacco and whiskey and making money from it:
You know that we all profess to believe the "Word of Wisdom." There has been a great deal said about it.... We as Latter-day Saints, care but little about tobacco: but as "Mormons" we use a great deal.... The traders and passing emigration have sold tons of tobacco, besides what is sold here regularly. I say that $60,000 annually is the smallest figure I can estimate the sales at. Tobacco can be raised here as well as it can be raised in any other place. It wants attention and care. If we use it, let us raise it here. I recommend for some man to go to raising tobacco.... go to and make a business of raising tobacco and stop sending money out of the territory for that article.... We annually expend only $60,000 to break the "Word of Wisdom," and we can save the money and still break it, if we will break it (Journal of Discourses, vol. 9, p.35).
The statement by Mormon Apostle George A. Smith would also lead a person to believe that wine was used to excess: "... after the people had fasted all day, they sent out and got wine and bread.... they ate and drank.... some of the High Counsel of Missouri stepped into the stand, and, as righteous Noah did when he awoke from his wine, commenced to curse their enemies (Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p.216).
Orson Pratt once quipped: "I do not wonder that the world say that the Latter-day Saints do not believe their own revelations. Why? Because we do not practice them" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 17, p.104).
Even the Mormon-owned Zions Cooperative Mercantile Institution (now known as ZCMI) sold the items forbidden in the Word of Wisdom. On October 7, 1873, George A. Smith, a member of the First Presidency, admitted: "We are doing a great business in tea, coffee, and tobacco in the Cooperative Store" (Journal of Discourses, vol. 16, p.238).
In 1908 the Salt Lake Tribune accused the Mormon leaders of trying to monopolize the liquor business in Utah: "... the Mormon priesthood ... resisted to the utmost the establishment of liquor houses by Gentiles here for a good while, not because they were liquor houses, but because the Gentiles were getting the trade.... This fierce effort to retain the liquor traffic here as a monopoly of the church was quite in accord with the present status of affairs here where the church is running the biggest liquor business in the State, through its Z.C.M.I. drug store and also through the big liquor business done by Apostle Smoot in his drug store at Provo" (Salt Lake Tribune, July 14, 1908).
Brother Joseph, enjoying the fruits of the vine and the grains of the field:
"Called at the office and DRANK A GLASS OF WINE with Sister Jenetta Richards, made by her mother in England, and reviewed a portion of the conference minutes.” (History of the Church,Vol. 5, p. 380)
“We then partook of some refreshments, and OUR HEARTS WERE MADE GLAD WITH THE FRUIT OF THE VINE.”
(History of the Church, Vol. 2, page 369)
"Elders Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, and Warren Parrish, then presented the Presidency with three servers of glasses filled with WINE to bless. And it fell to my lot to attend to this duty, which I cheerfully discharged. It was then passed round in order, then the cake in the same order; and suffice it to say, OUR HEARTS WERE MADE GLAD while partaking of the bounty of earth which was presented, until we had taken our fill;..."
(History of the Church, Vol. 2, p. 378)
“April17.—This day THE TWELVE blessed and DRANK A BOTTLE OF WINE at Penworthan, made by Mother Moon FORTY YEARS BEFORE.”
(History of the Church, Vol. 4, page 120)
Joseph continues to drink, even while in jail:
“Before the jailor came in, his boy brought in some water, and said the guard wanted some WINE. JOSEPH gave Dr. Richards two dollars to give the guard; but the guard said one was enough, and would take no more. “The guard immediately sent FOR A BOTTLE OF WINE, pipes, and two small papers of tobacco; and one of the guards brought them into the jail soon after the jailor went out. Dr. Richards uncorked the bottle, AND PRESENTED A GLASS TO JOSEPH, WHO TASTED, AS BROTHER TAYLOR AND THE DOCTOR, and the bottle was then given to the guard, who turned to go out.”
(History of the Church, Vol. 6, page 616)
"Sometime after dinner we sent for some WINE. It has been reported by some that this was taken as a sacrament. It was NO SUCH THING; our spirits were generally dull and heavy, and it was sent for to revive us.... I believe we all drank of the WINE, and gave some to one or two of the prison guards."
(John Taylor, in History of the Church, Vol. 7, page 101)
Brigham Young, on the widespread use of coffee, tea, liquor, and tobacco by Mormon bishops.
“You go through the wards in the city, and then through the wards in the country, and ask the Bishops—'Do you keep the Word of Wisdom?' The reply will be 'YES; NO, NOT EXACTLY.' 'Do you drink tea?' 'No.' 'Coffee?' 'No.' 'Do you drink whisky?' 'No.' 'Well, then, why do you not observe the Word of Wisdom?' 'Well, this TOBACCO, I CANNOT GIVE IT UP.' And in this he sets an example to every man, and to every boy over ten years of age, in his ward, to nibble at and chew tobacco. You go to another ward, and perhaps the Bishop does not chew tobacco, nor drink tea nor coffee, but once in a while he takes A LITTLE SPIRITS, and keeps WHISKEY in his house, in which he will occasionally INDULGE— Go to another ward, and perhaps the Bishop does not drink whisky nor chew tobacco, but he 'CANNOT GIVE UP HIS TEA AND COFFEE.' And so it goes through the whole church. Not every Bishop indulges in one or more of these habits, but MOST OF THEM DO. I recollect being at a trial not long since where quite a number of Bishops had been called in as witnesses, but I could not learn that there WAS ONE WHO DID NOT DRINK WHISKEY, and I THINK THAT MOST OF THEM DRANK TEA AND COFFEE. I think that we have SOME BISHOPS in this city who do not chew tobacco, nor drink liquor nor tea nor coffee TO EXCESS.... If a person is weary, worn out, cast down, fainting, or dying, A BRANDY SLING, a little WINE, or a cup of TEA is good to revive them. DO NOT THROW THESE THINGS AWAY, AND SAY THEY MUST NEVER BE USED; they are good to be used with judgment, prudence, and discretion. Ask our BISHOPS IF THEY DRINK TEA EVERY DAY, AND IN MOST CASES THEY WILL TELL YOU THEY DO IF THEY CAN GET IT.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol.12, pp. 402-403)
Brigham Young, on how to chew tobacco in church:
“Many of the brethren chew tobacco, and I have advised them to be modest about it. Do not take out a WHOLE PLUG OF TOBACCO IN MEETING BEFORE THE EYES OF THE CONGREGATION, AND CUT OFF A LONG SLICE AND PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH, to the annoyance of everybody around. Do not glory in this disgraceful practice. If you must use tobacco, put a small portion in your mouth when no person sees you, and be careful that no one sees you chew it. I do not charge you with sin. You have the'Word of Wisdom.' Read it.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 8, p. 361)
Brigham puts an end to spitting tobacco in the Salt Lake Tabernacle:
“There is another subject I wish to refer to. Last Sabbath this front gallery,...was very full. After meeting was dismissed I took a walk through it, and to see the floor that had been occupied by those professing to be gentlemen, and I do not know but brethren, you might have supposed that cattle had been there rolling and standing around, for here and there were GREAT QUIDS OF TOBACCO, AND PLACES ONE OR TWO FEET SQUARE SMEARED WITH TOBACCO JUICE. I want to say to the doorkeepers that when you see gentlemen who cannot omit chewing and SPITTING WHILE IN THIS HOUSE, request them to leave; and if such persons refuse to leave, and continue their spitting, just take them and lead them out carefully and kindly. We do not want to have the house thus defiled. It is an imposition for gentlemen to SPIT TOBACCO JUICE around, or to leave their QUIDS OF TOBACCO on the floor; they dirty the house, and if a lady happen to besmear the bottom of her dress, which can hardly be avoided, it is highly offensive. We therefore request ALL GENTLEMEN ATTENDING CONFERENCE TO OMIT TOBACCO CHEWING WHILE HERE.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 344)
Joseph F. Smith justifies the sale of coffee, tea, and liquor at the Mormon store ZCMI (He was president of ZCMI when he said this).
“Some of our pretended pious people, a few years ago, were shocked and horrified by seeing the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye and the words 'Holiness to the Lord' in gilt letters over the front of Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution. Especially was this the case with some of our brethren when they found these letters over the drug department of Z.C.M.I. Why was it? Why some of these pious (?) Mormons found that Z.C.M.I. UNDER THE SYMBOL OF THE ALL-SEEING EYE AND THE SACRED WORDS, 'HOLINESS TO THE LORD,' SOLD TEA AND COFFEE, AND TOBACCO, and other things possibly that Latter-day Saints ought not to use; and at the drug store, Z.C.M.I. KEPT LIQUORS of various kinds for medicinal purposes. It was terribly shocking to some of the Latter-day Saints that UNDER THESE HOLY WORDS LIQUOR SHOULD BE KEPT FOR SALE. Has it injured me, in any sense of the word, because Z.C.M.I. drug store kept LIQUOR for sale? Has it made me a drunkard? Have I been under the necessity of guzzling liquid poison? Have I made myself a sot because liquor was KEPT FOR SALE BY Z.C.M.I.? I am not the worse for it, thank the Lord. And who else is? No one, except those pious Mormons (?) who in open day or under the cover of night would go into the drug store and buy liquor to drink.... Those who were the most horrified at seeing the All-Seeing Eye and 'Holiness to the Lord' over the front door of Z.C.M.I., I will guarantee are the ONES THAT HAVE BOUGHT THE MOST TEA AND COFFEE, TOBACCO AND WHISKEY THERE.... It does not matter to me how much tea and coffee Z.C.M.I. sells, so long as I do not buy it. If I do not drink it am I not all right? And if the poor creature that wants it can get it there, that ought to satisfy him. IF HE COULD NOT GET IT THERE, HE WOULD NOT PATRONIZE Z.C.M.I. AT ALL, BUT WOULD GO SOME WHERE ELSE TO DEAL.” (Conference Report, April 1898, page 11)
More on denouncing and denying polygamy
In the 1835 edition of the canonized Doctrine and Covenants, section 104 denounced polygamy:
“Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the CRIME of fornication, and POLYGAMY: we declare that we believe, that ONE man should have ONE WIFE; and one woman, but one husband, except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again.”
(D&C 104, until 1876 edition, when it was removed)
Joseph Smith and Fanny Alger. Also, trying to convince Emma that God had indeed commanded him to marry and screw other women.
In a January 21, 1838 letter, Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith's right-hand man from the early beginnings of the church, accuses Joseph of having an illicit affair with Fanny Alger:
“When he [Joseph Smith] was there we had some conversation in which in every instance I did not fail to affirm that what I had said was strictly true. A DIRTY, NASTY, FILTHY AFFAIR OF HIS AND FANNY ALGER'S was talked over in which I strictly declared that I had never deviated from the truth in the matter, and as I supposed was admitted by himself.”
(Letter written by Oliver Cowdery and recorded by his brother Warren Cowdery; see photograph in The Mormon Kingdom, Vol. 1, page 27)
Joseph Smith's scribe, William Clayton, related how Joseph tried to convince his wife Emma that God told him to have lots of women:
“On the morning of the 12th of July, 1843; Joseph and Hyrum Smith came into the office... They were talking on the subject of plural marriage. Hyrum said to Joseph, 'If you will write the revelation on celestial marriage, I will take it and read it to Emma, and I believe I can convince her of its truth, and you will hereafter have peace.' Joseph smiled and remarked, 'YOU DO NOT KNOW EMMA AS WELL AS I DO.'... Joseph then said, 'Well, I will write the revelation and we shall see.'... Hyrum then took the revelation to read to Emma. Joseph remained with me in the office until Hyrum returned. When he came back, Joseph asked how he had succeeded. Hyrum replied that HE HAD NEVER RECEIVED A MORE SEVERE TALKING TO IN HIS LIFE,... “Joseph quietly remarked, 'I told you you did not know Emma as well as I did.' Joseph then put the revelation in his pocket, and they both left the office. “... Two or three days after the revelation was written Joseph related to me and several others that Emma had so teased, and urgently entreated him for the privilege of destroying it, that he became so weary of her teasing, and to get rid of her annoyance, he told her she might destroy it and she had done so, but he had consented to her wish in this matter to pacify her, realizing that he...could rewrite it at any time if necessary.”
(History of the Church, by Joseph Smith, Introduction to Vol. 5)
Brigham Young tells how incensed Joseph's wife Emma was about polygamy:
Emma took that revelation, supposing she had all there was; but Joseph had wisdom enough to take care of it, and he had handed the revelation to Bishop Whitney, and he wrote it all off. After Joseph had been to Bishop Whitney's he went home, and Emma began to tease him for the revelation. Said she—'Joseph you promised me that revelation, and if you are a man of your word you will give it to me.' Joseph took it from his pocket and said— 'Take it.' She went to the fireplace and put it in, and put the candle under it and burnt it, and she thought that was the end of it, AND SHE WILL BE DAMNED as sure as she is a living woman. Joseph used to say that he would have her hereafter, IF HE HAD TO GO TO HELL FOR HER, AND HE WILL HAVE TO GO TO HELL FOR HER AS SURE AS HE EVER GETS HER.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 17, p. 159)
Brigham Young gives Mormon women 2 week ultimatum to quit complaining about polygamy:
“Now for my proposition; it is more particularly for my sisters, as it is frequently happening that women say they are UNHAPPY. Men will say, 'My wife, though a most excellent woman, has NOT SEEN A HAPPY DAY SINCE I TOOK MY SECOND WIFE,' 'No, NOT A HAPPY DAY FOR A YEAR,' says one; and another HAS NOT SEEN A HAPPY DAY FOR FIVE YEARS. It is said that women are tied down and abused: that they are misused and have not the liberty they ought to have; that many of them ARE WADING THROUGH A PERFECT FLOOD OF TEARS,...
“I wish my own women to understand that what I am going to say is for them as well as others, and I want those who are here to tell their sisters, yes, all the women of this community, and then write it back to the States, and do as you please with it. I am going to give you from this time to the 6th day of October next, for reflection, that you may determine whether you wish to stay with your husbands or not, and then I am going TO SET EVERY WOMAN AT LIBERTY and say to them, Now go your way, MY WOMEN WITH THE REST, go your way. AND MY WIVES have go to do one of two things; either round up their shoulders to endure the afflictions of this world, and live their religion, OR THEY MAY LEAVE, for I will not have them about me. I will go into heaven alone, rather than have SCRATCHING AND FIGHTING AROUND ME. I WILL SET ALL AT LIBERTY. 'WHAT, FIRST WIFE TOO?' YES, I WILL LIBERATE YOU ALL....
“I wish my women, and brother Kimball's and brother Grant's to leave, and every woman in this Territory, or else say in their hearts that they will embrace the Gospel —the whole of it....say to your wives, 'Take all that I have and be set at liberty; but if you stay with me you shall comply with the law of God, and that too WITHOUT ANY MURMURING AND WHINING. You must fulfill the law of God in every respect, and round up your shoulders to WALK UP TO THE MARK WITHOUT ANY GRUNTING.' “Now recollect that two weeks from to morrow I am going to set you at liberty. But the first wife will say, 'It is hard, for I have lived with my husband twenty years, or thirty, and have raised a family of children for him, and it is a great trial to me for him to have more women;' then I say IT IS TIME THAT YOU GAVE HIM UP TO OTHER WOMEN WHO WILL BEAR CHILDREN. If my wife had borne me all the children that she ever would bare, the celestial law would teach me TO TAKE YOUNG WOMEN that would have children....
“SISTERS, I AM NOT JOKING, I do not throw out my proposition to banter your feelings, to see whether you will leave your husbands, all or any of you. BUT I KNOW THAT THERE IS NO CESSATION TO THE EVERLASTING WHINING OF MANY OF THE WOMEN IN THIS TERRITORY; I am satisfied that this is the case. And if the women will turn from the commandments of God and continue to despise the order of heaven, I will pray that the curse of the Almighty may be close to their heals, and that it may be following them all the day long....
“Prepare yourselves for two weeks from to morrow; and I will tell you now, that if you will tarry with your husbands, after I HAVE SET YOU FREE, YOU MUST BOW DOWN TO IT, and SUBMIT yourselves to the CELESTIAL LAW. You may go where you please, after two weeks from to-morrow; but, remember, that I WILL NOT HEAR ANY MORE OF THIS WHINING.”
(Sermon by Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4., pp. 55-57; also printed in Deseret News, Vol. 6, pp. 235-236)
Brigham Young brags about his virility:
“Brother Cannon remarked that people wondered how many wives and children I had. He may inform them, that I SHALL HAVE WIVES AND CHILDREN BY THE MILLION, and glory, and riches and power and dominion, and kingdom after kingdom, and reign triumphantly.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 8, page 178)
“I could prove to this congregation that I AM YOUNG; for I could FIND MORE GIRLS WHO WOULD CHOOSE ME FOR A HUSBAND THAN CAN ANY OF THE YOUNG MEN.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 5, page 210)
“The next man who came on to the carpet wanted to know HOW MANY WIVES BROTHER BRIGHAM HAD. I replied, '... I will guess, if that will do you any good....if I may judge from APPEARANCES, I SHOULD PRESUME HE HAS SOME FIFTY OR SIXTY.'“
(Mormon Apostle Ezra T. Benson, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, pages 80-81)
Heber C. Kimball, second councilor to Brigham Young, on how monogamy makes a man wither and dry up:
“I have noticed that a man who has BUT ONE WIFE, and is inclined to that doctrine, soon begins to WITHER AND DRY UP, while a man who goes into PLURALITY looks fresh, YOUNG AND SPRIGHTLY. Why is this? Because God loves that man, and because he honors his word. Some of you may not believe this, but I not only believe it but I also know it. FOR A MAN OF GOD TO BE CONFINED TO ONE WOMAN IS SMALL BUSINESS,... I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO IF WE HAD ONLY ONE WIFE APIECE.” (Deseret News, April 22, 1857)
George A. Smith - Monogamists should be ashamed:
“We breathe the free air, we have the best looking men and handsomest women, and if they envy us our position, well they may, for they are a poor, NARROW MINDED, PINCH-BACKED RACE OF MEN, WHO CHAIN THEMSELVES DOWN TO THE LAW OF MONOGAMY AND LIVE ALL THEIR DAYS UNDER THE DOMINION OF ONE WIFE. They ought to be ASHAMED OF SUCH CONDUCT, and the still fouler channel which flows from their practices; and it is not to be wondered at that they should envy those who so much better understand the social relations.” (Deseret News, April 16, 1856)
Brigham Young - Monogamy is the source of prostitution and whoredom:
“Since the founding of the Roman empire monogamy has prevailed more extensively than in times previous to that. The founders of that ancient empire were robbers and women stealers, and made laws favoring monogamy in consequence of the scarcity of women among them, and hence this MONOGAMIC SYSTEM which now prevails throughout Christendom, and which had been so fruitful a source of PROSTITUTION AND WHOREDOM throughout all the Christian monogamic cities of the Old and New World, until rottenness and decay are at the root of their institutions both national and religious.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 11, p. 128)
From the Mormon church paper "millennial star":
“... THE ONE-WIFE SYSTEM NOT ONLY DEGENERATES THE HUMAN FAMILY, BOTH PHYSICALLY AND INTELLECTUALLY, but it is entirely incompatible with philosophical notions of immortality; IT IS A LURE TO TEMPTATION, AND HAS ALWAYS PROVED A CURSE TO A PEOPLE.” (Millennial Star, Vol. 15, p. 227)
George Q. Cannon - Monogamy responsible for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire:
“It is a fact worthy of note that the shortest lived nations of which we have record have been monogamic. Rome...was a MONOGAMIC NATION AND THE NUMEROUS EVILS ATTENDING THAT SYSTEM EARLY LAID THE FOUNDATION FOR THAT RUIN WHICH EVENTUALLY OVERTOOK HER.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 202)
Apostle Orson Pratt:
“This law of MONOGAMY, or the MONOGAMIC SYSTEM, laid the foundation for prostitution and the evils and diseases of the most revolting nature and character under which modern Christendom groans,...”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, page 195)
Brigham Young - Adam was a polygamist:
“Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and Sinner! When OUR FATHER ADAM came into the the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, ONE OF HIS WIVES WITH HIM.”
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, page 50)
Apostle Orson Hyde:
“I discover that some of the Eastern papers represent me as a great blasphemer, because I said, in my lecture on Marriage, at our last Conference, that JESUS CHRIST WAS MARRIED at Cana of Galilee, THAT MARY, MARTHA, AND OTHERS WERE HIS WIVES, AND THAT HE BEGAT CHILDREN.
(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 2, page 210)
Brigham Young, answering critics who claimed polygamy as a relic of barbarism:
“ Yes, one of the relics of Adam, of Enoch, of Noah, of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob, of Moses, David, Solomon, the Prophets, OF JESUS, AND HIS APOSTLES.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 11, page 328)
Brigham Young:
“The Scripture says that He, the LORD, came walking in the Temple, with HIS TRAIN; I do not now who they were, unless HIS WIVES AND CHILDREN;...” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, page 309)
Apostle Orson Pratt:
“...it will be seen that the GREAT MESSIAH who was the founder of the Christian religion, WAS A POLYGAMIST, ...the MESSIAH chose...by MARRYING MANY honorable WIVES himself, show to all future generations that HE approbated the PLURALITY OF WIVES under the Christian dispensation, as well as under the dispensation in which His Polygamist ancestors lived. “We have now clearly shown that GOD THE FATHER HAD A PLURALITY OF WIVES, one or more being in eternity, by whom He begat our spirits as well as the spirit of Jesus His first Born, and another being upon the earth by whom He begat the tabernacle of Jesus, as his only begotten in this world. We have also proved most clearly that the Son followed the example of his Father, and became the great Bridegroom to whom kings' daughters and many honorable wives were to be married We have also proved that both God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ inherit THEIR WIVES IN ETERNITY as well as in time;... And then it would be so shocking to the modesty of the very pious ladies of Christendom to see Abraham and his wives, Jacob and his wives, JESUS AND HIS HONORABLE WIVES, all eating occasionally at the same table, and visiting one another, and conversing about their numerous children and their kingdoms. Oh, ye delicate ladies of Christendom how can you endure such a scene as this?... If you do not want your morals corrupted, and your delicate ears shocked, and your pious modesty put to the blush by the society of POLYGAMISTS and their wives, do not venture near the New Earth; for POLYGAMISTS will be honored there, and will be among the chief rulers in that Kingdom.”
(The Seer, page 172)
Brigham Young - To become a god, one must be a polygamist:
“The ONLY MEN WHO BECOME GODS, even the Sons of God, are those WHO ENTER INTO POLYGAMY.”(Journal of Discourses, Vol. 11, page 269)
Brigham Young teaches when one should stab their brother and their wife:
“Let me suppose a case. Suppose you found your brother in bed with your wife, and PUT A JAVELIN THROUGH BOTH OF THEM, YOU WOULD BE JUSTIFIED, AND THEY WOULD ATONE FOR THEIR SINS, AND BE RECEIVED INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. I would at once do so in such a case; and under such circumstances, I have no wife whom I love so well that I would not put a javelin through her heart, and I would DO IT WITH CLEAN HANDS... “There is not a man or woman, who violates the covenants made with their God, that will not be required to pay the debt. The blood of Christ will never wipe that out, YOUR OWN BLOOD MUST ATONE FOR IT;...” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3, p. 247)
Joseph Smith prefers cutting heads off over hanging people:
“In debate, George A. Smith said imprisonment was better than hanging. “I replied, I was opposed to hanging, even if a man kill another, I WILL SHOOT HIM, OR CUT OFF HIS HEAD, SPILL HIS BLOOD on the ground, and let the smoke thereof ascend up to God; and if ever I have the privilege of making a law on that subject, I will have it so.” (History of the Church, by Joseph Smith, Vol. 5, p. 296
Brigham Young said that if some people knew what was good for them, they would beg the Mormons to kill them:
“And furthermore, I know that there are transgressors, who, if they knew themselves, and the ONLY CONDITION upon which they can obtain forgiveness, WOULD BEG OF THEIR BRETHREN TO SHED THEIR BLOOD, that the smoke thereof might ascend to God as an OFFERING to appease the wrath that is kindled against them, and that the law might have its course. (Sermon by Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses,Vol. 4, pages 53-54; also published in the Deseret News, 1856, page 235)
Brigham Young said that Blood must be spilled or sins will stick to a man:
“There are sins that men commit for which they cannot receive forgiveness in this world, or in that which is to come, and if they had their eyes open to see their true condition, they would be perfectly willing to HAVE THEIR BLOOD SPILT upon the ground, that the smoke thereof might ascend to heaven as an OFFERING FOR THEIR SINS; and the smoking incense would ATONE for their sins, whereas, if such is not the case, they will stick to them and remain upon them in the spirit world. (Sermon by Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses,Vol. 4, pages 53-54; also published in the Deseret News, 1856, page 235)
Heber C. Kimball, a member of the First Presidency, said that Exmormons will have their bowels kicked out: (I guess that I can look forward to someone kicking my bowels out.)
"Judas lost that saving principle, and they took him and killed him. It is said in the Bible that his bowels gushed out; but they actually KICKED HIM until his bowels came out. "'I will suffer my bowels to be taken out before I will forfeit the covenant I have made with Him and my brethren.' Do you understand me? Judas was like salt that had lost its saving principles—good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men.... It is so with you, ye Elders of Israel, when you forfeit your covenants.... I know the day is right at hand when men will forfeit their Priesthood and turn against us and against the covenants they have made, and they will be DESTROYED as Judas was. (December 13,1857 in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, pages 125-126)
Women's closest relative must kill her seducer:
“The principle, the only one that beats and throbs through the heart of the entire inhabitants of this Territory, is simply this: The man who seduces his neighbors wife MUST DIE, and her nearest relative MUST KILL HIM!” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, page 97)
Shooting people is as important as baptizing them:
If you will cause all those whom you know to be THIEVES, to be placed in a line before the mouth of one of our largest CANNON, well loaded with chain shot, I WILL PROVE BY MY WORKS WHETHER I CAN METE OUT JUSTICE to such persons, or not. I WOULD CONSIDER IT JUST AS MUCH MY DUTY TO DO THAT, AS TO BAPTIZE A MAN for the remission of his sins. (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, pp. 108-109)
Non-believers must die:
“The time is coming when justice will be laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet; when we shall ask, 'Are you for God?' and if you are not heartily on the Lord's side, YOU WILL BE HEWN DOWN.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3, page 226)
Counterfeiters must die:
“We investigated several orders purporting to be drawn by J. Allen, Lieut. Col., signed by James Pollick; which I requested should be burned. I swore by the Eternal Gods that if men in our midst would not stop this cursed work of stealing and counterfeiting THEIR THROATS SHOULD BE CUT.” (“Manuscript History of Brigham Young,” Feb. 24, 1847, typed copy)
Interracial couples must die:
“Shall I tell you the LAW OF GOD in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the PENALTY, under the LAW OF GOD IS DEATH ON THE SPOT. This will ALWAYS BE SO.” (Journal of Discourses, v. 10, p. 110)
Any man having children with a black woman must be beheaded, and his children must be killed:
“And if any man mingle his seed with the seed of Cane [sic] the ownly [sic] way he could get rid of it or have salvation would be to come forward and have his head cut off & spill his Blood upon the ground it would also take the life of his children...” (Wilford Woodruff's Journal, recording a speech by Brigham Young, January 16, 1852, typed copy; original located in LDS Church Archives).
Brigham Young: Apostates must leave Salt Lake City, or they must die:
“I say, rather than that APOSTATES should flourish here, I WILL UNSHEATH MY BOWIE KNIFE, and CONQUER OR DIE. (Great commotion in the congregation, and a simultaneous burst of feeling, assenting to the declaration.) Now, you nasty apostates, clear out, or judgment will be put to the line, and righteousness to the plummet. (Voices, generally, 'go it, go it.') If you say it is right, raise your hands. (All hands up.) Let us call upon the Lord to assist us in this, and every good work.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, page 83)
Do you love your brothers and sisters enough to kill them?
“All mankind love themselves, and let these principles be known by an individual, and he would be GLAD to have HIS BLOOD SHED. That would be loving themselves, even unto an eternal exaltation. Will you LOVE your brothers or sisters likewise, when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the SHEDDING OF THEIR BLOOD? WILL YOU LOVE THAT MAN OR WOMAN WELL ENOUGH TO SHED THEIR BLOOD?... “I COULD REFER YOU TO PLENTY OF INSTANCES WHERE MEN HAVE BEEN RIGHTEOUSLY SLAIN, IN ORDER TO ATONE FOR THEIR SINS. I have seen scores and hundreds of people for whom there would have been a chance (in the last resurrection there will be) if their lives HAD BEEN TAKEN AND THEIR BLOOD SPILLED on the ground as a smoking incense to the Almighty, but who are now angels to the devil... I have known a great many men who LEFT THIS CHURCH for whom there is no chance whatever for exaltation, but if their BLOOD HAD BEEN SPILLED, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER FOR THEM, the wickedness and IGNORANCE of the nations forbids this principle's being in FULL FORCE, but THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THE LAW OF GOD WILL BE IN FULL FORCE. (Sermon by Brigham Young, delivered in the Mormon Tabernacle, Feb. 8, 1857, printed in the Deseret News, Feb. 18, 1857; also reprinted in the Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pp. 219-220)
The way to love your neighbors is to kill them:
“THIS IS LOVING OUR NEIGHBOR AS OURSELVES; if he needs help, help him; and if he wants salvation and it is NECESSARY TO SPILL HIS BLOOD on the earth in order that he may be saved, SPILL IT. Any of you who understand the principles of eternity, if you have sinned a sin REQUIRING THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD, except the sin unto death, would not be satisfied nor rest until your blood SHOULD BE SPILLED, that you might gain that salvation you desire. THAT IS THE WAY TO LOVE MANKIND.” (Sermon by Brigham Young, delivered in the Mormon Tabernacle, Feb. 8, 1857, printed in the Deseret News, Feb. 18, 1857; also reprinted in the Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pp. 219-220)
Mormon prophet nearly stabs a man with his pocket knife , thinking he might say something disagreeable:
“About 4:30 p.m. this meeting adjourned and was followed by a meeting of Presidents Woodruff, Cannon and SMITH and Bros. Lyman and Grant....Bro. JOSEPH F. SMITH was traveling some years ago near Carthage when he met a man who said he had just arrived five minutes too late to see the Smiths killed. Instantly a dark cloud seemed to overshadow Bro. Smith and he asked how this man looked upon the deed. Bro. S. was oppressed by a most horrible feeling as he waited for a reply. After a brief pause the man answered, 'Just as I have always looked upon it—that it was a d—d cold-blooded murder.' The cloud immediately lifted from Bro. Smith and he found that he had his OPEN POCKET KNIFE GRASPED IN HIS HAND in his pocket, and he believes that had this man given his approval to that murder of the prophets HE WOULD HAVE IMMEDIATELY STRUCK HIM TO THE HEART.” (Daily Journal of Abraham H. Cannon, Dec. 6, 1889, pages 205-206 )
BYU history professor refers to a specific case of blood atonement:
“To whatever extent the preaching on BLOOD ATONEMENT may have influenced action, it would have been in relation to Mormon disciplinary action among its own members. In point would be a verbally reported case of a Mr. Johnson in Cedar City who was found guilty of adultery with his step-daughter by a BISHOP'S COURT and SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR ATONEMENT OF HIS SIN. According to the report of reputable EYEWITNESSES, judgment was executed with consent of the offender who went to his UNCONSECRATED GRAVE IN FULL CONFIDENCE OF SALVATION THROUGH THE SHEDDING OF HIS BLOOD. Such a case, however primitive, is understandable within the meaning of the doctrine and the emotional extremes of the Reformation.” (Utah Historical Quarterly, January 1958, p.62, footnote 39)
Well, that's enough for now!! It makes me sick to read such evil, awful things, so I'm gonna end this post. I feel like throwing up!! Are you kidding me? Brigham Young has a monument in Salt Lake and the modern day Prophets and Apostles revere this evil, rotten, son of a bitch?!! Next time they quote this evil bastard in conference, I hope that they quote some of these teachings for a change. People speculate that he may have been poisoned and that is why he died. I for one say that I hope he was poisoned and that it was a horrible painful death!!
Brigham Young was nothing but an evil vile man who delighted in killing and the death of others and justified it in the name of God. I hope that you enjoy your life Briggy, with Satan in hell. I heard that he needed a few good leaders and you seem to fit the bill perfectly. All I can say if this evil son of a bitch made it into heaven, then everybody reading this post should most likely make it with no problems!! Sorry for the language but these quotes and teachings just infuriate me. What in infuriates me even more, is that the Modern Day Mormon Church leaders, especially the Prophet Hinckley, have never asked for any forgiveness of any of these quotes, teachings or statements. This alone proves the Mormon Church to be a complete and total fraud. A true Church of God would not teach these things!!
With that being said, all I can conclude, is that the modern day Mormon Church, stands behind every statement above that you just read. If they didn't, wouldn't they say it publicly? After all, they still sell The History Of The Church and The Journal of Discourses at their Deseret Bookstore and they are the ones that created it and printed it. I called Deseret Book the other day and was told that they are currently creating a paperback edition of The Journal of Discourses that it is being printed as we speak. I wonder if they are going to edit it? I doubt it, when they still believe the teachings. I want to thank the "Tanners" for their website and also the website "Real Mormon History" as a reference for many of the quotes above.
As I mentioned in the beginning, there will be many more editions to come on the Mormon Hall of Shame!! Frankly, after reading these quotes and many others that I will share in the future, I can only conclude two things; it's amazing that the Mormon Church even exists at all, in any form, and that it's pretty obvious that the real world in general, doesn't know or hasn't heard these quotes and teachings.
I'm gonna personally see to it that that changes in the very near future!! There is enough ammunition in just the teachings and history of the Mormon Church to easily bring it to its knees if we can just get it out there to the mainstream. If we can get this information distributed across the Internet and the world, I guarantee that the Mormon Church as we now know it, will not exist very long. You will always have your die-hard lunatics that wouldn't leave no matter what but we can help get everybody else out of the Church and it will, by all intents and purposes, fall hard. If these comments become well known around the world and by powerful news agencies, the Mormon Church will be forced to respond.
My guess is that if they don't still believe these teachings, they can't really deny them because that would make Brigham Young and many other Prophets and Apostles, false and frauds, starting with Joseph Smith himself. If he is a fraud, along with so many others, than all we can really conclude, is that the entire Mormon Church, from it's inception right up to this moment, has been and is a complete and total fraud!! Feel free to share this information with as many people as you can!!
The Mormon Church must answer for their past sins and be held accountable, just like they hold members accountable for minor things such as masturbation, fornication, drinking, etc. Give me a break!! Those things pale in comparison to the sins of the Mormon Church and it's dark past. To this day, they have never admitted to or asked the people to forgive them for these sins and horrilbe things. Talk about skeletons in the closet!! They have enough for everybody!!They answer to nobody and it's time that that changes!!
Let's hold this evil cult called the Mormon Church, accountable for their sins, for once and for all. They owe the world an explanation on their dark evil past and why they have purposely defrauded millions of people while robbing them of 10% or their income. I want to see Hinckley in a press conference, getting grilled by reporters. Maybe I'm just dreaming, but I truly believe that it will happen at some point.
Mark my words, the day will come in the near future, where they will indeed have to publicly answer for their transgressions and the whole world will know, finally, that they are indeed a fraud and not "the one and only true Church of Jesus Christ" on the face of the earth!!
Samuel the Utahnite