An Insider's View of Mormon Origins
by Grant Palmer
Trade Paperback
SKU: 4257443
Your Price: $24.95
(This is right off of Deseret Book's website. Of course, you can't find it through searching, it is gone, but this old link is still there. Check it out for yourself if you don't believe me.)
http://deseretbook.com/store/reviews?sku=4257443 (This link was removed and no longer worked within about 2 days of my posting it here...hmm...I wonder why? Looks like big brother is watching!!)
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A total of 7 customers have shared their comments about An Insider's View of Mormon Origins.
Reviewed by James, Virginia
December 13, 2004
Excellent Book!
A must read for anyone truly interested in Mormon history.
Reviewed by A
November 30, 2004
I absorbed this brilliant book in 3 days!!
I loved this book. It was easy to read and full of common sense. There are some really interesting things in this book that i had no idea about, and so it has really added to my knowledge of church history.What i loved about this book is that Grant Palmer does not dress things up. He states the facts, presents the evidence and then gives a small conclusion.........it is up the the reader to decide on how they feel about the information given. I find a lot of church manuals repetitive and this was a breath of fresh air. There may be some church members who don't like this book. But there is nothing unlikable about truth in my eyes, and we should be glad that there are men and women out there who are bringing the full picture of our heritage to our door steps. If we believe in this great church then we have no need to fear truth. This book is a worth while addition to any LDS Library.
Reviewed by a customer from the Internet
May 6, 2004
Wolf in sheep's clothing
Yes, the key word is "critical" acclaim. Palmer is a wolf in Sheep's clothing. His book is methodologically naive and destroys faith. I'm surprised, given DB's policies, that they carry this patently antimormon book. If you want good LDS history, read Richard L. Bushman.
Reviewed by a customer from Utah
May 6, 2004
Neither faith-promoting nor scholarly
This is not a scholarly or faith-promoting work. Rather, it seeks to cast doubt on Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, and the history of the Church. Definitely not recommended reading for someone looking for something uplifting.
Reviewed by Scott
May 6, 2004
An introduction to 'meat', after living off Gospel 'milk'
While the coverage of this book is not as comprehensive as others (e.g., Quinn's, Brodie's), its succinctness and gentleness makes 'Insiders' perhaps the best source from which to start exploring the details behind the basic founding events of Mormonism.
Reviewed by a customer from the Internet
March 15, 2004
fascinating read
A very well researched book that attempts to recount accurate history. If you want something real, pick this up and read it.
Reviewed by a customer from AUSTRALIA
March 4, 2004
New & Up-to date church History
An Excellently researched church history book. Touching on subjects address in; Ensign January 1985; Ensign July 1993. ,
I think any reader will be satisfied with this highly researched and critically acclaimed volume. ,
A must read for every church member, buy a copy today.
Add your own review.
Yeah okay Deseret book, I will add my own review...
Now, keep in mind that Grant Palmer was disfellowshipped after being called to a Church Court. Why was he disfellowshipped you ask? Oh, that's easy, he wrote a "non-faith promoting book" that hurt peoples testimonies of the cult and fraud. Of course the Mormon Church had no problem selling and profiting from his book for nearly 2 years before pulling the plug on both him and his book. Damn Mormon cult hypocrites!! I wonder if they returned the profits that they made from the book to Grant Palmer? Yeah right!! After all, the Mormon Church would never want to appear to have their hands on dirty money, right? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! That was the Mormon Church laughing all the way to the bank. Also, that is the Mormon Church leaders laughing at what they consider all the dumb sheeple, that actually believe that they're called of God and that the Church is true.
It is my opinion that they allowed Deseret Book, God's officially sanctioned bookstore, to sell Grant's book, because they know that what is in the book is the real truth. They were "testing the waters" so to speak. The response was that it was destroying testimonies and damaging when people learn the truth, so they pulled the book and disfellowshipped Grant Palmer to cover their ass publicly. Of course, they never answered as to why they allowed the book to be sold in God's official book store for nearly two years. Gee, I wonder why?!!
Grant Palmer is a stud and I respect him 10,000 times more than that Prophet of fraud Hinckley. At least Grant Palmer is an honest man with more integrity in his little pinkie than Hinckley has in his whole body!! This book clearly unravels the core of the Mormon founding beliefs and it explains everything clearly and concisely. I was afraid to read this book because I knew that it would end my Mormon faith and convince me that the Mormon Church was a fraud. Guess what? I was right!! Thank you Grant Palmer for your 10 years of hard work to expose the truth. You are the man!!
Here are some great links for Grant Palmer for those of you that maybe aren't familiar with him or his book.
This page is all Grant Palmer all the time:
Here is a direct link to his radio interview that he did before his Church court:
Here is a great, HONEST review of his book with a link to Amazon, where you can buy it for $16.47. For anyone that is hedging, wants to know the truth about the Mormon Church or on the fence, take the plunge for 16 bucks and you'll be glad you did. This book will set you free:
Everybody, please read this book!! The Mormon Church is a complete fraud and this book will explain why and how, from The First Vision, to The Book of Mormon!!
Samuel the Utahnite
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