After my original post over on the Ex-Mormon recovery board, I've had several people thank me for posting this information. This was my response to those that thanked me publicly and silently. For anyone that I may have helped or that felt grateful that I would post this information, this response is for you also:
Hey, no problem, it is my pleasure!! I'm just so glad that I'm not the close minded, brainwashed, judgmental person anymore, that the Mormon Church and their teachings had helped to create. I just can't believe how insensitive and clueless I really was. I guess better late than never.
I've already helped several people to change their views on gay marriage and why everybody should have the chance to be happy and with someone they love. It doesn't matter where they are from, what the color of their skin is or what their sexual preference is. People are people. People have feelings and the right to be happy. That last statement I just made would get me excommunicated from the Mormon bigot Church. Isn't that amazing?
If I or anyone that was an active member of the Church, went public, on TV, radio, etc and made those statements and said that we disagreed with the Church on their beliefs, they would ex us. Wow!! Any doubts guys that the Mormon Church is a hate filled bigoted Church? Any doubt left that the Mormon Church is a cult?!! Most of the members that are against gay marriage or black people, are just being the way they have been trained and told to be. If they aren't, they risk excommunication.
I wanted to share some other quotes from an article about Kip Eliason from Idaho who committed suicide because he couldn't stop masturbating. Of course the Church believes that anyone that masturbates, has the danger of becoming homosexual. That is their real fear about masturbation. These excerpt's that I'm gonna share with you guys were shocking to me and I was horrified that the Mormon Church had actually been involved in something so degrading and evil. I don't know if they still do it, but I'm sure they do, why not? right?
I know that the Church basically runs "Evergreen" and that Mormon GA's and Bishops, Leaders, etc, are on the board. It's just awful!! For those out there that know more about what is currently going on with "Evergreen" and what they actually do there, I'd love to know. Are they still doing the "Shock Therapy?" Are they still using pornography?
Anyway, here's the quote from the article that was written:
"In a devotional speech to young adults in 1974 the late Spencer W. Kimball, Prophet, Seer and Revelator of the Mormon Church, admonished teenagers: "Immorality [petting, premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality and masturbation] brings generally a guilt deep and lasting. These guilt complexes are the stuff of which mental breakdowns come; they are the building blocks of suicide, the fabric of distorted personalities and the wounds that scar and decapitate individuals or families.""
"In the pamphlet Love vs. Lust, Kimball warned masturbators that if they don't stop, they will end up homosexual: "Masturbation is the introduction of the more serious sin of exhibitionism and the gross sin of homosexuality." And in Tools for Missionaries the church states that medical doctors believe masturbation "dulls the mind and has adverse effect on the memory.""
If the church's stand on masturbation is based on turn-of-the-century science, its controversial treatment for homosexuals might be right out of the futureshock novel and cult-film classic A Clockwork Orange.
The so-called electroshock conditioning starts in the downtown Salt Lake City office of psychologist and active Mormon Robert Card. First, electrodes are strapped to the homosexual's arms or fingers, biofeedback monitors are attached to his head, and a circular electronic sensor is placed around his penis. Next, the patient sits in a darkened room where he views videotapes of heterosexual and homosexual sex acts.
If the patient gets an erection while watching the heterosexual tapes, a biofeedback digital-display monitor registers a positive numerical reading. But if the patient begins to have an erection while viewing the homosexual tapes, the electrodes strapped to his arms or fingers deliver an electrical shock.
Don Atridge, an ex-Mormon homosexual who was also a member of the famed Mormon Tabernacle Choir, underwent five months of shock treatments conducted by Dr. Card, whom he refers to as Dr. Frankenstein. "Every time I left his office, I was hornier than ever. Many times my arms were red and cut up from the shocks — they looked like hamburger."
Another ex-Mormon gay, Les (who wanted only his first name identified), is very angry. "It's horrible having the hell shocked out of you when you get sexually excited. The entire thing was disgusting." Les even considered suicide. "After a while suicide looked like the most honorable thing to do. Many Mormon gays do it. I had it all planned, an automobile accident on a certain curve in the mountains; it was a way my children and family would be spared."
In February 1984 the Australian television version of 60 Minutes aired a segment about the treatments, titled "Saints and Sinners." Utah native and ex-Mormon Gary L. Stone told producer Warren McStoker that be didn't just leave the church after being treated by Dr. Card. He kidnapped his four-year-old daughter from his ex-wife to get her away from the church and then moved to Australia.
"Getting myself and my daughter away from the Mormon Church was the best decision I've made in my entire 32-year life." About Dr. Card's treatment he says, "It's destructive. They are purposely trying to destroy you. If you are a homosexual in the church, you have only three options — you can lie, you can die or you can disappear."
While publicly abhorring any form of pornography, the church uses porn to treat homosexuality. And although it doesn't openly embrace Dr. Card's treatment, many higher-ups endorse the therapy and even refer church members for treatment.
The Mormon instructional pamphlet Homosexuality outlines and suggests specific therapeutic methods to be used in sex counseling. They include establishing rapport and confidentiality, assessment counseling, fantasy-changing, goal-setting, thought-stopping, chain-breaking and aversion therapy. The church believes that all homosexuals started out as masturbators; so counselors are instructed to identify the masturbator, gain his confidence, assess his needs and then design and implement a plan to help him stop before it leads to "more perverse and repugnant sins."
Although the church encourages the use of these potentially dangerous therapies, it fails to offer implementation guidelines. Bishops have no way of recognizing emotional and psychological problems or even mental illness. Also, they have no way of knowing whether the therapy is helpful or harmful.
Again, Dr. Jack Annon: "It is my professional opinion that the LDS Church has gone a step beyond propounding a certain viewpoint that masturbation is a sin, and has actually instructed its leaders, teachers and bishops to provide counseling and to utilize behavior-'modification skills that can have very dangerous and adverse effects."
The link to article
I hope that we can get more people to respond to this post and express what they think and feel about these horrific teachings by the Mormon Church. I know that for me, it is something very passionate because these teachings are causing depression, suicides and loss of life. I believe that these teachings are downright criminal, destructive and life destroying!! If they don't outrage you, they should!!
Samuel the Utahnite
If all the above statements are even true, it does not mean that the LDS church is not true. I know lots of stupid Mormons that have done stupid things and have even stupid ideas but this does not disprove the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith as a modern day prophet of God. Read the Book of Mormon if you already have base your testimony on that and how Jesus Christ really is responsible for it. There are stupid people in the Mormon church that are very ignorant, just like there are very stupid and ignorant people in the Christ's church in old times. Just read the Bible, I can't believe how patient Jesus was. His apostles today in the Mormon church are no more perfect today than they were in the new testament. Following the basic principles of the Mormon church will bring you closer to God in this life than anything else you will find on this earth.
It's simple; if those "stupid Mormons that have done stupid things" and "have stupid ideas" and the "stupid people" that you speak of, include the Prophets and Apostles, past and present...you have a huge problem and the church is false, without a doubt.
You are forgetting that you've been promised, as a Mormon, that you cannot EVER be led astray by these men, without God removing them. Let me post the quotes as a reminder:
M. Russell Ballard said:
"God bless you to keep your eyes riveted on the leadership of the Church. We will not lead you astray. We cannot."
Then President Benson taught:
"The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet, The prophet will never lead the church astray and The prophet and the presidency—the living prophet and the First Presidency—follow them and be blessed—reject them and suffer.
In Declaration #1, in the Doctrine and Covenants:
"The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty."
M. Russell Ballard then says again:
"You keep your eyes riveted on the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. WE WILL NOT LEAD YOU ASTRAY. WE CANNOT."
Now, these are Apostles and Prophets teaching this; so were they leading astray then or are they doing it now?.
I'm simply holding these men to their own standards of excellence and near perfection and infallibility that they assure everyone they have. They cannot error, or make a mistake, EVER, that would in any way lead the Saints astray; that is the promise, right?
So why then were these men allowed to teach such horrible things, such as what is in this post and in addition, that blacks are cursed by God, with a flat nose and black skin, etc?
You really need to re-evaluate your beliefs and who and what you believe in and why. Put these men to the test. They promise they cannot ever take a misstep in their teachings and can never be wrong.
So now, use your own common sense, read their teachings, use your brain, think logically and see if you agree with EVERY word and EVERYTHING they say. If you don't, they are false Prophets and the church is false.
Study up on Joseph Smith's child-brides as young as 14, that he sex with, behind Emma's back, in secrecy. Read about how Joseph Smith married other men's happily married wives and had sex with them too. Wouldn't this be adultery?
However, nowadays, if you masturbate, you're screwed, but Joseph Smith was committing adultery with at least 33 women in secret, because "God commanded it" and "would have his angel kill him with a flaming sword", if he didn't.
Anyway, do your homework, know the "true Mormon history" and then get back to me, because you appear to be in the dark and very naive, just as I was 20 months ago.
It's not easy finding out one day that you were in a cult your whole life and that the entire foundation of the church today and all the way back to 1820, was based on fraud and lies.
However, great freedom of mind, thought and expression, that you've never had, await you, when you finally make your exit from the Mormon cult and it is a great feeling!!
Good luck and best wishes,
Im sorry to say it but I think you are misinterrupting alot of these qoutes from what the person being qouted had orginaly meant for example...
M. Russell Ballard said:
"God bless you to keep your eyes riveted on the leadership of the Church. We will not lead you astray. We cannot."
you impleyed he was saying that they couldnt lead people astray because god wouldnt let them, AKA denying them the free agency to do so... now that dosent make much sence to me.
I read it as
"God bless you to keep your eyes riveted on the leadership of the Church."
(because they should be giving good advice that will help in some way with your life)
"We will not lead you astray.We cannot."
(I took this part as more of a way of him saying that they would do there best to help lead and would not knowingly lead people down a bad path. The "We cannot." part is him saying that if they were to knowingly lead people astray than they would have failed God of course they "cannot" let that happen
And for the record, Im not saying there isnt another more accurate interpetation for qoute, but I am saying the only way to truly understand the exact meaning behund ones words is to ask the person who said them...
Okay, fine, we'll strike Ballard's comments from the conversation, because he didn't actually mean exactly what he said.
So, now explain Wilford Woodruff's statement and try to twist his words, like a pretzel, into something that will fit your idea of the "one and only true church:"
In Declaration #1, in the Doctrine and Covenants:
So, what does that mean to you? What does "IF I WERE TO ATTEMPT THAT, THE LORD WOULD REMOVE ME OUT OF MY PLACE..." mean to you?
It will be interesting to hear your twist on his words, so that they once again fit into your little box of understanding. Trust me, I understand, because I used to do the same thing you're doing.
The fact is, when you're a Mormon, you ALWAYS begin with the premise that "the church is true", no matter what. So, then we have to make every single thing fit perfectly, no matter how much we have to distort it and twist our brains.
Good luck and I look forward to your response.
Also, do you agree that the youth of the church should be taught, as Kimball and the First Presidency taught, that "It is better to die chaste than to live unchaste."
How about:
"Loss of virtue is too great a price to pay even for the preservation of ones life - BETTER DEAD CLEAN, THAN ALIVE UNCLEAN. Many is faithful the Latter-day Saint parent who has sent a son or a daughter on a mission or otherwise out into the world with the direction: 'I WOULD RATHER YOU HAVE COME BACK IN A PINE BOX WITH YOUR VIRTUE THAN RETURN ALIVE WITHOUT IT.'"
Apostle Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine (all editions), page 124.
Heber J. Grant is also quoted in Kimball's book saying:
"...There is no true Latter-day Saint who would not rather bury a son or daughter than to have him or her lose his or her chastity -- realizing that chastity is of more value than anything else in all the world."
If that isn't telling people that have committed sexual sin to kill themselves in shame, I don't know what is. I can't believe that anyone would teach, yet alone actually believe, support and sustain these horrific teachings, as having come from "inspired men of God."
Then, in conclusion, we have Kimball talking about women that are raped and he concludes with:
"It is BETTER TO DIE in defending one's virtue than to live having lost it without a struggle."
So right here, Kimball is saying that any woman who survives a rape, should be dead, would be better off dead and obviously didn't fight hard enough or she would be 6 feet under!!
You actually support these horrific and startling teachings, that have caused people to kill themselves?
The mormon church sucks. WEll most organized religions suck, but especially the mormons.
with the language, stand, views and opinions that we are using right now, i find it interesting how fascinating would it be for us to discuss this matter in the great judgment bar, bringing "the same spirit to enter our bodies"
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