The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Mormon are trademarks of Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Proof that the Church refers to themselves as "The Corporation of the President."
Our Identity and How to Contact Us
This site is owned and operated by Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I thought that this was an interesting link showing how it all fits together,at least certain parts of the corporation:
Look guys at all the things we can donate to:
Here are our options of how we want to give that gift:
Check, credit card, money order, wire transfer, or automatic bank withdrawal
Strange, I thought that the Church discouraged credit card debt, I guess unless you are giving money to God and his Church.
Plus, look at all the assets we can give them too!! How nice of them:
• Securities
Stocks, bonds, or mutual funds
• Personal residence
Home, duplex, or condominium
• Farm or ranch
Family-owned or inherited property
• Commercial real estate
Office buildings, apartments, or other rental property
• Unimproved property
Raw or partially developed sites
• Art
Paintings, sculptures, or other fine art
• Retirement plan assets
IRAs, Keoghs, or other qualified plans
• Patents, royalties, or copyrights
Oil, music, inventions, etc.
• Life insurance policy with cash value
Mature policies with accumulated cash value
• Collectibles or other tangible personal property
Coins, stamps, books, artifacts, animals, etc.
• Equipment or inventory
Medical equipment, computers, machinery, etc.
Deseret Mutual Benefit Association was restructured as a mutual insurance company; its owners continued to be the LDS Church (under the Corporation of the President) and its subsidiaries. The name was changed to DESERET MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, doing business as DESERET MUTUAL.
SuzieQ#1 had a great post the other day regarding Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators and their saving thrift plan.
If you look under Longleaf Value Equity, one of the fund managers, you'll find some of the companies that they are invested in, therefore the Church is also invested in them.
Common Stock 82.0%
Vivendi Universal SA 6.7
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 6.2
Yum! Brands, Inc. 5.9
General Motors Corporation 5.6
Cemex S.A. de C.V. 5.6
The Walt Disney Corporation 5.4
Liberty Media Corporation 5.0
Comcast Corporation 5.0
FedEx Corporation 5.0
The DIRECTV Group, Inc. 4.9
The NipponKoa Insurance Company, Ltd. 4.8
Pioneer Natural Resources Company 4.3
Aon Corporation 4.2
Waste Management, Inc. 3.3
Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. 3.3
Diageo 2.8
Knight-Ridder, Inc. 2.1
Level 3 Communications, Inc. 1.9
Corporate Bonds 2.3
Level 3 Communications, Inc. 2.3
Cash Reserves 15.5
Other Assets and Liabilities, net 0.2
So, lets see....The Church is generating income from Direct TV and Comcast, which show and make great profits from hard-core porno. Disney, which shows R-rated movies through Touchstone. Also, Diageo, which is an alcohol and spirits company with such brands as Smirnoff, Guinness, Baileys, Cuervo, etc.
It's nice to finally be able to find the evidence and the connections that we all knew were out there somewhere, so it comes as no surprise. Since they do have a little interest in Diageo, maybe that explains why they wanted the restaurants to sell alcohol in their mall. I guess if they can't make money directly by owning the physical ground of the restaurants, they can make it through alcohol being sold to the restaurants. I'm sure that somewhere they have many more investments in alcohol that we just haven't found yet. If anyone finds more, lets us know.
Thanks SuzieQ#1 for your awesome post a week or so ago. I just wanted to mention it again so that everyone that didn't see it, can see it again. You financial experts out there, if we are somehow wrong on these connections that we've made, let us know. I don't pretend to be an expert on these matters but by doing my own homework on what SuzieQ#1 posted last week, it seemed pretty compelling to me.
So, I see it like this; The Church owns Deseret Mutual Benefit Association which has a saving thrift plan which is managed by several Investment Fund Managers, one of which is Longleaf Value Equity, which shows in it's portfolio and its SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT a t J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 0 5, the companies that I listed above. However, I do find it very appropriate that they also have an investment in a waste management company since the Church is a big pile of crap!!
So, now I ask, is this a Church or a Corporation? I think we all know the answer to that question.
Let me just say that This just backs up everything I've said about the Church being run by a bunch of Hypocrites!! Do as I say, not as I do!! That is indeed their motto and they live it perfectly. It's my opinion that if the Church is what they say they are in every General Conference, then they need to quit talking the talk and walk the walk. If they truly are so against alcohol and pornography,(Oaks said that porno is worse than hard drugs like cocaine) then how can they even touch anything that has anything to do with it? Isn't it amazing. First, the whole fiasco of them allowing alcohol to be served in their malls and now I find this information confirming everything, that they really don't care what they have their hands on, as long as it makes them money.
I don't know who is going to read this and where you are in your life as far as the Mormon Church goes, but I hope that this post helps everyone to have a better picture and perspective of exactly what is the goal of the Mormon Church; to make money at any cost!! Alcohol, porno, R-rated movies, it doesn't really matter as long as they make money. In other words, their fake and pretend values, that they preach at every General Conference, only apply to the common folks, not to Gods servants as they call themselves. Obviously God has given them a pass in his name to not have to live their own teachings as long as it makes money for God's kingdom. Too bad everyone doesn't get that pass.
There is no excuse whatsoever for the Mormon Church or anybody that is a General Authority in the Mormon Church, such as Marriott, that should ever have anything to do with profiting from alcohol, porno or even R-rated movies. You can't have it both ways guys!! What kind of example are they setting? Apparently they don't really care now, do they? After all, they are God's annointed and can do anything they want and they answer to nobody!!
Samuel the Utahnite
The world is not perfect. The only person ever that is perfect is Jesus himself. What is the church doing with this so called crap money? Have you researched this?
The church is also bound by the laws of the land. Freedom of choice by the people. God gives us that right to choose not have the church choose for us.
Money invested in anything may have it's feet somewhere in the mud and muck. Is it wrong to make money to further build the kingdom of Christ and educate the people to make their own freedom of choice to change their environment? Questions???
It is for reasons like this that I *too* am considering my association with the church as being on rocky ground. Thank you for this useful information.
However, unlike you, I am not abandoning my faith, merely taking it elsewhere. I just need to figure out now which of the fundamentalist Mormon groups would be best for me. They seem to actually hold to the gospel truth and not be hypocrites.
You guys are truly sick in the head. It's unbelievable how twisted your thoughts are. Can you people think for yourself? What type of courses did you take in school? You continually mutter a bunch of nonsense that means nothing....and I mean nothing.
If you actually read the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you would understand why the Corparation was set up.
Under the second article it states "...this corporation shall have power, without any authority or authorization from the members of said Church or religious society, to grant, sell, convey, rent, mortgage, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any part or all of such property."
(For those of you that don't fully understand what is states)
-In simple terms it says that this corporation has power to manage the property of the Church, without authorization from the memebers of the Church or the Church itself.
So, if you are basing much of your argument on the fact that the COP is part of the Church or another name of the Church, then you are grossly misdirected. It was established to independantly manage the property of the Church, and in doing so hires investors to give stable growth to their investments.
If you still believe that the COP is so erronious then might I suggest you take a look at yourself and see what stocks YOUR investor is investing in. Yes, you might be invested in a certain company's stocks, but who is to say that that company is not investing some of it's assets in the same profit generating investments?
The big picture is this, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints started the Corporation of the President to independantly protect and manage its assets, similar to ourselves having brokers and investors to manage our retirement funds or investment portfolios. Except the funds of the Church are to be used exclusivly "... for works of charity and for public worship". Try and say that about your own investments.
If the Corporation of the President IS guilty of anything it is in not informing the people that it is an independant not-for-profit corporation NOT the actual Church.
The funny thing is this:
If you try to argue the truth to conspiracy advocates, they are more likely to jump to the conclusion of a cover-up or pick at the weaknesses of the argument rather than return to middle ground and take a fresh view of the evidence (i.e. doing more research) before passing judgment again. So I guess I am really preaching the truth to the choir, or at least "the choir" are the ones understanding.
Oh Goody!! I can't wait to read all the comments this site will no doubtably get!
I love it!
"Under the second article it states "...this corporation shall have power, without any authority or authorization from the members of said Church or religious society, to grant, sell, convey, rent, mortgage, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any part or all of such property."
(For those of you that don't fully understand what is states)
-In simple terms it says that this corporation has power to manage the property of the Church, without authorization from the memebers of the Church or the Church itself."
How convenient!! The restored church is letting others manage their properties and monies and making bukko bucks in the process while simultaneously cutting back on missionary $$$. Hmmmmm. I guess more $ is needed for that mall. Priorities.
I can't wait to see what other issues are covered here!
Thanks for letting more people know how they can give.
LAND FRAUD and LAND DEVELOPMENT Vacation Home Activity is a matter of interest to me. IF you have any information on RAW LAND DEVELOPMENTS or VACATION Home projects financed, owned or operated by the LDS Church and it's MANY holdings PLEASE WRITE
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