Friday, November 3, 2006

Gordon B. Hinckley, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith And....Jesus Smith? LOL! Considering That Joseph Smith Said He Was Greater Than Jesus, It Makes Sense!!

I just thought we could all use some good comedy relief...well at least us fellow ex-Mormons, as I'm sure most TBMS won't find this funny in the slightest.

Not much to say really, as the video clip and words of the Mormon Prophet of fraud, Gordon B. Hinckley, are pretty self-explanatory, wouldn't you say? I have a lot to put on my blog in the next few days, including many more videos and I'll try to mix some more great humor in there.

Paul Maughan, who created the "Hinckley trashing missionaries video", has made a whole bunch of new videos, that make me laugh my ass off; yet they are powerful and make great points in the process, using their own words.

Thanks Paul for all the work you do on these videos, to help share the truth of the Mormon fraud through humor.

Please leave your comments,

Samuel the Utahnite


Matt said...

Brave stuff! I'm sure the Mormon Church is not alone in misleading its followers, whether deliberately or in ignorance. It will also not be alone in having within its membership cynical manipulators alongside people of genuine faith and goodwill.
No doubt you will continue to receive angry responses - but you are entitled to express your views. Vitriolic reactions show that you have struck a nerve.

Anonymous said...

And you've never mis-spoke?Gimme a break,better to have never seen the light,than seen it and deny it...

Anonymous said...

You're a very poor man, Samuel.
I saw your blog from France, and I am horrified with your conclusion about only human errors.
Please note that I have been in the exact situation than yours. I have even been a Bishop councellor, made a mission, was married in the Temple, and went out after 30 years.
The only reason is because I was some upsetted with the Lord !
We didn't continue to talk to each other, because I probably don't understand everything he is telling me.
But wonder! How could I have been able to goaway from his face, if I dind'nt meet him. Remember that we come to the knowledge and the reality of his existence only through a personnal testimony.
Unfortunatly for you, I do not have lost mine, even if I have demanded to be scratched from the list of members. Maybe the trial will be now between him and me.
But if you forgett YOUR tetimony, you must now be a "poor man"

Cernovog said...

Hey "anonymous" I think you're taking this a bit too seriously. It's just a particularly funny slip of the tongue.

Get a chuckle out of it or shrug it off. Either way, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Thanks Paul and Samuel for sharing. I got a bit of a chuckle out of it.

ray said...

That's good. Out of all the slips he could have made... Jesus Smith. That's great!

Anon, of course we have all mis- spoken from time to time. It's not like this little clip is a testimony breaker. Besides, isn't Hinckley regarded as the profit with a sense of humor? So just laugh and get over it.

By the way, have you seen the light? What exactly does that mean? Did Jesus visit you personally? God? Just asking because if I remember correctly, even Hinckley admits that he has never seen God.,
Your comment totally confused me. You still have a strong booming testimony but you have still requested your name to be removed? That is totally screwed up, man. Remember, when you have your name removed, your baptism, priesthood, endowments are all nullified. Basically that means you're screwed. Sorry, but your testimony isn't going to save you, no matter how much you still believe. You say "poor Samuel"? At least Samuel doesn't have a double standard about what he believes! Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

FUCK Mormonism. FUCK the cult.

So many lives ruined. So many families torn apart (mine included).

CW said...

Heh! "Jesus Smith," nice stuff. XD

Anonymous said...

Hello Ray,
This is Oisac again.

I understand your confusion, but I left. the Lord did not throw me away!
How can I not keep my testimony, even though I am not a member anymore!

Don't be confused yourself, Samuel is saying: "this is not the truth", but I know were is the truth,my testimony is not a dream !
satan tried to say some bad things were good.
Only your conscience can help you
Do not laf too much i'm serious !


Cernovog said...

Well, I guess he told you, Ray.

Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of this clip. His slipp up is rather funny. We all make them--but you have to admit this is a really funny one. jesus Smith? Well, in a way that is how the Mormons look at old Joe. They do revere him --which actually looks a bit more like adore him when you see their BYU Xmas display or listen to them sign Praise to the Man.

Anyway, great clip Samuel. I loved it!
PS: You got any podcasts coming out soon???

Daniel Boon said...

Hey Samuel,
some time ago, you said you wanted to do a podcast or a blog entry on your current beliefs. That would be an interesting point for most of your readers/listeners, I suppose.

Some time ago, I enjoyed John Dehlins triple-podcast on his beliefs very much. Unfortunately, he has deleted them (political correctness?)

Anyway, I suppose most of us would like you to tell us your "story" and where you stand now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Samuel, I've been away overseas for awhile.

When I got back I was talking to someone about the church and the mentioned that it was the "Church of Joseph Smith". That one phrase reverberated with me to the middle of my bones!! Of course! This was never about a mythical Jesus Christ, it was and will forever be about the murdering, lying, theiving, molesting Joseph Smith! It always has been and shame on you if you don't love him as much as TBM's do.

Thanks Samuel. Hope to hear a podcast soon.


Sam A said...

Hi Samuel, I just found your blog thanks to the link you put on YouTube!

You crack me up! You are so sharp and so spot on!

There are many blogs out there that just trash the LDS Church. You are doing it in a very intelligent way with very accurate information. Man, you know your stuff more than Hinckley -but that's not hard!

This blog is great! I sure will come back for more!

Keep on spreading the truth about that organization, here and on YouTube! YOU ROCK and I do salute you!

This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Smith, Amen

Chuck Smith said...

I was just reading some posts on Eric Hoffman's fun-blog.
Currently, he is debating with an ex calvary-chapel member about the Calvary doctrine of Mose's Authoritarianism.

Guess what he replied when being asked.
Let's put it in the words of our beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley:
"I don't know that we teach it, I don't know that we emphasize it."

I had a good laugh reading that.
It's funny how cults are alike to each other, be it the Mor(m)ons, the Calvary Chaplains, the Jehova's Witnesses, the Scientologists, the Moonies, whoever.

Anyway, let's enjoy a world which is full of dumb****s.
In the name of Cheese and Rice (Condoleza),

P.S.: When I read Elton John's pledge to forbid all religions, I had long to think if he wasn't right.
After all, most religions DO create intolerance and hatered.
But after all, there are some religions which don't.
Have you ever heard of Crusades performed by Buddhists?
So maybe there is hope for a peaceful world with religions.
Take care.

Chuck (Moses) Smith said...

Hey Samuel,
about my prophesies:
I will keep the same strategy as the Jehova's witnesses.
Actually, Jesus DID come back to the world at the date I predicted, but he was invisible to you disbelievers, so you didn't see him.
But me and my bud Joe McCormick speak to him regularly, and consequently we know it all and reign over our congregations like Mose did in the days of old.

Yeah, Eric's page is not really worth a visit, as he copies most of his content from your site anyway (e.g. the issue about Mitt Romney). As his response on his website shows, he reads your blog hourly, as he soon responded on his blog, accusing the original author (the ex-calvary guy) to be me, Chuck Smith. Why should I as the chief of Calvary Chapel leave my own church?

As most of Eric's readers are either calvary chapel pastors or other radical evangelicals anyway, he will probably have much effect anyway.
As far as I see, he so far converted no one, neither a Mormon, nor other guys like the funny Buddhist or others who were kicked after asking troubling questions to "I-know-it-all" Eric and his buddy Joe Mc Cormick.

By the way, did you recognize that when you combine the name
"Joe McCormick" and "Chuck Smith", you get "Joe Smith" !
If that ain't a coincidence.

So watch out for Jesus (the invisible one!)
Hmm, actually, your remarks about "God speaking" actually being psychological problems made me think hard.
If I see Eric Hoffman, I would agree that there is a fine line between religious faith and paranoid mental problems.
Maybe there is no difference at all.

Anyway, praise God many people believe this crap and pay my bills.
Chuck ("Moses") Smith.

Anonymous said...

Hey Samuel,
Are you OK? I have been looking for any new podcasts. Are you going to have any more coming out? Hope you are OK!

Anonymous said...

Hey Samuel,

You and I have both been away for a wee while I see.

I hope your Holidays are joyous for you and that all is well.

I look forward to your future comments, blogs, and podcasts.


Greg said...

I see the mormon church as a front for organized crime.