Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Mormon Steven Jones, The BYU Professor and 911 Conspiracy Theorist, Finally Quits, While On Paid Leave And Under Investigation For His Theories.

The BYU Professor Steven Jones, that personally believes that President Bush orchestrated, planned and carried out the 911 tragedy, by planting bombs in the towers and firing a missile at the Pentagon, finally quit BYU.(Praise the Mormon God!!)

He was put on paid leave and was under investigation by Jesus Christ's employees, for about the last month or so.(what was so damn hard to investigate) Is the Holy of Holies out of order or being remodeled? Did Jesus get stuck in a wormhole on his way to see Hinckley?

Maybe Jesus himself is investigating 911, as we speak, to see what happened, before giving his final report to Gordon B. Hinckley?

Anyway, He finally did the right thing and quit!! He says that he's going to use his time to study his conspiracy theories more. Maybe he can check out the "Bigfoot is Cain story", which Spencer W. Kimball related in his vile, destructive book, "The Miracle Of Forgiveness."

Now that he has more time on his hands, I look forward to what conspiracy he finds next as it should be a real adventure for a ll of us. This guy is a real gem.

So, let me get this straight; he sees a massive conspiracy theory on 911, but sees nothing in Mormon history that even raises an eyebrow?

Boy, that indoctrination and brainwashing from birth, can really do a number on people, even conspiracy theorists like this clown Steven Jones. He should start with Mormonism and then branch know, the milk before the meat...LOL!!

Samuel the Utahnite


Anonymous said...

I like Steve Jones, and yes, I agree with his 9/11 theories. But it is amusing (as you pointed out) that he can so blatantly see the ridiculous lies and propaganda/brainwashing in that scenario - and yet NOT with Mormonism. Whether or not you agree with him, if any good comes of this, it's that his quitting from BYU might signal the beginning of realizing the TRUTH about the Mormon faith. Let's hope he is smart enough to figure it out for himself.

Anonymous said...

I think Steve Jones is an interesting man, especially since he sees the war in Iraq as a war of agression, which is clearly is. That knothead we have in the White House started a war that nobody wanted. Let the Iraqi people get rid of their own dictator. The US does not need to police the world. George Bush is a damn liar and an absolute idiot. It is embarrassing to have that retard as our president.

Getting back to Steve Jones, he may have a screwed up theory about the twin towers, but his comments on the war are right on.


Anonymous said...

So you believe the Mormon Church is desperate to get Romney elected for the ir own purposes (some would call this a "conspiracy theory"), but refuse to look at the plethora of evidence that the WTC was brought down with pre-planted explosives? You need to do some more homework, and stop discrediting Dr. Jones just because he is a "Mormon"! I have spent hundreds of hours researching and Dr. Jones is absolutely 100% CORRECT!! It would seem sacred cows die hard, but CHENEY is the man to blame...Bush is too stupid! Start with these links and take off your blinders, man! My journey out of Mormonism started with learning about 9/11, and why Mormons continue to support this lying president and his thing led to another, and I stopped believing the lies I was being fed by the government, the media, and the Church. Maybe Dr. Jones will wake up to the lie of Mormonism also.,,

Anonymous said...

I woulda figured Samuel to be on the side of any guy who champions the cause of TRUTH in the face of overwhelming lies and cover ups.

STEVEN HJONES is a hero and a true American for standing up to the lies about WTC!!!!!

Just like Samuel saw throgh the lies of the mormon church, STEVEN JONEs saw the lies of the white house. He's one of the good guys.

maybe some day you'll see your both right. Gordon Hinckley and Goerge Bush are both liers!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sameul, you are being naive. There's tons of evidence out there, but I'm not gonna sit here and spell it out for you like a school lesson for a little kid - do the homework yourself.

There are dozens of books on the topic, dozens of documentaries, hundreds of websites. I mean, come on, if you wanted to know the truth - you would. The evidence is overwhelming and it's SO OBVIOUS you haven't researched any of it. Maybe a tidbit here and there and then thought you were informed. For instance try watching these videos on google video:

911 Mysteries
911 Eyewitness

Try reading "The New Pearl Harbor" by Edward Griffin, or "9/11 Synthetic Terror" by Webster Tarpley. Try visiting the numerous websites from scientists, scholars, educators, engineers, etc., which lay out how it was done. Try ACTUAL RESEARCH instead of mockery and blind faith in the government = tantamount to the blind faith we all once had in Mormonism.

Tons of people have come out, from CIA, MI5 and MI6, the Bush admin and former admins, and high ranking officials from other governments SAYING that 9/11 was an inside job. Ok? Just actually research with a half-open mind and figure it all out for yourself.
I don't have the time to sit here all day and spell it out for the skeptics that can't be bothered to research, view the evidence and learn for themselves. Either do it or don't. But don't pretend to be informed and act patronizingly to those of us who have researched this for YEARS literally.

End of story.

I respect what you do in regards to telling the truth about Mormonism, and I think despite differences of opinion we should get back to focusing on that. You are either alienating the 9/11 Truth community with your criticisms of Steve Jones (by the way, actually READ his scientific theories which are on the web), or else if you supported his views, Mormons might think you are a kook and not believe the TRUTH about the LYING MORMON CHURCH. So in reality, you can't win. Maybe better to just leave the topic alone. And I agree with another noter, don't attack Jones just because he's mormon.

Maybe you can't win on this subject. But for your own personal sake, I advocate research and getting a grasp on reality as it is.
It's time to open our eyes people! The church lied to us! The government lies to us! POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Wake up and see the truth and free yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Was Pearl Harbor also arranged and set up by the US Government?

Actually, yeah it was. Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy that was condoned and sanctioned by the war-mongering U.S. Gov't to get the U.S. into the War. It's common knowledge by now.

The RADAR operator at Pearl Harbor actually saw the planes coming and he was ordered by his commanding officer to ignore it.

So yeah, I guess you could say that 9/11 is the new Pearl Harbor and you would be right.

I agree with you on most of your blog but you are way off base with this one. Stick to Mormonism. At least you've done a littel research into that.

Sterling Knight said...

I hear you all. It's all fucked up. Conspiracy this and conspiracy that; fuck it all.
One thing that I do not like, no matter how you look at the Mormon issue: one who claims to be a Christian should not casually use the name of our Savior.
I know, I know; I say, "Goddammit," all the time, but it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to hear the name of our Lord and Savior used in vain. I could never and still can't do it, and I won't even do it when I'm burning in Hell.

Cernovog said...

Pearl Harbor may have given the Americans the real push, the overwhelming public support to formally join the war effort, but America was already involved behind the scenes, providing supplies and intelligence to the Allies.

I've also heard about the radar operator who saw the planes coming and was told to ignore them, but I view this as a tragic mistake and not part of some conspiracy. The U.S. only really needed to get attacked to get that public support thrust. They didn't need the entire base devastated. Rallying the air force to intercept the incoming Zeroes would have no effect on the U.S.'s decision to enter WWII other than saving lives.

brad said...

I still think Jones' claims are very much worth looking into. The more and more that I look into the conspiracy theories and the more I compare them with the 'dubunking sites', the more I find the conspiracy points are valid. One thing that bothers me about Jones, though, is that he seems to get such pleasure in presenting his claims. If what he claims about 9/11 is true, then it isn't anything to be smirking about like he does when he talks about it.

That being said...take another look at his claims those of you who haven't or those of you who have set them aside and laughed them off.

If nothing else, I believe there is alot that is not being answered, and the gov't doesn't seem to be in any hurry to answer them.


Andy said...

I know you are angry at Mormonism -- I;m not a big fan myself. But you haven't met S.J. and you have no right to call him a clown. Frankly (and you can check my blog to see what a strident Mormon basher I am) I think calling a patriot like S.J. a clown makes you look like a complete dick. And I'm your effing fan.

But your comment tirade against 9-11 truth is the single most ignorant piece of stupidity I have read in months. Just visit and from there click their video links or read the material -- EVERY question you ask has an answer that defies the official story.

9-11 is a much bigger con against humanity than the paltry few moronic mormons paying tithe -- billions of people are taken in by this con. You should take a peek at the evidence before you shoot your stupid mouth off again.

Anonymous said...


Steve Jones is a patriot and a hero. Sammy stepped way out of his comfort zone one this one.

- SJfan

Cernovog said...

Hey Samuel,

I find the 9/11 conspiracy theorists to be frighteningly convincing at times, but when you step back and look at the big picture, it's really hard to swallow the whole thing.

It might be more believable that the Bush Administration did not intercept the attacks just like a previous poster said s/he believes that the U.S. purposely allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked. But even that idea is dubious.

Certainly, the Bush Administration has taken advantage of the attacks and they've used the attacks to push their own political and personal agendas passing legislation and taking action that had nothing to do with al Qaida.

However, one thing that upsets me is to see statements like this:

there really are bad guys and terrorists out there that hate America and the freedom that we or any other country has

Ask Joe Average American on the street why we were attacked on 9/11 and they won't have a clue. You'll get retarded answers like "they hate us because we have freedom".

And that's totally not the case.

The fact of the matter is, the United States has pretty much been making it their business to screw over the Arab world since World War II.

The Allies promised the Arabs independence and self-governance if they helped drive Hitler out of North Africa, and they delivered.

Then the United States screwed them by giving Palestine to the Jews.

Then the United States continued to screw them by giving money to Israel.

Then military support. Weapons. Technical advisors. Intelligence.

We got attacked because we kept sticking our nose in Arab business and screwing them over. And it was no accident that they attacked the World Trade Center. It was a symbolic attack against American greed.

Our greed led us to attack Iraq in the first Gulf War. For some reason, it's wrong for Iraq to invade Kuwait, but it's perfectly okay for China to invade Tibet.

Our entire country revolves around greed and materialism. Capitalism rewards greed. That's why we're in so much trouble with these big corporate scandals.

So they have a retaliatory reason for attacking us. And they have a philosophical reason for attacking us. And to be perfectly frank, they're both pretty good reasons.

I'm not condoning what they did. Clearly attacking and killing civillians is wrong. It's apalling when anyone does it, including the U.S.

Certainly, if the Palestinians used passive resistance like Ghandi or Martin Luther King and laid down in the streets, the Israeli's wouldn't dare roll their tanks over them. They'd be backed into a corner and the whole world would side against the Israelis.

Violence obviously isn't the answer here.

But to say they hate us because we have freedom.... well, I'm not gonna call anyone names, but at the very least, it's inaccurate.

Dave said...

I admit I have not looked into this as much as anon seems to have. Even the little that I have done I think there is great cause for concern. If Steven is wrong about it, there goes his career and his credibility.

I can't imagine anyone with so much to lose as those above, would proceed WITHOUT some evidence to keep them going.

Samuel. You remind me of Brian Anderson
in his feeble attempts at defending Moism. He could have written your arguements for you. "It's my opinion and I'm stickin with it, and I don't care what you say". A typical Mormon arguement,don't you think? "My mind is made up! Don't confuse me with facts".

I agree with the above poster. Stick with Mormonism. You are GREAT at that!!

Dave said...

Ah! One more little thing:
Every professor that has been let go by BYU, or otherwise blackballed by that institution has been a hero of sorts to us exmo's. Steve has "offended" BYU
hierarchy by his research re: 911. We ought to be, IMO, supportive of ANYONE who offends these meglomaniacs at BYU.
Go Steve! Take it where ever it leads you, man!

wendy said...

Whether the conspiracy theory is true or not it is an interesting one and I find it impressive that a prominent mormon would speak out against the bush administration when he must surely know he would be fired or encouraged to leave BYU.
From the way he speaks, is ready to investigate and challenge strongly held beliefs and the fact that he has been shafted by church admin, I'm pretty sure it won't be long until he has his own exmo blog.

Anonymous said...

You Guys need to wake up and start searching for any other world organisation that would profit of all thats going on. There has been an organisation that has been controling all world goverments and when they do not comply 911 happens !!!!.......

brad said...

It's true that to think that an idiot like Bush and a few others could pull off a thing like 9/11 and get away with it is ridiculous. But if you do your homework and discover who the “powers that be” are in our nation and world, and how absolutely powerful they are (as long as the mass majority is “dumbed up” enough to it all), it is easy to see how they could pull off a job like 9/11 if they wanted to (as well as all the other crap they have been doing for many years). Bush doesn’t run this nation; he’s just one of their many puppets.

Do some research on the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, the Bohemian club, New World Order, etc.

This site has a pretty good list of videos that are of interest here:

Also, here are some links to a radio show where an ex-Mormon named True Ott was interviewed. He has some VERY interesting information and viewpoints on how Mormonism is sort of related to all this (as well as other general information).
Clip 1
Clip 2

I agree with the last poster (John). There are a lot of very valid points out there and a lot of hard evidence for many conspiracies, but there is also some kooky stuff (or if true, aren’t presented in the right manner) that you have to sort of weed through. BUT, if the so-called “Illuminati” controls the mass media as many believe (and as there is some evidence for), then they will somehow direct the media to help the public pass off ALL conspiracies as kooky. They would have THAT much power.


Anonymous said...


I was with Mr. Ott the Christmas eve 1979 that he refers to in his story you referenced. I have reviewed my journal written at that time and place. Mr. Ott's facts as to the activities of that day and night are not correct. True could always tell a good story......

painful salute said...

It's great that you're exposing the truth about Mormonism. Organized religion as a whole should be your next target. If you haven't already, watch the movie at

You will definitely find more to discuss and think about.

-Painful Salute