Monday, January 1, 2007

Mormon Molly Jolley, States That "The Work Must Go On", Despite Two Sister Missionaries Being Brutally Raped For Hours. She's a Ballard Disciple!!

I've already covered this issue pretty extensively on my Mormon Truth Uncensored Podcast #3 and you can all go read what I wrote and listen to the podcast if you want to. But here is the actual video of Molly "Mormon" Jolley and her ridiculous, insensitive comments.

I wanted everyone to actually see the expression on her face and the glazed over eyes, including the smile(as shown above) before she began spewing her BS.

The quotes that stand out to me, from both Brock Jolley, the mission President and his daughter, Molly Jolley, are the following:

Brock Jolley:

"The two 'sisters' voluntarily gave up 18 months of their lives to make a difference in this country. Now, they're getting the best care money can buy. When this is over, THEY PLAN TO REMAIN IN SOUTH AFRICA AND COMPLETE THEIR MISSIONARY WORK."

So, Mr. Danny Brock, pathetic mission president, of Bountiful Utah, wanted to make sure that everyone knew that these two sisters, despite being gang raped, most likely at gun and knife point, for as long as 2 hours, robbed and one of them shot in the stomach; "plan to remain in South Africa and complete their missionary work." Are you serious Danny?

Any plans for psychological counseling and physically healing, or just back to the same streets where they got raped, ASAP, to search for more future tithe payers?!! "When this is over?" What does that mean exactly? Physically? Mentally? Or, just when they are released from the excuses right? Don't drag the mission down girls, because like Hinckley says, "if you were living the rules, you'll never get sick or have bad things happen."

I mean hey, they work directly for Jesus Christ and if they have enough faith in Jesus, they will be given the strength to hit those same streets quickly, as if nothing even happened, right? It's just pathetic!!

He also wanted to reassure everyone how safe the area was, and what a safe time of day it was, in order to cover his own ass, along with the Mormon Church Hierarchy's collective ass, when he said the following:

"They were walking alongside a busy road (the old Harding highway), which they knew well. Moreover, it was one of the busiest times of the day with cars whizzing past. Safer than that, you would not get."

Yeah, well apparently not safe enough, because, if you didn't notice BROCK, THEY WERE "GANG RAPED AT KNIFE POINT FOR 2 HOURS OR LONGER" AND "ONE OF THEM WAS SHOT." Hello, anything going on in that TBM, BRAINWASHED brain of yours?

Also, his guarantee and that of his daughter, about how safe the area was, certainly doesn't jive with any reality or truth whatsoever and the stats that they explained in this news story, about the horrific crime rates in South Africa, which even includes Mormon missionaries getting robbed and car-jacked every single month. Do we ever hear about those incidents?

The truth is, the Mormon Hierarchy doesn't give a rat's ass how safe or unsafe an area is, because they don't care if you are raped, robbed or even killed.

After all, you work for Jesus, for "the one and only true church", so it's all good. In fact, it should be an honor to be raped for the Mormon church and Jesus, right?

Oh yeah, and it's actually a bad thing that these 2 sisters lived isn't it, at least according to Mormon "better off dead" teachings by the former Prophet Spencer W. Kimball? My statements are in quotes.

Kimball said:

"Also far-reaching is the effect of loss of chastity. Once given OR TAKEN OR STOLEN it can NEVER BE REGAINED.(NICE GUILT TRIP THERE!!) Even in forced contact such as rape or incest, the injured one is greatly outraged. IF SHE HAS NOT COOPERATED(can you believe that shit? SHE WAS RAPED DUMBASS!!) and contributed to the foul deed, she is of course in a MORE FAVORABLE position.(MORE FAVORABLE?) There is no condemnation where there is NO Voluntary participation. It is BETTER TO DIE in defending one's virtue than to LIVE HAVING LOST IT WITHOUT A STRUGGLE."(The Miracle of Forgiveness)

So there you go!! I sure hope these sisters struggled a lot and didn't "voluntarily participate." But the fact they lived, proves to Kimball, that they didn't struggle hard enough, because THEY DIDN'T DIE!! What a sick, twisted SOB!!

Here are some other statements on the Mormon teaching of "Better off dead", than immoral.

"I would rather have you come back in a pine box with your virtue than return alive without it." (Apostle Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine-all editions, page 124)

Prophet David O. McKay is quoted in Kimball's book as follows:

" . . . Your virtue is worth more than your life. Please young folk, preserve your virtue EVEN IF YOU LOSE YOUR LIVES."

Prophet Heber J. Grant is also quoted in Kimball's book:

"...There is no true Latter-day Saint who would not rather BURY a son or daughter than to have him or her lose his or her chastity."

Now, I'd like to end this post with two quotes; the first one is from Molly Jolley, and then the 2nd one is just to remind everyone that Mormon Apostle M. Russell Ballard and the Mormon Hierarchy, don't give a shit if you die on your mission:

"Bad things happen everywhere and it's unfortunate. My heart goes out to those poor sisters and their families BUT THE WORK MUST GO ON."(Molly Jolley)

"This work will continue to go forward regardless of what happens, regardless of what the future may hold. If there are other missionaries THAT ARE HURT or other missionaries THAT ARE KILLED, IT WILL NOT STOP THIS WORK." (Apostle M. Russel Ballard)

Ballard Not Caring If More Missionaries Die-MP3 For Download

Here is the link to my "Better OFF Dead" podcast and the link to a blog I wrote here in "Mormon Truth"
, regarding the Mormon Hierarchy's despicable "Better Off Dead" Teachings.

I welcome any response, specifically from Molly Jolley, Brock Jolley, his wife, their family, friends or hey, how about the kind hearted, sensitive and loving M. Russell Ballard, who didn't even care if those Sisters died in the first place, because "it won't stop this work." Bring it on guys...BRING IT ON!!

What a damn cult!!

Samuel the Utahnite


Demon of Kolob said...

I would like to know what the raped sisters think of Molly's and her familys comments. I dobt they are wanting to go back to the streets and be gang raped again

Samuel the Utahnite said...

The sad thing is Demon, that their families(and the Sisters) are probably brainwashed too and in the back of their minds, extremely worried about whether their daughters will "honorably" finish their missions. It's insane!!

I'm sure that they are concerned about the stigma, within the Mormon community, if by chance their daughters don't finish honorably, their complete time, regardless of the situation and what happened. I hope I'm wrong, I really do, but I doubt it, unless by some chance their families aren't die-hard TBMS or aren't Mormon at all.

The Mormon society as a whole is extremely judgmental and unforgiving, for anyone that is even perceived to be a sinner, or not be in line or doing what they are supposed to, like completing their mission for Jesus Christ.

Also, many of them know of President Kimball's teachings about "how they should die fighting off their rapists" and so that doesn't help the situation.

It's like when Morgan W. Young, from Bountiful, Utah was shot and killed in Virginia last year; the Mom actually said: "I'm proud he died with his boots on." That was quoted in the Deseret News.

In the Davis County Clipper, they said the Youngs "have two other children preparing to serve a mission within the next year and a half."


“They are more determined than ever to serve. Now they have a legacy to live up to,” said Kathy, mother to Morgan.

So, the Mother was "proud that Morgan died with his boots on", for the Mormon church and now, his other siblings, "are more determined than ever to serve" and "have a legacy to live up to."

They also talked about how they are sure that he is "doing missionary work on the other side", which in of itself is really a puzzling teaching and belief within Mormonism, just to give everyone the warm and fuzzies and explain away the pointless death of their loved one. Why would God need someone to die on earth, in order to go to the spirit world and teach other dead people?

Here is a blog I wrote on Morgan W. Young's death, with the links to the above stories:

So, you see, many times, due to the brainwashing and lifelong indoctrination of the Parents and the Parent's other children, it just motivates them even more and inspires them when one of their children are killed on a mission.

All I'm saying, is that I'm not gonna hold my breath, that the Parents of these Sisters, were able to see more clearly how screwed up the church was, and that their daughters were not protected or looked out for, by Mr. Brock or the Mormon God and more than likely; they hope that they'll finish their missions honorably and wow, what a testimony that will make, right? If they just have faith, anything is possible.

I can only hope that the Sisters will be okay and heal in every way and be able to live some sort of a normal life and existence, after such a horrific experience.

Gee, I wonder if Jesus' "one true church", will pay their counseling and psychiatric bills for life, that is if they even get such help.

If they do pay, it will only be temporarily, I'm sure, and they'll go to some Mormon counselor, picked by the local Bishop, who will tell them to heal through Jesus, repent of their sins, etc. Every bit of advice they receive, will be right down the line of Mormon doctrine and beliefs, when they need real help from someone that isn't another Mormon cult member.

Meanwhile, Mr. Brock and his Molly Mormon Daughter are only concerned about 3 things; that they will finish their mission, the work must go on and how safe the area is. So much for the well-being of those poor Sisters, right? Very, very sad indeed!!

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

I am a mother of two young women. If either of them were beaten and raped while abroad on a mission, I would have been on the next plane to that place to take care of my girls and bring them home.
It sickens me to know that there will be other young people who suffer and die for nothing.

Jesus isn't there to save missionaries. Those stupid garments aren't protection for one effing thing. If they were, no missionary would get hurt or die.

Those GD old farts up at the LDS Inc don't give a damn aabout anything except money, converts, converts who will pay money, power, money and power.

Poor girls. I feel sorry for the pain they went through. I feel sorry that they belong to a cult for which their hurt and pain really means nothing--not a goddamn thing.

friggin cult!

Anonymous said...

Two right!!!
Your comments show just how fanatical some people and most church leaders are.

The church and preaching is more important than the well being of two, probably, nice and sweet young women!(as most sister missionaries are).

And there's that underlining suspicion that the sisters did something wrong since they ended up alive after being gange raped. And how insensitive Hinkley's & Kimball's comments are, the two loved 'prophets' of the church. Note that Hinkley even called to congratulate the return of Elizabeth Smart, but I bet he's being quiet since then, after details of the case came out.

Your right though, the 'prophet' will blame the victim instead of seeing that they are survivors and protectors of others, like Elizabeth who survived and probably protected her little sister from being hurt by the crazy guy.

Sydney, Australia

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that there are people out there that feel the same way that I do about the mormon religion. It is one of the most disgusting religions that I have ever come across. I am so glad to have found this site. Anyways I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs. Keep up the good work!

Orem, Utah

Samuel the Utahnite said...

Hey Jaimie, Welcome and I'm glad that you found "Mormon Truth" and have enjoyed this site since finding it. There will be a lot to come in 2007, so stay tuned and spread the word.

I was just wondering what your story is, if you were Mormon,or moved into the state of Utah, and what took you to Orem, Utah, which, with Provo right next door, is the most Mormon place in the entire world.

It's bad enough where I live in Utah, but if I lived in Orem or Provo now(which I once did when I went to BYU), that would be pure hell.

Anyway, feel free to tell us more about yourself, if you want to. Thanks for your support and I hope to hear more from you in the future.

Also, check out my 25 podcasts(with several to come in the next week) and 33 videos on YouTube. I have links to both in "my favorite links" on the main page of this blog.

Take care Jaimie and feel free to Email me if you have any other questions or comments,


Kolob, Kolob(LOL!!)

Anonymous said...

I was raised mormom and was molested as a child I belive what you say is true because to my parents that made me bad and I never recived the mental help I needed at that time I later became a crack addict and it was horrible! My life has changed for the better now, and I am clean and sober for three years and am in college, but what mormons put their children through is sick, also I was raped at age sixteen and my mother told me "thats what I get for hanging around ni***rs!

Last_DaySaynt said...

Wow. Reading some of these posts are really making me laugh. What baffles me is that although several of you acknowledge that this was and is a horrible thing, you still manage to place blame and point fingers at the LDS Church and its leaders. That cracks me up. You may find this impossible to believe, but the leaders actually do give a rats ass if missionaries under their supervision get raped and stabbed. Do you forget that the girls choose to be there and can leave at any time? I went on a mission and so did you Samuel. And you cant tell me that your mission president didn't care for you. Although there are hard times and challenges on every mission, its still satisfying to know that you were there being selfless and making a difference to the people who were grateful that you were there. I don't understand why you all come together to bash "Mormons" here. It really is just unfortunate that people like you gain a sense of accomplishment by trashing people who are choosing of their own free will to do good and who strive to have no ill will towards others. Many of you posting here really ought to take a lesson from them. You wouldnt be bashing those missionaries parents and leaders if they were just Green Peace hippys there on a service mission would you? Point being, you just look for ways to bash, and society doesn't need more negativity in the world, we need more do-gooders. Perhaps you all could all take a lesson from the Sisters.

Demon of Kolob said...

Missionaries are not free to leave at any time!You are watched 24 hours a day by your companion. If a missionary want to leave the MP will use every trick in book to keep him in the mission. If a missionary runs away there is a network of Mormon leaders to stop him at any airport or bus station necessary Mission leaders have even trespassed the secure zones in airports to keep a missionary from escaping. In some rare cases the MP has even had the local police stop the runaway missionary. If a missionary makes it all the way to his hometown local leaders or parents will put on the first plane or bus back to the mission. This is not free to leave at any time !!!!

last_daysaynt said...


Only a spineless coward thinks they cannot leave a mission. If they choose to feel shameful about leaving their mission then perhaps they are not leaving on account of being true to themselves. Anyone can have access to the MP at anytime and if they want to leave they are at liberty to do so. If a MP or ZL, DL, or companion tells them they can't who is going to stop them? It's all part of the plan called agency, and it wasnt free, Christ paid a huge price so that you and I could exercise it. If people try to restrict or take away agency then again, it is a flaw of the person you are dealing with or is the church to blame? My cousin left his mission 6 months into it and nobody put him on a plane and sent him back. They did however make sure he was safe while in their jurisdiction on account of him being carried on a church insurance policy. Just like anyone on a job, their employer is ultimately responsible for their safety while on duty. So yes when missionareis disappear measures will be taken to make sure they are safe. Cant leave??? Ha ha, what a joke!

Demon of Kolob said...

last_daysaynt, you are just another brain dead morgbot troll. My mission was 2 years of abuse and hell and I am tried of Mor(m)on robots like you telling me it did not happen; it did!!! No further point in talking to you ,all you can do is spout the party line and not think for yourself.

ray said...

One more thing:

Even if you still want to stick to your argument that Joseph Smith never claimed to have the actual original document (which we all know he did) it doesn't change the fact that the documents he had in his possession turned out to be very common Egyptian funerary texts known as the Book of Breathings. There is no relationship of this common document with Abraham whatsoever!

Mormons are generally pretty good people who do have nothing but good intentions. BUT does a true faith in a false idea make that idea true? No. Mormons are indeed good people but that doesn't make the church true.

By the way, "The church is perfect but the people aren't" is not an argument that is going to convince anyone here of your point. All we see is a brainwashed cult member who is quoting brainwashed ideas.

And yes, we are all aware of the churches claim that your feelings or "the spirit" provides all the evidence you will ever need to know. Brigham Young said that there were people living on the moon. Science has proven he was wrong. So should we continue to believe it just because BY said it? A feeling is a very poor way to determine the reality of something. Use your mind; that's why you have it.

elder joseph said...

last_daysaynt .. Hi greetings from England . I am an investigator of the church and I understand your comments about asking God and feeling the spirit about matters of faith .However The Book Of Abraham has 3 facsimiles .If you take a look at Pearl Of Great Price page 41 , at Facsimile 3 . It shows six characters numbered 1 to 6 ..... No 1 is the Egyptian God OSIRIS but Joseph Smith said this is Abraham ? No 2 is ISIS ( wife of Osiris ) but Joseph Smith said its King Pharaoh ? ( but its a FEMALE !! ) , No 4 is goddess MA'AT yet Joseph Smith said its Prince of Pharaoh ? ( but its a female again !!! ) ?? Surely there is something not quiet right here ??

Have you seen this before and how would you reconcile this obvious ERROR ?

Elder Joseph

Last_DaySaynt said...


I don’t believe for one second that you are an “investigator” in the way that you want me to believe. Your name implies the mockery you make towards both the title and the man. You seem to fit more appropriately into the class of a critic, which is fine, but if you are an investigator you would be better spending your time learning from real missionaries, not being influenced from the likes of anti’s like Samuel. As for my thoughts, one thing that you notice is that in many religions there are several parallels. All religions had to stem from one place, and branched out from some point. I believe that all religions or belief systems have aspects of truth in them and many understand truths about certain aspects much more than the LDS religion does. I do not think you have to be LDS to go to heaven. I simply believe that you have to strive to do all that you can to seek God's will and to obediently follow it, and by so doing God will recognize your sincere efforts (works) and His grace will allow you to have a chance to accept and follow His teachings (become baptized under His priesthood authority). There are several inspired men raised up to lead, illustrate, and instruct people of differing cultures to inspire them to become better. Muhammad, Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus Christ. None of the people who obediently follow inspired truth will be condemned for it. When Moses was here it wasn’t called the Mormon Church, and in Christ’s time it wasn’t the Church of Jesus Christ. I do believe that a restoration was necessary to bring back the priesthood, thus I believe that the current LDS church is the one faith or religion that has the priesthood. I have my own issues with people in the church too, but it doesn’t mean I blame the church for that individuals shortcomings. I spent time on my mission talking about the similarities of the LDS teachings with even a Wiccan, and there are many similarities, and in my opinion, people can either focus on the differences or the similarities. You can look at the Institute Manuals online for free at this site. go look at the student manual for the Pearl of Great Price and read whatever you want about the Book of Abraham. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as for myself, I don’t focus on subtle differences in what may have been spoken by a few people in leadership positions within the church, but instead I view how much all the other belief systems of the world align with what the I have learned from the LDS teachings and that in itself further strengthens my faith in the LDS teachings. I feel the LDS church is combining and bringing all the truth back into one belief system. It may not be without flaws right now, but I don’t condemn it because of the inaccuracies of a few men. God didn’t create the world in one day so how can we expect that He was able to re-establish a perfect church on earth again through imperfect men? There will always be critics and I think it is good, because it will just help to refine the faith of those who believe, because lets face it, you can’t prove a testimony, either people have one or they don’t. I think people need to come to their own conclusions. If it didn’t require faith then everyone would believe. People need to follow teachings in order to gain an understanding of them. Before anyone reads anti-statements (which are typically statements of LDS leaders taken out of context and twisted to mean something different) I encourage them to first read the real stuff in its context form the source, and then make a judgment on it. On another note, if you still persist in seeking "evidence" i reccomend that you subscribe to FARMS (Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies). Ciao.


Anonymous said...

Re: Book of Abraham ( Look at Jan 11th 2007.

Anonymous said...

Here's another one about the Book of Abraham. Enjoy!(

ray said...

One of the best ways to lose your testimony is to subscribe to FARMS! Those idiots will twist their own already twisted history and stories to keep every thing "true". Instead of looking at all the evidence and then deciding the best outcome, they decide the outcome and then select only that which supports their claims.


Old Mormon teaching: The Nephites and Lamanites were descendants of the Jews and spread across the entire western continent.

Evidence to the contrary: DNA proves that the Native Americans are not from Jerusalem.

FARMS Explanation: Limited Geography Theory. Suggests that the peoples of the Book of Mormon only inhabited a small area while there were other nations around. Eventually their DNA got mixed.

DOH! If that was the case, wouldn't a prophet have revealed it BEFORE the DNA evidence came out? Why change the story after 200 years?


Old Mormon Teaching: That Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon from plates made of pure gold.

Evidence to the Contrary: No gold plates anywhere. Also, gold plates matching Joseph's description would have weighed at least 200 lbs. Joseph would not be able to tuck the plates under his arm and outrun a mob of men who wanted to steal them!

FARMS Explanation: The plates weren't made of gold but some ligher and durable metal.

DOH! If that was the case, why did Joseph Smith first think about how much the plates were worth when he first saw them? Gold never tarnishes or rusts and is one of the few metals that could have stayed buried for ~1500 years and still been legible. Best explanation... no plates at all!


Old Mormon Teaching: That the Hill Cumorah in New York state is the site of two great battles where millions of people lost their lives.

Evidence to the Contrary: Not one single sword, shield, bone or any other evidence of a large battle has ever been found in that area.

FARMS Explanation: The Hill Cumorah was somewhere else. After the great battle, Moroni hid and wandered to present day New York where he buried the plates. The location of the great battle site is unknown.

DOH! If that is the case, why have prophets (who can never be wrong according to Mormons) continually declaired that the hill in New York is indeed the site of the great battles?


There is more and more! Thank you, FARMS, for showing the world just how full of holes Mormonism really is!

elder joseph said...

last_daysaynt ........ It appears joseph Smith didn't know what he was on about . Thats being kind , in reality he seems a fraud by the Facsimile No3 evidence . When he claimed to be able to translate the egyptian papyrus , no one could challenge him or know if he was for real because understanding the egyptian hieroglyphs hadn't reached America yet.

Jean-François Champollion deciphered hieroglyphs in 1822, after many years of studying the Rosetta Stone and other examples of ancient Egyptian writing. So now we have an understanding . Joseph Smiths description of facsimile no 3 is TOTALLY FALSE . It seems the church has canonised a FALSE DESCRIPTION of Facsimile No3 . The prophet can't lead the church astray it says ib their even if its own book is astray !

You agree then that in The Book Of Abraham Facsimile No 3 ........ Joseph Smith described it all wrong. Did he make a mistake then or was he really a liar and a conman who went on to seduce women in the name of God , marry other mens wives , and threaten those women who refused his sexual approaches and asked for other mens wives ......... Would you give your wife/sister/daughter to the prophet too ?

I already subscribe to FARMS .. Thats why I know about the reality of the church . No good asking my missionaries , they haven't a clue . They are busy filling in Numbers and statistics for Mission president .

Elder Joseph

Ps I'm an investigator , the church gave me that title .